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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Flightless

  1. Dan: Hanes' changed how they cut their underwear... feels weird.Me: No Dan, those are new and they don't have holes in them.Dan: [dismissively] Details.

  2. Teething is pretty painful... for mommy and baby... >.

  3. Dan: [while holding lilly] Oof.. daddy's arms hurt...Me: You want me to take her?Dan: No, that's ok. This is how Daddy's get big strong arms.Me: ^_^Dan: Because some day some boy is going to come along and break her heart, and she'll need big strong daddy arms to hug her. Me: T_TDan: And then once she feels better, daddy's going to go out and find that boy... Me: XD

  4. Holy Crap! Nearly hit some jackass who was walking across I-70 in dark clothing. Thank the Lord Dan was paying attention... uuuuggghhhh.... *passes out*

  5. Hard to believe it's been 4 weeks already since lil miss Lillian Faye came into our lives... what a little wonder and blessing she is.To my local friends: you guys are always welcome to come by and meet her anytime you like- we kinda' enjoy hiding out at home right now, but maybe we'll be brave enough to venture out soon. I miss you all, love you very much and appreciate all your support more than you can ever know. <3 <3 <3

  6. Ka mate! Ka Mate! Ka Ora! Ka Ora! A upane kaupane whiti te ra!Congrats to the All Blacks- winners of the 2011 rugby world cup!! So sad I couldn't be there to see it in person...

  7. Hey everyone: I'm still alive, just really busy right now. Game requests haven't been returned and I haven't really played much in the last week. We had our baby girl on the 13th and life has been really interesting since then. I hope to be back soon and really appreciate your patience with me in the meantime. Cheers <3 <3 <3

  8. I didn't really think that she would be here exactly on time... but sheesh! The wait is starting to be unbearable! **-1 Days**

  9. My husband just tried to cut me open like a Tauntaun... o.O

  10. Baby's room is almost finished... Dan's painting project is almost done and we haz a dresser! Just waiting on the crib to be in stock (North America safety recall on the crib we wanted: you can't find 'em anywhere right now). Can't wait can't wait! **11 days**

  11. Still feeling overwhelmed and eternally blessed; I'm surrounded by some of the most caring friends and family a girl could ever ask for. Thank you everyone- it was an excellent day. ((Lilly thanks you all too ^_^)) **15 days**

  12. Just realized that the random case of hives I came down with last night was probably from the giant Pizza we had for dinner... and I was so brilliant to eat that final slice about 15min ago... damn. -.-

  13. omg guys! Google+ has Angry Birds!!! :DFind me!

  14. It's really dumb: Facebook never seems to care when we dislike the changes they make... they just make us deal till new changes are pushed out and it all begins again. Seriously guys- users are going to be so bogged down with useless news that they'll start migrating elsewhere. *irritated sigh*

  15. I promise... I don't normally like pink. Honest! *19 days*

  16. Has discovered Australian Rules football... where the heck has this sport been all my life and why has it taken till now to find out about it? I think it was a slightly magical experience... :3

  17. As usual, I think I swept up enough fur to make another cat...but at least my bedroom is clean :D

  18. *gigglegiggle* Yup... those are definitely tiny lil hiccups :347 days and counting...

  19. Oh goody... it's already shaping up to be "One of those days"... -.-

  20. Yay! It's Micro-manager Thursday! >.

  21. To the guy in the car next to me:I'm sure you're very nice, but when your cheep stanky cologne assaults my nose like that,UR DOIN IT WRONGI just thought you would like to know... ^_^

  22. Ah, what the heck? :P "Husband and Wife Week --If your spouse is your best friend, works extremely hard, has been with you through triumphs and tragedies, who loves you when you're at your worst, and whom you are PROUD to be married to, copy and paste this with the date you were married. ♥ 7/4/2006♥"

  23. Hey everyone! You've seen us at the Colorado Ren faire, now Khatovar Chainmail has a Facebook page! Like us and show off your one-of-a-kind chains by tagging us in your pics. Stay Shiny, my Friends!

  24. Gah! Soooo excited for this weekend!! :D :D :D

  25. Dear Burrito guys: The extra green chili did not go unnoticed... I hope you have a wonderful Friday <3 <3 <3
