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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by SilverGarland

  1. This soap is a blend of Somalian frankincense, Indonesian nutmeg and ginger.


    Is there a BPAL fragrance that smells like this? Of course, it doesn't have to include those notes; it just has to smell like this soap! Lol.


    Somehow I have a feeling that I've asked about this before, but I think that it's probably because I've asked the MUA fragrance board about this awhile back.

  2. The scent of a single rose and frost. It smells a little bit intense when wet, but once it's dried down and meld into your skin, it'll smell so pretty. It's like, this beautiful rose with a hint of mint. A very very high-quality rose scent

  3. In the bottle: Ozone-y, snow-y and coconut.


    On the skin, wet: A frosty, cold scent with coconut.


    Completely dry: Snow and warm, freshed baked coconut cookies.


    I might give this to my supervisor at work, since this scent seems to be betteer fitting for her.

  4. Hi!

    I had the chance to sniff Stella McCartney's Stella the other day, and I noticed right away that it smelled almost exactly like Alice, except for the fact that I detected a note of black licorice in Stella.


    I went to Sephora to check, but Stella doesn't have black licorice in it at all...even though it smelled like it did when I snifed it. Could it have been the amber in it? I've never smelled amber before...is it anything like licorice?


    Here are Stella's notes:



    Rose, Peony Flower, Mandarin, Rose Absolute, Amber.


    Sensual. Intense. Feminine.

  5. Definitely Lampades and Persephone.

    What do they smell like? :P



    Also, if something on my list has vanilla in it and smells like cotton candy, go ahead and keep it if you think it smells like cotton candy cause I know some vanilla scents do....

    Lampades is this sweet, fantastic dark berry. Very island-y, tropical-ish. Lampades is something that Escada tries to achieve each year with scents like Sexy Graffity, Ibiza Hippy and Island Kiss, but fails miserably every time.


    Persephone is a pomegranate and rose blend, but upon application it's a strong promegranate. The rose mellows it out later, but you won't smell it (the rose) much in here. The drydown is a soft, sexy fruity scent. Smells WICKED when layered with The Body Shop's White Musk.


    Both scents are sweet, sugary and sultry, but not cheap.

  6. I own and adore Alice, but now that Halloween is near, I'd like a deeper and darker rose. I want a rose scent that would be black and/or purple if it were a color. Nothing smoky or incense-y, please. And I'd be very happy if the scent is predominantly rose instead of having it just as one of the minor/supporting notes. Thanks :P


    I'm tempted to go for Emily the Strange's Black Rose, but thought that I'd check with BPAL first.


    I like Alice because it's a rose that doesn't smell old lady on me. I've heard about Black Rose, but some people said that it turned oldish on them when it dries down?

  7. In the bottle: Jackfruit. I see colors, and I'm not even using any drug at the moment.


    On the skin: Smells like jackfruit but that goes away quick. Those Japanese gumballs that come in boxes of 4. Smells very grape-y, apple-y, sweet yet very magical.


    30 seconds later: Smells the same as mentioned above, but is now lighter and has aquatic florals (if such things exist) coming in. Makes me think of shimmering, sparkling crystal-clear blue-green lake in the middle of a green forest with beautiful and fantasy flowers floating in it.


    Drydown: It's still the same. This perfume smells like what one would smell if one is suddenly transported into an enchanted forest where there is a beautiful lake.


    This is something that scents made by Escada (Sexy Graffiti, Ibiza Hippie, Island Kiss) and Bora Bora tried to be, but failed.


    The final verdict: I'll keep this imp to wear it, but I probably will not purchase. Of course, this is only because I'm so crazy about Alice. If I'm ever sick of it, Lampades is probably what I will purchase.


    UPDATE: I am so getting a 5ml of this when the imp is used up.

  8. I haven't read the description for this because I don't want my review to be influenced. Lol.


    Wet: Smells like one of those woody/oriental scents like myrrh, frakincense, sandalwood, patchouli, etc.


    On the skin: Woody but refreshing...like a very expensive soap marketed toward men. Yet at the same time, I smell something feminine, too. It smells like a man and a woman who both have scents of soap and perfume lingering on their skin. This scent makes me think of a hot naked guy for some reason. :P


    Dry down: It still smells like a bar of VERY expensive soap to me. It makes me think of the kind of soap that people from long ago used.


    I also see images of the inside of a castle, red brocade fabric, lush velvet, potpourri being used to freshen up the heat of Summer...and looking outside the castle window you'd see an endless field of lush green grass. I also see a king presenting to his queen (or courtesan) gifts of sik, spice, perfumes and jewelry that his men brought back from the Far East. Don't get me wrong, this doesnt' smell Oriental in the traditional way...this smells more like something that's been brought to Europe from the Orient (it smells more like something that is inspired by something else). It does smell very erotic.


    The final verdict: I'm not sure if I'll buy a bottle of this, but I might continue to wear the imp. This perfume is more like a dress up perfume for me. I'll probably swap it away, but only because I have no reason/occasion to wear it.

  9. I've just put this on. I'm going to review as the scent dries down.


    In the bottle: Clear, sparkling rose.


    Wet on the skin: A very clean, "green" rose.


    30 seconds later: Now I smell a lemon note, but not straight lemon. It's more like...lemon tea? The rose is still here.


    1 minute later: Smells like tea rose now, and I think that I can smell a little bit of the carnation. Still very green, though.


