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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by SnappingTurtle

  1. Nevertheless, she persisted.

  2. Now to avoid the winter of my discontent...

  3. Ready for cheerful things to happen.

  4. Welcome to the world beautiful niece :)

  5. Halloween shopping, mmm...

  6. The daughter is starting middle school! So big! Many thoughts. Wow.

  7. Anime Oasis convention today, light rain with a breeze. Good end to a holiday weekend.

  8. Thoughtful today. And trying to go be useful - sort of...

  9. Dark Shadows marathon and ginger snaps on a rainy day :)

  10. Watching Doctor Who with little sister visiting from out of town, and curling up with the daughter. It's a good day. :)

  11. Just making it through.

  12. Someone stole my turtle >:-(

    1. SnappingTurtle


      But it's all good, now I don't even remember who it was... I guess short attention span has its benefits.

  13. Just watched "Commentary: The Musical", and wondering if I will ever hear from that little sister o' mine

  14. The desktop is finally dead, it has struggled for the last time. Replacement will be inbound soon, hopefully.

  15. Happy Belated Pi Day!

  16. It's been awhile. Catching up...

  17. Out of coffee this morning, oh the horror!

    1. spiresinthesnow


      oh my gawd,.. i feel for you!

  18. Trying to make a Swaps List, meh.

  19. Go turtles! At whatever speed is most comfortable, of course.

  20. And the vet bill keeps growing...

    1. SnappingTurtle


      Kitty didn't need surgery. So that was $1200 less. Bill stabilized at ~$850, and now Cookie is home & happy!

  21. Ready for 2011 to commence :)

  22. Working on updating feedback ASAP for all transactions!

    1. SnappingTurtle


      Please send a PM if I still need to submit feedback. Thanks.
