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Everything posted by Dwin

  1. Dwin

    Thyme and Rosemary

    Sunday, June 27th 2010 Today is Sunday, June 27th. I have decided to keep a blog of the scents I've tested, as well as the progress of my new garden. I am a black thumb, but the garden is very important. Rosemary for remembrance...Shakespeare. So far I have thyme, rosemary, mint and basil. I long to add more exotic plants to this aromatic garden. The scent I have revisited today is the beautiful Calliope. The fragrance is everything I want to personify. Clean, fresh, herb-sharp and clarified. Nothing will induce gardening more than the lovely Calliope. I have never kept a blog before and am unsure as to what I should even proselytize over! I suppose more will come tomorrow, as I hoping this blog with be therapeutic and fun for me to keep even if no one reads it.
  2. Dwin

    Snake Oil

    Snake Oil This is so rich and delicious, the vanilla and patchouli together are a delight. I love the way this one mellows after application. It has awesome staying power without being cloying or overbearing. When I am feeling decadent I love to use the snake oil soap followed by an application of the oil. I have to give this one a 10 out of 10!