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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by turtlejen

  1. I am nowhere near prolific in my knowledge of BPAL, but manly scents so far *for me* have been Metal Phoenix, Brom Bones (good luck finding them but you can use them as a jumping-off point for locating something similar). The Robotic Scarab, Scarecrow could both be. Also, Velvet Dogs Playing Poker smells like my grandpa's Old Spice aftershave. LOVE IT for a manly scent.

  2. There's a leathery, smokey, sweet smell out of the bottle. Caramel! Yes, musks, sure, but that caramel is what strikes me first.


    I really liked it on. It lasted for hours and I enjoyed it the whole time. Trying to decide if this is a MUST HAVE or if I'll just be happy to have experienced it.