    Almost dried completely: Wow, this has morphed into a very expensive rose scent. It's not strictly rose, but the rose is quite dominant on my skin, and the other scents are dancing in the background.


    Completely dried down: Oh my god, this is like the scent of a rose garden! It's not the rose scent that you smell when your nose is pressed against the flower, but it's more like the AIR is rose scented. This smells like a very airy rose scent. While it's still green, my skin has warmed it up.


    1 minute after drydown: This smells like a very sexy rose. Sooo expensive. Now it smells like candied rose to me...it's like rose petals with sugar crystalized on it.


    This is the first rose scent that doesn't smell sick, sour, or like gasoline on me. I love you so much, Beth, for making this....you have no idea of how grateful I am. :D :P


    5 minutes later: Wowie! It now has spice in it, too, and the funny thing is, it makes me think of a tea party! It's not a grown-up tea party...it's more like a young girl being taught tea etiquette by an older, proper woman. It smells a lot like that Bonne Bell rose scent that I was looking for (thanks zombiebunny for recommending!), but this one is much more posh. This makes me think of a very wealthy English schoolgirl who spends most of the year away from home at an expensive boarding school.


    Final: Now it smells like carnation and rose twisting around each other like the double helix, here one side is carnation and the other is rose, with the spice (I smell cinnamon and gingerbread) and other more minor notes acting as the bases and hydrogen bonds.

  10. Alice is the creamy soft rose, to be sure, and while I love it, I got even more of that innocently sexy, first-time-ever-to-feel-sexy-and-recognize-it-as-such, first blush, thirteen feeling from Old London.  It's a very pretty rose, with maybe some woods or something in it. I think a rose + amber scent would be amazing, you could get some single notes and layer -- or what about O with Old London?

    Does the tea rose in Old London smell anything like The Perfumer's Workshop's Tea Rose? That one smelled so sick on me. Thanks :P


    Lastly, is the rose noticeable in Alice? And does it last or fade over time to make room for the other notes? Thanks everyone! :D

  11. About 5 or 6 years ago, Bonne Bell released a perfume called "Rose Petal Pals" in solid and liquid forms. It's been discontinued since, and I've been searching for a rose that smells like it (it's the only one that smells beautiful and perfect)from some other brands but they all failed.


    Bonne Bell's rose scent was surprisingly sophisticated, and did not smell like a child's perfume at all. From what I can tell, it's a blend of rose, some type of warm spice (amber maybe? Although not very strong, it's strong enough to be noticed and rounds the pungent sharp note in the rose out.) that makes it creamy, and some powder (not overwhelming, but it's enough to soften the scent out and make it a part of yourself) to soften it.


    On my skin, this smells like something that costs a lot. Lol. It smells like a creamy rose that's blended with your skin and is part of you, instead of something that's just sitting on top of your skin. The perfume just smells so incredibly innocently sexy and erotic once it's blended in your skin that it's not even funny (it's sexy in a very coy and innocent way, not in the "aging slut" way if that makes any sense. Lol); I was surprised that this was marketed toward kids! I still have a little bit of the solid perfume left, and I often take it out from time to time just to sniff.


    So, I'm not sure if I'm doing the impossible here, but is there a BPAL rose that is creamy and innocent, yet not sharp or weak?


    A million thanks to anyone who read this!

  12. I see it coming Beth!! your succes is already worldwide spread :P

    I see it coming, too. Haven't smelled anything yet, but judging by the positive feedbacks from everyone that I've talked to, I can really see BPAL becoming a big. I can see the brand being a high-end (quality-wise) one.


    Hey, maybe BPAL can go the Avon and Mary Kay route--having consultants going door-to-door! Kinda like, Gothic BPAL Lady!

    "Ding dong, BPAL calling."

  13. Is there anyway that I can find out if my order has been shipped?  I ordered on 03/09 and CCnow said that it was shipped on the 13th.  I don't think that I get any confirmation because I live in Canada so how do I find out? :P

    I've read from somewhere that you'll receive an e-mail that tells you when your item is shipped?


    I don't think that I'll receive mine any time soon because it wasn't ordered until late March. We should just carry on with our days and not looking forward to receiving them, and then eventually, they'll show up. I've realized that looking forward to them make it feel longer than it really takes :D


    I have a question about orders...please don't take it personally or feel offended by it, because it's not what I mean to do at all. I'm just curious, how many orders does BPAL get on an average day?

  14. I hope that I'm not too late!


    Name: Tammy ]


    URL: http://www.livejournal.com/users/lumiererouge


    Photo: Here's one of me as a flapper :D --



    Sin of choice [Not the scent, the proper sin]: Lust


    Virtue you embody: Thoughtfulness, honesty, integrity, tenacity and self-respect.


    Astrological Info: Taurus sun; Virgo moon; Taurus mars; Aries mercury; Gemini venus; Scorpio saturn; Sagittarius jupiter; Sagittarius uranus; Sagittarius neptune; Libra pluto.


    How you found out about BPAL: A bunch of people gave glowing reviews for BPAL oils at MUA's perfume board, so I decided to trek over.


    Any comments you'd like to add about the Lab or life in general: I don't have any comments right now, as I am still waiting for my order (ok, well, it's actually a birthday gift from my boyfriend, but I'm still excited nontheless!) :P
