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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by KakashiMorph

  1. KakashiMorph


    I love sweets that have honey, cinnamon and clove in them so I just had to give this a try - and love it! In the bottle:Mmm the amazing honey/cinnamon/clove combo, yummmm. On my skin: In the first few minutes it is like the bottle scent. I smell like a sweet, and I love it! I feel like eating my wrist - or something with a similar scent. Cooldown: Soon after, the perfume turns into a milk and honey soap scent, which is also nice, even though slightly soapy, although I like the spices more. After an hour or so, the milkiness also fades away and the faint spices become the dominant scent. Lovely.
  2. KakashiMorph


    In the bottle: Roses and a warm smell ( the musk, I'm guessing). On my skin: The roses come out first, and dominate the smell, but the musk accompanies them lovingly. I can't spot the amber. The roses are nice, pleasant, fresh roses and don't make me feel/smell like an old lady at all - or Turkish delight. Even though I'm not a very flowery person, I am fond of this rose smell. Cooldown: After an hour or two, the roses slowly fade to the background and the musk comes in the foreground. It is a warm scent, and kind of sweet but not in the traditional sweet way. I just know that it smells so good, I'm permanently keeping my nose on my wrist again. Enchanting, indeed! Spellbound is so lovely, I like it very much even if it's not a very dark smell.
  3. KakashiMorph


    In the bottle: Mold and wine. On my skin: The same. The earth smells like mold, and the wine is luxurious, sickeningly sweet, decadent and just a little bit spoiled. I love the wine. The two of them work well together, although the mold scent gets a tad unpleasant at times - just a little bit, for me, maybe more for others. Cooldown: After about an hour the earth dies away and leaves me with the wine. It is amazing like this. I think they should release this wine as a smell on it's own. I just want to keep sniffing it. By this point I am metaphorically drunk, but I am a very happy drunk. This is not an everyday scent for me, but it is very good at what it does and is supposed to be. I will be wearing it on according occasions.
  4. KakashiMorph


    In the bottle: Strong and old. Something smells a bit like medicine, or almond (vetiver?). On my skin: I can't get the patchouli or the musk. I can tell there is a little bit of cinnamon, but the rest of the smell is the bottle smell. It smells old and bitter almonds. I'm guessing it is the vetiver. Cooldown: After an hour or so the almond smell fades away and leaves a faint warm spicyness (patchouli and cinnamon, or something like that). It reminds me of umbra in this stage, but umbra was more pleasant from the start on me.
  5. KakashiMorph


    In the bottle: Narcissus. On my skin: Lots of narcissus, heavy and smug (narcissus is rather fitting for pride, yes?). It reminds me a bit of my grandmother, she had a narcissus-heavy perfume at some point. After a while the rose comes in and combines with the narcissus nicely. Cooldown: The narcissus fades away first, leaving me with fresh rose. The rose part seems a bit too timid for pride, but the narcissus fits the part well.
  6. KakashiMorph


    In the bottle: I can smell the musk, the patchouli and the ylang ylang. Hot, spicy. Raw. Sexy as hell. On my skin: When I first apply it, it is the same sexy scent I get in the bottle. I think I'm in love. ...And then it morphs. After a couple of minutes, it goes all ylang ylang on my skin, with a very subtle musky tone in the background. And then the subtle musk also fades away. Cooldown: Ylang ylang. A shame this doesn't work well on my skin, it is such a sexy scent. I will try to age it a bit, or perfume my room/clothes/whatever with it.
  7. KakashiMorph


    Opening the bottle: Patchouli, and some cinnamon and cedar. On my skin: For the first few minutes patchouli,cedar and cinnamon all combine together in a nice, feisty way, each one coming to the front for a while, and then rolling over for the next one. It reminds me of three entangled beasts, battling out for supremacy or co-existence. I like the smell, it is a bit dark, spicy, and warm. I also catch a whiff of something lemon-y at some point, maybe that's the vetiver? Cooldown: After about 10 minutes the cedar sadly dies away, but I am now left with a delicious spicy, warm scent of cinnamon and patchouli where the single notes accompany each other very well. Mmmmm, can't stop sniffing. Later on, after less than an hour or so, the cinnamon also eventually dies away and I am left with the patchouli, which still has that nice spicy look from the cinnamon stage, so it is not just raw patchouli. Overall: Sweet, warm, spicy. Just lovely. <3 I just wish the cinnamon (or even the cedar) stage lasted a bit longer. *hugs the warm spicyness*
  8. KakashiMorph

    Event Horizon

    I accidentally dropped my imp on the floor and half of it spilled while I was trying this. Now my room will probably be smelling like event horizon for a week - which is fine, but it might confuse me when I keep trying out other scents in the following days. Anyway, on with the review. Opening the bottle: I don't know what opium smells like, I got a smell that I could describe as dark, heavy, and church-ish, but I think it is the opium. On my skin: That same smell takes over and stays there without morphing - maybe not noticeably, I was kinda busy with my spilled oil at the time. Cooldown: Same smell, still. It reminds me of church (same with my brother, also what is it with me and church smells?), but judging from other reviews it must be the opium. I also get a hint of smoke at some point. If it had a colour, it would be amber. Not bad, and although it died down almost completely 4 hours after application, 7 hours later I could still get a very faint whiff if I sniffed my wrist hard. And surprisingly enough, it was vanilla - the benzoin, I guess. Overall: Not bad, although blood was darker and heavier than event horizon - I would have expected it to be more aggressively dark.
  9. KakashiMorph


    Magus sounded like a nice woodsy scent, so I thought I should give it a try. Opening the bottle: Cedar and forest. Nice! On my skin: The first few minutes I can strongly smell the cedar, and a smell blend that reminds me of a friendly forest. I love this stage. Cooldown: Unfortunately, after about 15 minutes or so the cedar dies down and the francincense becomes the dominant note, with the forest smell accompanying it in the background. It is a sweet, mellow, soft smell. The entire smell tones down significantly. Eventually, the forest melts away leaving me with francincense. Not bad, but I would have preferred the cedar stage to have lasted a bit longer as I liked it more than the mellow cooldown.
  10. KakashiMorph


    Here goes, my first review ever for the fist BPAL perfume I have tried. I was looking forward to blood, because from the description and the reviews it sounded like something I would really like to wear. Opening the bottle: Cherries, and clove, and dark. Nice. On my skin: For the first few seconds I am overpowered by this dark, heavy scent that feels as if I'm in a church. I have no idea what dragon's blood resin smells like, so I am guessing this is the myrrh, or the dbr, or both. 2 minutes after I can smell the cherries! And they're gone as fast as they appeared. Cooldown: The church smell again; it is dark, heavy, nice. Strong. For some reason it feels warm and comforting, making me want to sleep. After an hour and a half of smelling it up to my brain, it tones down, and turns into a subdued form of the church smell, with a soapy base - oh well, at least it didn't turn completely soap. My brother could smell the cloves, I could not. He also said it reminded him of incense. It is nice, and I like it, even though I had expected it to smell otherwise. I will keep wearing it, yes, but on less hot and summery days (dark scents with this weather are a bit too much. )