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BPAL Madness!


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Status Replies posted by crazyredhead17

  1. Bad Idea of the Year: My employer is trying to save money by not turning on the AC until 9:30 am...after we've all been here for over an hour.

    1. crazyredhead17


      Are there windows you can open? Or someplace to plug in a small fan?

  2. Go away Tropical Storm Bonnie. You are NOT welcome here.

    1. crazyredhead17


      I remember going on vacation in Delaware a while ago, and Hurricane Bob was working it's way up the coast - my dad's name is Bob and there were signs *everywhere* saying things like "Go Home Bob" and "Go Away Bob." It was kinda funny (and mostly just rain and swells).

  3. How are some of you posting to this via Twitter?

    1. crazyredhead17


      If you go into your settings, click the profile tab, and the bottom most thingie on the left is "Manage Twitter Content" - allow bpal.org to use twitter, and then set up how you want twitter to access the forum and vice versa. :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)
