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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Flightless

  1. Out in the yard... watching funnel clouds form with Dad. Good times :D(tho it is a little eerie hearing him say "Well that's not good..." while the air raid sirens blare in the back ground)Happy Winds-day everyone. ^_^

  2. Pretty sure that French Fries are merely just a Ketchup delivery system...

  3. Question for the fans: The new Owl City album... good? bad? fail? Want to buy a new CD and need some recommendations (Trance/Dance/Progressive is still my favorite genre)

  4. Still feeling overwhelmed and eternally blessed; I'm surrounded by some of the most caring friends and family a girl could ever ask for. Thank you everyone- it was an excellent day. ((Lilly thanks you all too ^_^)) **15 days**

  5. Teething is pretty painful... for mommy and baby... >.

  6. Thank you so much for your generous gift of imps. You really made my evening! <3 <3 <3 <3

  7. Thanks Darren Stemple and Daniel C McDowell for a wonderful night at the movies with Captain America. I had a blast! Now I wonder if I can sneak in a nap at lunch time... :DHappy Friday all!

  8. Thanks so much for the smellies! I Love them all <3 <3 <3

  9. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful Birthday wishes. I had a very nice morning with mom and spent the afternoon with Dan. It was a beautiful day for a birthday. ^_^

  10. This just in: Go see "Super 8" this weekend. Srsly.That is all.

  11. Thought for the day: Two big lessons learned while growing up include taking care of yourself, and subsequently taking care of others. But if you never learn these important lessons, whom do you rely on to take care of you after you leave home?

  12. To the guy in the car next to me:I'm sure you're very nice, but when your cheep stanky cologne assaults my nose like that,UR DOIN IT WRONGI just thought you would like to know... ^_^

  13. W ell, if you're willing to barbecue the whole high command, I 'spose that's worth certain considerations. But I do have one question. When you get to your little place on Nantucket Island, I 'magine you're gonna take off that handsome-lookin' S.S. uniform of yours, ain'tcha?... That's what I thought. Now that I can't abide...

  14. w00t! 2 gauge, Here I come! :D

  15. Well its official: we're having a girl! Break out the bows and tea sets, the Workshop curse lives on!

  16. Wonderful weekend at the faire with amazing friends... you guys are so thoughtful. The thrumming of the bagpipes it still ringing in my ears.... ugh. I'll be back for more next weekend, selling the pretty chain-mail... stop by if you're there, I would love to see you. Happy Monday everyone! ^_^

  17. Wow.... Belly Bands, FTW! :D

  18. Yay! It's Micro-manager Thursday! >.

  19. Your happiness is your own responsibility: you cannot expect extraneous circumstances or people to make you happy all of the time. Believe it or not, your attitude affect more than just your own life, it affects everyone around you. Consider a bad mood/attitude the equivalent of bad body odor; no one wants to be around it and it and it only makes you more difficult to get close to.
