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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by crazyredhead17

  1. someone small and orange has discovered catnip, bwahahaha

  2. My cats want the tuna that I cooked for dinner >.<

  3. So ready for bed, and the husband is passed out right down the center. Grah.

  4. Waiting in the car while the husband talks "man stuff" at least I have my nook

  5. I wonder if netflix envelopes will fit in the drop slot by my mailbox.

  6. Couscous for dinner, yum! <3

  7. Um power? Stay on please!

  8. One of those "hear the clap as you see the bolt hit nearby" just scared the shit out of me. Cats probably slept through it, too.

  9. People For the American Way: Send Sarah Palin a Copy of the First Amendment http://bit.ly/9VLPrT

  10. I think my tomtom may be dead and I'm not totally sure how to get home

  11. What sort of hospital leaves all their info desks un staffed?

  12. Its amazing! When I take the road that isn't a vortex of construction, I get places really early

  13. Tummy hurts. Want tea. No way to find closest starbucks :(

  14. Mmmm pumpkin spice latte

  15. Stuck in a never ending safety meeting. Send food?

  16. If I were my husband, where would I put the Twilight Princess guide/help book?

  17. Hey migraine? Go DIAF please

  18. Please RT & sign: Join @alfranken - add your name to save #NetNeutrality from the corporate takeover of media: http://bit.ly/undefined

  19. I just entered to win a #Solofill reusable filter for my #Keurig! Enter by 1/21/11 for your chance to win. http://bit.ly/hYZDbP
