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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by KakashiMorph

  1. In the bottle: Anise and cypress sap.

    On my skin: I immediately get very sharp anise seed and smoky woods underneath. The anise mellows out quite soon however and becomes more pleasant. Now I can distinguish the woods and the sap more clearly. It settles down soon enough to sweet, mellow anise seed (reminds me of ouzo, heh) and smoky woods under it (all I can tell is the smoke though, the woods are gone). After a while I am left with a smoky, comfy smell. The hint of coziness is the myrrh and it saddens me that I didn't get to see more of it or the brown furry musk (which I didn't recognize at all; if it was there I didn't smell it).

    Drydown: The smokiness is gone and all I get now is a cozy, myrrh smell.

  2. In the bottle: Francincense, myrrh and something sweet and resinous that reminds me of vanilla - I think it's the benzoin.

    On my skin: The myrrh immediately comes out to play in a very aggressive way, accompanied by the benzoin and francincense. The benzoin quickly takes over though and dominates the entire scent, sweetening it. I never get a whiff of the leather and I have no idea what ti leaf and saint wood smell like.

    Drydown: I agree with the solemn votes. It is a solemn scent that reminds me of Church, since it dries down as sweet (benzoin), resinous and slightly smoky to me with a whiff of myrrh.

  3. In the bottle:Mmm, sexy leather. Mmm, booze. Mmm, smells of sexy male.


    On my skin: This is a very masculine scent. I get some metal and the leather and mental pictures of sexy times. It reminds me a bit of aftershave.


    Drydown: Slightly metallic comfortable black leather. It is not as comfy and snuggly as the brown leather in casanova, but it is the black leather equivalent of it (and since it is black, a bit less snuggly but still comfy). In my nose Cyborg equals to clean, freshly saven, sexy man. I definitely need to get my bf to wear this. *drools*

  4. In the bottle: A musky, masculine, sexy scent is what I get on my first whiff of the bottle and I immediately try to get more of it. I think it is mostly moss, with a bit of ivy. I don't know what the stone smells like (or I can't make it out yet) and I can only sense the roses as an afterthought if I really focus on trying to find them.

    On my skin: Mmm, more of that delicious musky goodness on me. It has a very greeny quality to it which I love (I am always looking for a green BPAL scent that doesn't immediately turn to incense on me) and I just can't get enough of it. I am not sure if it is the moss or the ivy that does it but this smell is heavy and dark and green and love, love, love.

    Drydown: It settles down as this deep, musky scent that reminds me a bit of a gothic clothing store and musky soap and clings to my skin like a layer of dusty moss. I really like it.

  5. In the bottle: Cedar, pine and strange as it sounds an overall feeling of mango ( I blame the general woodsy-ness). I love mangoes though (along with woods) so all is well.

    On my skin: Lovely, lovely cedar wood! I can smell some berry behind it but I am not sure whether it is the cranberry or the blackberry leaf.It only takes a couple of minutes before the berry note becomes more permanent and I am thinking that it is blackberry, while the cedar takes a step back.

    Drydown: Sadly, it only takes about 10 minutes or so before I am only left with the scent of berries. My skin must really have something for berries, since this is the 4th scent that does this to me this year (Ondurdis, Yule 2011 and Oak Moon are the other three). I am not sure whether I will keep putting it on as it is, or try for a scent locket. Probably a locket.

  6. In the bottle: Green, green , green! I am in a forest of oaks and I am loving it. :D

    On my skin: oak bark, acorns, musky greenery that surrounds me. Sadly, after about 2 minutes it changes completely to a sweet smell that reminds me very much of Ondurdis (I think it was the berries).

    Drydown: It pretty much remained the same since the shift to the sweet/berry smell. I loved the oak scent but I didn't like the sweet scent that much ( I already have it in Ondurdis and Yule 2011). I will have to try and scent locket it in order to keep the woods sharp.

  7. In the bottle: I smell a bit of leather (that reminds me of cars, somehow) and bergamot. The overall impression is of a very pleasant car smell (I hate those pine trees, they never smell properly).

    On my skin: Aftershave! I can't tell the notes but it smells like aftershave or a perfume that my father used to wear. After a couple of minutes I can catch a very pleasant whiff of the leather. I like this leather; it is soft and unobtrusive and feels comfy and well worn. After 10 minutes or so, all I get is the comfy leather. It makes me want to snuggle in it. I also get a hint of spicyness that might be the amber but I am not sure.

    Drydown: The same comfy lather smell with a hint of spice.

    Overall: I think it is a bit masculine and simple on me,even though I like this leather note.

  8. In the bottle: This is a spicy scent, but not as dark as I expected it to be. There is a light element that keeps it from becoming dark, but I have no idea what it is. Otherwise it smells like a light, pleasant musk, a bit like fresh soap.

