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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by turtlejen

  1. Hey, YOU!! Thank you for the wonderful endorsement :D

  2. I believe that I've hit critical mass. Now I don't know what to put on :/

  3. I'm bored! Where is the action??

  4. I'm knitting and thinking about making soap. Also thinking about the spinning that I need to be doing. So much to do, so little time.

  5. I don't know where I put the reply, but yes! I made the dragon in my profile pic. It's crocheted with handspun, yay!

  6. You know, this wouldn't be so bad if my favorites kept growing with the updates, but I find just as many OLDER scents that I love, too!

  7. No pork chops in the toilet, no ruined keyboards.

  8. My favorite scents keep growing with every update.

  9. Ravelry and Bpal!

  10. Moar BPAL! I keep finding new things to add to my favorites and to my wish list! ARG.

  11. Hey! How did the Senelion work out? Lucky duck, I didn't know you'd won a bottle :D

  12. If anyone is interested, I am happy to barter my knitting services for BPAL. All you have to do is ask!

  13. There needs to be more action here!

    1. elka_knits
    2. turtlejen


      I keep looking, but not much happens. *tap tap tap* "IS THIS THING ON?!"

  14. Hello! Nice to see you :D
