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BPAL Madness!

Dolly Dimple

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Posts posted by Dolly Dimple

  1. First sniff: oh my, this smells overwhelmingly of almond essence! I smell like marzipan!


    Fifteen minutes later: the almond smell has gone, and a strong fruity smell has replaced it, reminiscent of blackcurrant Fruit Gums. I didn't think I liked very fruity scents, but this is just beautiful! It's noticeable, but it's not suffocating.


    One hour later: alas, this one seems to have shot its load in the first hour - it's almost gone, and I can only detect it if I sniff the leather of my watch strap. A shame, as it was gorgeous while it lasted.

  2. Unfortunately this just smelled of creosote on me. I say unfortunately, because despite my disliking the scent, it had the desired effect, shall we say! But I just can't cope with smelling like a garden fence, so this will have to go to the swaps pile for me.

  3. Amberbella mentioned Aveda products, and to me this smells exactly like their Madagascar room fragrance. I love that scent, and I'd been hoping to find a perfume like it for years. I think I've finally found it with Unseelie - it's warm, spicy, and comforting. :P This is straight on the 10ml list.

  4. In the vial - hm, a bit too sweet and heady. Wet, it smelled EXACTLY like a Terry's Chocolate Orange - nice to eat, but a bit too full-on for wearing! But after it dried, and ever since, it's been like Snake Oil, but softer and orangier. Verrrrry nice indeed.

  5. When I first put this on, it reminded me strongly of Imperial Leather soap, which my parents always had/have in the bathroom (and which I couldn't stand!) It gets a bit less soapy as the day goes on, although that note's still there, but it becomes more sandalwoody, which is a scent that never seems to work for me. Not my thing at all.

  6. Oh god, this is gorgeous. When I first put it on, it was overwhelmingly apples, fresh and green, but not tart - these are the sweet green apples that don't make you suck your cheeks in! There was also a hint of something that smelled very much like pistachios or cashews - a creamy, nutty, apply smell that I quite liked, but wasn't knocked out by.


    An hour later, it had morphed into the caramelly smell that other people have mentioned. Yup, that's 'Honey I Washed The Kids' all right. Where did that come from?! I've been wearing it for about four hours now, and it's now a warm sweet chocolatey smell - like Lush's 'Ma Bar', for those who know that one, but with the occasional waft of apples still. I have to get a big bottle of this! :P

  7. Now this one was weird. After all the rapturous reviews, I couldn't wait to try it, but when it was first on my skin, the dominant note was rubber! Yup, definitely wellie boots fresh out the box there. This was not what I'd anticipated! :P


    After a couple of hours, though, I get the vanilla and fruit that others have mentioned. It reminds me very much of Snake Oil, but without that warm sexy spiciness that I love in that scent. I'll be keeping the imp, I think, but I might try layering it with Snake Oil and see how that works.

  8. Along the same lines, in my first order I received a sample of a fairly masculine scent called Savage. But there's nothing on the main site or this site about it. Does anyone know anything about it?


    (sorry about the hijack, Mrs B!)

  9. I love this. Roses usually turn too 'old lady' on me, but here, the sandalwood balances the rose perfectly. It smells like a rose garden on a hot, hot day.


    I know what other people mean by the 'dusty' smell, which is starting to emerge after six or seven hours (yes, this one lasts on me!) but unlike Cathedral, which just smelled of pencil shavings on me, this is a warm, sweet dustiness - almost - chocolatey?


    Definitely getting a 5ml of this.


    Edit: I realised today that this reminds me very much of GothRosary's Dervish fragrance. Dervish is a little sweeter, but the sandalwood note makes it smell like Rakshasa when I get a whiff of it on my hair during the day. A very happy match!

  10. I got this as an extra in an order. From the decription I did not expect to like it at all, but as my mum said, don't knock a gift until you've tried it! Florals usually turn 'granny' on me, but this one's much sweeter and warmer - I love it! I thought I smelled peach at first, but now it's definitely a ripe plum smell, with the florals peeking out underneath. It's quite heady, but not overpoweringly so.


    It is a light scent, but unlike the other 'white' scents I've tried, it doesn't seem to be fading after the first hour. It's damn hot outside, and this is the perfect perfume to sniff on a sweaty train journey!
