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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by craftypants

  1. craftypants

    Musk free scents?

    Hi! I am a BPAL newbie. I've ordered 25 imps so far. The first twelve I picked because they contained vanilla or cinnamon, my favorite notes. The rest are random, from ebay and gifts. However, after trying 20 of the 25 scents, every single one ends up smelling like musk on me! Half of those just smell like cake + light musk. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE musk, but my end goal is to have a handful of very different scents, that I can use depending on my mood. So, it seems my body chemistry amps musk like CRAZY, and apparently turns everything sweet... Even the ones that don't say they contain musk end up smelling like musk/vanilla. Does anyone have an recommendations for scents that don't have any trace of musk/vanilla at all, and couldn't possibly smell like musk, ever? Thanks!
  2. craftypants

    Musk free scents?

    OK, I've tried: White Rabbit Strangler Fig Queen Alice Bearded Lady Bordello Harlot O Snake Oil Chimera Eclipse Highwayman Brown Jenkins Plunder Dragon's Milk 51 I have 5 more I tried, but they were freebies, so I can't remember them. There was one that reminded me of Polo Sport, it was very aquatic, and it didn't smell like musk. Unfortunately, I didn't really enjoy the scent either:( I will definitely add your suggestions to my list of "to try"! Clean/tart/fruit sounds like exactly what I'm looking for.