    On my skin: The moment I wear it, there is a spice explosion and the mild soap is gone. It recedes fast though, and in just a couple of minutes I smell the musk mostly, with a touch of the spices or the sandalwood (it is too faint to make out which) but the main note reminds me of a perfume my mother used to have when I was little.

    A few more minutes later, I can smell mostly the musk. Morocco is now cloyingly sweet on me and reminds me of milky musk with sugar and just a touch of spice. It is heavy and warm, a comforting winter smell, although I might have been deceived by the lightness of the bottle scent and put too much on my skin because now it

    caused me a light headache.

    Drydown: Just the milky musk, maybe with a touch of spice. It is not to be underestimated though; this is not a light perfume - on me, anyway.

  9. Yule

    Yule 2011.

    In the bottle: A wild forest is trapped inside this bottle! I get very vivid green, but I can't make out the individual notes.

    On my skin: The moment I apply it, the francincense jumps out of the green to wave hello. I think I can smell the mistletoe and the very fresh holly berry. I think I can make out a bit of myrrh, but I am not entirely sure.

    Drydown: Sadly, most of the greenery goes away fast (I do like green scents! why don't you stick around, dammit?) and I am left with a bit of frankincense and mostly berry. After a while, the frankincense goes away as well, and all that is left is the same berry scent as the one from Öndurdis. I guess my skin really wants to show off this berry scent, but I would have preferred a bit more of the green part.

  10. In the bottle: A sweet, mellow note I can't name, pine/fir and I think a very faint note of eucalyptus. I think I smell the wind as well (ozone?).

    On my skin: As soon as I try it on, it becomes even sweeter with the fir/pine being in the background and the sweet note becoming the dominant one. I can't identify what it is (maybe the berries some people have mentioned?), but I do like it.

    As the minutes pass the fir/pine are very distant in the background, almost gone, with the sweet note being the only one I can smell (and still can't name, although it probably is sweet berries.. cloud berries? Raspberries? I am not sure).

    Drydown: In the end the forest is gone and I am left with a paler version of the berry scent. I was expecting it to be more snowy, wintery and windy overall, but I do enjoy what it turned out to be as well. I guess I will have to look for other snow notes to my wintry expectations. I will be enjoying this, even though not the way I was expecting. :)

  11. In the bottle: Heavy mandarin with vanilla orchid and a bit of bamboo. It reminds me of those disposable wipes that every beauty shop gives away.


    On my skin: The moment I apply it the beautiful clove, musks and myrrh come to the surface, making it a sweet, fascinating scent. The mandarin goes to the background, stopping it from becoming too sweet, but overall it is wonderful; with clove in the front line and mandarin in the rear. After a few minutes the mandarin becomes more prominent, leaving the spices in the background and making it an almost bitter scent. The clove is still there to keep it in check though.


    Drydown: It dries down on me as mandarin with a trickle of clove and musks that keep it from being bitter. I would have preferred it if it were spicier, but I still like it. :)

  12. Many thank yous to my snow fox, stariel for the imp!


    In the bottle: I am not sure what I am smelling but I am guessing it is the orris because it's the only thing I am not familiar with. Also, a little bit of patchouli.

    On my skin: The unfamiliar scent again - it reminds me a bit of..amber? it does remind me of bones - and woody patchouli. After a minute or two the black musk comes out to play. Mmmm, it's seducing me. The myrrh is a distant, almost sweet note in the background - compared to the rest of the notes anyway. After a few minutes the sharpness of the main scent - I'll keep calling it orris - fades away a bit and lets the myrrh and musk come out and play a bit more. It is elegant, reminds me of Victorian times and makes me want to wear my gothic clothing and go walking in late 19th century London - then again, quite a few of the lab's scents do that to me. Or maybe I just like that type of scents... XD

    Drydown: In the end I am left with musk and brittle dry bones. It sounds like an odd thing to say, I know. I like it a lot though. :)

  13. In the bottle: I smell the honey, mingled with myrrh. I can't make out the wine or the flowers yet, but it smells delicious.

    On my skin: In the beginning it is the same as the bottle. The honey starts out as the smell of honey I get in wax candles, but it turns pure and delicious after a few minutes while a bit of the wine makes itself known. I go through a brief phase of honey and wine ( which is delicious) and then another one begins, of spicy myrrh and honey (which is also delicious).

    Drydown: The spicy myrrh is always there, accompanied by honey or wine in random bursts. In the end it is lovely and I enjoy it a lot.

    I think I will be getting a bottle of this.

