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BPAL Madness!


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About kaye

  • Rank
    casual sniffer


  • Location
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    vanillas and honeys and sugars - those scents that cling and melt into the heat of skin so that you can't quite tell where they end. Dorian began my love affair with tea scents, and Lilith convinced me that not all red wine is going to be cloying. i wear a lot of bright herbs; green, wet, and just a bit sharp, nothing too astringent. roses are the only flowers i trust, and only when well tempered with something warm and sweet. i am also very, very fond of smelling like dirt.

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Profile Information

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  • Interests
    books. books always win.<br /><br />also: knitting, baking, sewing, roller derby, taking pictures of things that don't make any sense (like my shoes), leeches, herbs, faeries (the rather vicious sort), emilie autumn and tori amos and various other startlingly beautiful people, victoriana, drinking so much coffee it cannot possibly be healthy, cemeteries, magic


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. kaye

    Paper Kite

    After reading the reviews, I'm left wondering if it's my bottle or my skin that is taking this in a completely different direction than the creamy, Malibu-y scent everyone else is turning up with. On me, Paper Kite is fresh coconut husk, sharp black pepper, and a lightly sugared, herbal angelica that almost smells like green tea. Far from bags of sugared coconut shreds, suntan lotion, or rum, I get a delicate, dry coconut that reminds me of fresh shells, emptied of their milk and meat, perhaps while still ever-so-slightly green. The sugar and angelica notes are rather stubbornly intertwined - I can't isolate either one, and instead get just enough sweetness tame the herb, and just enough green to keep everything well away from cloying. Black pepper isn't nearly as domineering as I was expecting; it's a light dusting, keeping things interesting and a bit spicy. Overall, the blend is light, airy, and fragile - evocative of something easily torn. It's coconut without the usual foodiness or tropical clichés. I'll be wearing this all summer.