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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Flightless

  1. Pretty sure that French Fries are merely just a Ketchup delivery system...

  2. Hopelessly smitten with the lovely posibilities of new smellies. *sigh

  3. If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? - Pirkei Avot 1:14

  4. ...was that a kick? o.O

  5. Out in the yard... watching funnel clouds form with Dad. Good times :D(tho it is a little eerie hearing him say "Well that's not good..." while the air raid sirens blare in the back ground)Happy Winds-day everyone. ^_^

  6. Kiss me, I'm a Pirate ^_^*he he he*

  7. Haori is done! (You know the one: that bright blue pile of cotton yarn I've been toting around for the last two months.)It will be making it's debut at the Colorado Renaissance Festival next month. Can't wait!

  8. Only highlight of the day: Dan's homemade lasagne*Racks a round into a shotgun and puts Monday out of it's misery like a lame horse* G'night everyone.

  9. Ha ha ha... Our CFO came into town 2 days early. Brilliant!

  10. I swear the kid was doing gymnastics all night...oof... >.

  11. I must still be recovering from the weekend... Haz a serious case of, "anywhere is better than here" right now... can I go home now? please? -.-

  12. Happy Friday everyone!!We get to find out the baby's gender today. Sooooo excited... it's almost like Christmas morning. I think Daniel C McDowell agrees. :D

  13. Well its official: we're having a girl! Break out the bows and tea sets, the Workshop curse lives on!

  14. W ell, if you're willing to barbecue the whole high command, I 'spose that's worth certain considerations. But I do have one question. When you get to your little place on Nantucket Island, I 'magine you're gonna take off that handsome-lookin' S.S. uniform of yours, ain'tcha?... That's what I thought. Now that I can't abide...

  15. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful Birthday wishes. I had a very nice morning with mom and spent the afternoon with Dan. It was a beautiful day for a birthday. ^_^

  16. Just cleared out a bunch of inactive ppl... If you have friends who actively play VW, Pet Society and/or Restaurant City who need more friends feel free to send 'em my way or pass my info along. Thanks everyone! Happy Wednesday.

  17. Wow.... Belly Bands, FTW! :D

  18. Wonderful weekend at the faire with amazing friends... you guys are so thoughtful. The thrumming of the bagpipes it still ringing in my ears.... ugh. I'll be back for more next weekend, selling the pretty chain-mail... stop by if you're there, I would love to see you. Happy Monday everyone! ^_^

  19. Chick-fil-aFTW. NOMz!

  20. This just in: Go see "Super 8" this weekend. Srsly.That is all.

  21. Did anyone else hear this?? Apparently Anthony Wiener tweeted that after resigning he would be running for President, and he's asked Eric Holder to be his running mate...Wiener Holder, 2012! :D

  22. Question for the fans: The new Owl City album... good? bad? fail? Want to buy a new CD and need some recommendations (Trance/Dance/Progressive is still my favorite genre)

  23. My Monday was going great.. till I got to work... -.-

  24. Anyone know a good place to get baklava? I may end up just having to make a batch on my own....

  25. Don't wanna.... *pouts* -.-