  14. Samhain 2011

    In the bottle: Damp woods, patchouli and spices. I have no idea what I am smelling, but I can't distinguish much. The smells I am not familiar with are the mullein and allspice but it is autumny and very pleasant.

    On my skin: Patchouli and woods explosion! I love the woodsy scents so much because I like the feeling of being in a forest - the sad thing is that my skin absorbs them so much and I end up with whatever else is accompanying them. The fir needles and damp woods are penetrating my sinuses and that brings a smile to my face. There is a smokiness here, but though I don't like tobacco scents, this is a resinous smokiness that I welcome with open arms.

    After a few minutes a sweet note that reminds me a bit of the wine from Nosferatu (oh how I love that wine scent!), but in a very diluted light version, comes to the front. I am guessing this is the mullein or allspice?

    Drydown:I end up smelling like a winter room scent I used to have, that smelled of cinnamon, apple and winter spices (although I can't pin down the apple or the cinnamon). It is nice though, even if it dries down as wintery to me.

  15. Frimp from my Samhain 2011 order. This one was on my wishlist, so I was excited to see the little bottle in the package.

    In the bottle: Warm spices. I can't make out the saffron, but I think I can distinguish a bit of the red musk.

    On my skin: Warm, sensual spices. I still can't make out the saffron (and I know what it smells/tastes like) and the red musk seems to be a very subtle mattress for the rest of the scent to rest upon. I get a warm, wooden note that makes me want to travel to the Baghdad of fairy tales and gives my mind a pleasant exotic


    A couple of minutes later the musk comes more to the front and blends with the spices. There is a smell that reminds me of incense and a gothic store I visit every time I pass by the co-capital and gives my head a light buzz, reminding me that heavy spices need to be handled with care.

    Cooldown: The sharp spicyness fades out and mellows, leaving behind a pleasant warm musk.The gothic store slowly fades away to leave the musk behind, but I am still feeling Scherezade as a presence on my skin.

    Overall: Spicy, musky, warm, Scherezade is ensnaring the senses and dangerous in big doses. I like it.

  16. A frimp I only got around to testing now.

    Opening the bottle: It somehow reminds me of the church cologne that they use in Greek orthodox churches? I have no idea how to describe it, but sweet and heavy.

    On my skin: I can smell the honey, but mostly it is something else - lotus, judging from other reviews. :P Soporific indeed! It makes me want to curl up somewhere warm and nice and sleep. It gets a tad sharper after a couple of minutes (less sweet and lethargic, that is), with a more...wood-y edge? It recedes soon enough, however, and I'm back to the sweet smell that makes me want to sleep - I have no problem with that though, I love sleeping, heh.

    Cooldown: Same as before, but less cloying. I smell the honey more now, too.

    Overall: I think I will reserve this for lazy evenings sprawled in my lover's arms, and then falling asleep.. <3

  17. Frimp (one more to go!) from my first order.

    In the bottle: White musk, mmmm.

    On my skin: I smell the white musk and a bit of apricot (which makes me want to start eating peaches for some reason >>). It reminds me of some musk incense sticks that I have, but I like it.

    Cooldown: The apricot either fades away or just blends in with the musk, I am not entirely sure. Anyway this is a wonderful scent, and something I would imagine a "good" person would wear.

  18. Yet another frimp from my first order. :)

    In the bottle: Milk and honey, along with bergamot.

    On my skin:Sweet milk'n'honey-ness, with a faint sprinkle of rose powder. It feels very clean and fresh ( and reminds me of those milk and honey soaps.).

    Cooldown: The rose fades away after a while and I am left with the milk and honey. At some point an hour or so later I smelled a touch of spicy carnation but it disappeared as well. The bergamot never showed up on my skin, which made me slightly sad because I would have liked to see the blending result of that.

    Overall Alice is nice and sweet; simple, clean, innocent.

  19. Oya

    Another frimp from my first order. :)

    In the bottle: Very dark, sweet plum. Reminds me of candy, but I have no idea what kind of candy.

    On my skin: I smell the intensely sweet, overripe plum, and that's about all I get. If it had a color it would be dark purple, the color of it's plums. It still reminds me of candy that I used to eat as a toddler, but what kind of candy escapes me. I also love that sweet purple smell.

    Cooldown: Oya barely morphed on me at all; on my skin it smelled just the way it smelled in the imp, which is a first, but a pleasant turn of events, since I liked the smell in the imp. It turned very slightly powdery on me at some point, but that's alright, since it was just barely there. It faded out at about 3 hours, like most BPAL blends on me, but even 5 hours later I could still smell it faintly on my wrist.

    Such a nice smell. I'm glad I tried this. The imp is staying. :)

  20. Second frimp testing! I like the title and description of this, I should get me some more earth and green scents.


    (TMI: I'm on my period, so this might affect the perfume slightly, I will try it again after its gone and see if it's still that good - or even better. :) )


    In the bottle: I am almost overpowered by the smell of fungal rotting decay, but I will give it a try because BPAL oils always morph when applied on the skin.


    On my skin: I can smell the rose geranium, which combines rose and geranium and becomes a new entity of it's own and is just lovely. I can also smell the earth embracing the rest of the scent in a protective manner, and the moss accompanying lightly. After a few minutes the Earth cocoon steps back a bit and lets the florals to the front stage, with a faint moss, which results in this lovely sweet earthy smell I am falling in love with. I am not a big fan of floral scents, but this one is just so lovely and pretty, I can't help sniffing my wrists all the time - something that often happens to me with BPAL oils. ;P


    Cooldown: The Earth eventually relinquishes it's protective hold and I'm left with the lovely fading rose geranium combination which is still a very fresh and lovely smell.

    I really like this! :D

  21. My first frimp try! :D

    In the bottle: Dark, heavy, subdued. I can feel the mandarin and the tobacco.

    On my skin: Subdued mandarin, hiding behind a veil of something dark and oppressive that sucks the light out of it. I feel that the mandarin is drowning and gasping for air. After a few minutes the veil is slowly lifted, and it struggles free. I can smell the tobacco leaf again now. Mandarin, which comes out very citrus-y and mostly like lemon on my skin, with tobbaco. Intriguing.

    Cooldown: The mandarin fades away and the tobacco becomes predominant, so now I smell like lemony smoke. After a few hours when the smell has mostly died away, I can also get a faint whiff of the wine. I wouldn't have thought that the great sword of war smells that much like citrus, but that's probably just my skin. Besides, wherever there is smoke... And fires usually come with war.

    Intriguing perfume oil, but I smell too much like tobacco for my tastes, being a non smoker. :/

  22. In the bottle: I can smell the musks, and a familiar scent from Blood (which must be the dragon's blood resin). I can't spot the fig and I have no idea what the currant smells like.

    On my skin: At the beginning I get Dbr with musks, nice. After a couple of minutes though I get... soap. Fresh, clean, slightly musky soap. This half-happened to me with Blood as well, and Blood also has dbr in it. I have this dreadful feeling that dbr turns into soap on me.. and that makes me sad.

    Cooldown: When the soap dies down after an hour or two, the musks come again in the foreground, but by that time they are too faint to make much of a difference.

    Dragon's blood resin, why do you not like me? :(

  23. In the bottle: Smoky darkness with wine. Yummm.

    On my skin: At first, I get a smoky darkness/ dry smokiness smell ( the musk and myrrh? ) along with the red wine. Mmm, wine. I just love red wine in BPAL scents. I have no idea where the smokiness comes from, though. Are we sure that there is no tobacco smell in this? Not that I'm complaining. ;)

    Cooldown: After it settles down and starts fading away, the rose makes a comeback at some point, although the dry smoke is always in the foreground. Then the rose dies away again and gives place to a faded red wine.

    Nice. It makes me think of fire and brimstone (drinking some wine in the gates of Hell? What an alluring visual) ; quite fitting of Lilith, the mother of demons.

  24. I stayed behind in my everyday reviews of my shiny imps because of the forum upgrade. So, I just wrote them down in a notepad in case I would forget them or confuse them with other scents. :D So, here goes Kali.

    This scent just kept morphing on me.

    In the bottle: There is so much going on I can't distinguish a single note, it is well blended. That aside, it gives a sweet (but not candy sweet) and powerful impression.

    On my skin: For the first couple of minutes I get the bottle scent. Then, it changes and I get sweet buttery chocolate goodness with red wine. Mmm, chocolate and red wine, what more can a woman ask for? After another few minutes, it changes yet again. I get the chocolate with... a feeling of freshness and cleanness? Strange, I have no idea where that came from.

    Cooldown: After only half an hour or so, Kali almost fades away on my skin, leaving behind only a faint chocolate trail (the wine is gone by now) that will linger for another couple of hours. It is barely there, though. I guess my skin must really love this scent because it absorbed most of it, but I would have liked to smell it a bit more, too...

  25. I love sweets that have honey, cinnamon and clove in them so I just had to give this a try - and love it!

    In the bottle:Mmm the amazing honey/cinnamon/clove combo, yummmm.

    On my skin: In the first few minutes it is like the bottle scent. I smell like a sweet, and I love it! I feel like eating my wrist - or something with a similar scent.

    Cooldown: Soon after, the perfume turns into a milk and honey soap scent, which is also nice, even though slightly soapy, although I like the spices more. After an hour or so, the milkiness also fades away and the faint spices become the dominant scent. Lovely.
