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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Kayah

  1. Kayah

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    So, The Unicorn.. sigh I was holding off getting a bottle because while I love the scent, it didn't love my skin, and the linden flower and all the other light floral scents just disappeared within half an hour on my skin, but made into a room spritz or in an oil burner.. it was Anyone have anything similar to it? Maybe I'll find something that actually stays as a scent on my skin
  2. Kayah

    An Introduction to the Stash Manager

    This is such an awesome wonderful feature. Thank you for implementing it - I know my entire collection is going to be put on there.
  3. Kayah

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I absolutely LOVE Stacked Style's Carnival Crush.. notes: Top notes: peach, plum and Granny Smith apple. Heart: jasmine, grass and Bulgarian rose. Base: sugar and musk. but it's so difficult to find here in Canada now that Sephora has stopped carrying it. (they carry other Stacked Style ones now again, but not Carnaval Crush Can anyone reccomend a BPAL that has similar notes, or if you know the perfume, at least the feel? On me it comes out as a sweet fruity plum/peach scent, with a bit of crispness from the apple. The rest of the notes blend together as a wonderful background but I can't pick them out.
  4. Kayah

    Scent for Halloween?

    I was wearing nothing in the morning because I knew I had BPAL under the tree, somewhere and was saving it for all the imps I knew would be there and Cold Moon. I ended up wearing Paris, Moscow, Tweedledum, Cold Moon and House of Night. and for this most special of all nights, I will wear TKO to bed for the very first time.
  5. Kayah


    This was a frimp from the lab. The oil in the imp is dark, kind of brownish, it looks very appealing. I opened the imp and swiped the wand on my wrist and.. oh my god this smells like the fake cherry in cough syrups.. get this off me, but wait, maybe it will calm down into something else.. I will endure... it takes only a few minutes for it to morph into what I perceive to be cherry and black licorice.. I hate licorice - it is one of the few things in the entire world I will admit to actually hating the smell and taste of.. and now I smell like licorice.. I don't think I even let the red musk develop much although usually that's the first note that comes out on my skin. I lasted about 10 minutes before I mixed something more earthy and powerful on top of it because I couldn't wash my hands at the time.. Umbra killed the licorice smell and overpowered the cherry and I am so happy. I am sad, but this imp will find a new home for someone who likes to smell like what to me is awful cough medicine and gross candy.
  6. Kayah

    Snow White

    I don't know which version I have and I have a wee-half imp of it... Not my favourite.. I smell coconut, and vanilla, and the flowers...and something.. playdough/plastic... it's so cloying and kind of sweet-but-not-in-a-sweet way that every time I have tried this (and I have tried to love it, several times now) it makes me want to wash it off right away. If I leave it on, eventually it starts giving me a headache. Unfortunately not for me and I think I will give up the testing and just let it go. We were not meant to be, Snow White and me.
  7. Kayah

    Pomegranate III

    The more I try to review the more I realize I suck at picking notes out. This is.. tart pomegranate juice at first and then... spicy pom... I can't pick out the spices.. it's kind of woody, kind of clovey - but a dry non-sweet clove. I don't get the baking association some other reviewers picked up on.. Wet to dry the spices just come out more.. it stays very close to the skin. This is very nice, it doesn't turn potpourri-ish on me at all and remains a non-sweet but spicy pomegranate scent.. I just realized - the pom here is the same as drinking straight up pom juice.. it's not sweet, but tart and very delicious. I am glad I got a bottle unsniffed - I wasn't sure if I liked pom before, but I certainly know I do now!
  8. Kayah

    Red Tide

    This one isn't boozy on me at all either. Before I even looked at the notes, it definitely smelled RED to me from the imp but I couldn't put my finger on it. Once I put it on my skin it was delicious berries and something else in the background.. Once I looked at the notes it hit me... raspberry/cranberry and mango! This is fruit-sweet and delicious. I get no mint from this at all, and I can't pick out any gin (and I like how gin smells but I'm not sure I'd enjoy smelling like booze) so this is a complete WIN for me and I will likely buy a bottle later on. The throw was medium and it lasted the entire day through. Mmmm
  9. Kayah

    Beer from the Marsh Woman's Brewery

    I got this as a frimp with my lab order, and honestly, based on the notes and description I would never have gotten this one for myself. I can smell the wheatiness with a subtle whiff of florals in there. The overall scent is rather sweet, but not in a very sugary sense - more of a sweet scented flower type. I can smell the grasses and I do pick up on that rosemary note someone else mentioned but it's not quite rosemary.. something similar and it's very faint. Overall it smells like drying grass-herbs, herbal flowers with a base of wheat. It doesn't smell boozy to me at all, and it's actually very pleasant kitchen-witch kind of smell. I'm still wafting over getting a bottle in the future, I will try this one several more times to see if it sneaks up on me as a wearable or if it stays as an enjoyable experience for which I only need an occasional imp.
  10. Kayah

    Gift Certificates?

    That'd be awesome.. but.. just from an accounting pov.. a pain in the behind. Gift certificates are a pain for the larger retailers, just imagine what it'd be like for a small business. Once you sell a gift certificate, that money is considered a liability - that means you must present it as such - prepaid orders, unfulfilled. So now your well meaning relatives bought some gift cards.. what if not all of them get cashed? Do you put an expiry date on that money, at which point BPAL can finally claim it liability-free? At what point is it fair to the customer and the company to do so? Are you even legally allowed to put an expiry date on this money? If you're not, it just drags forever-and-ever as a liability in the books because you are not allowed to zero this amount - you as a company are outstanding monies to a customer somewhere out there. That's the accounting angle. The actual gift card angle: What will they look like? How do you email a gift card? Is it going to be a jpg like a coupon or is it going to have some sort of "code"? What if you share it? How does the lab determine which one is genuine? The lab isn't a retail store so they do not have the capacity to read magnetic stripe cards. The set up for electronic gift cards looks waay too complicated. Since most of the lab's business is online, I am not sure this is a very viable solution. Now here's something else... the lab could potentially get a sort of "member login, with wishlist" program on their website, a la amazon. However this requires programing, making sure the setup doesn't break copyright laws of other etailers, etc etc etc. I wish there were gift certificates because I would ask everyone to give me BPAL money... but I realize how complex it is.. and probably right now, unrealistic
  11. Kayah


    I have recently tried Tezcapotlica and The Red Rider on my hubby - while I loved Tez... the Red Rider was just.. OMG LEATHERRRRRRRR.. and it wasn't too pleasant.. (maybe I put too much on him, but some blends like Casanova or Magus just got totally lost on him) .. will it smooth out with age? I want to love it, but it smells way too harsh for me. And VILF did an awful number on me by smelling like chemical floor cleaner, from the imp and on me.. .. and I don't think I will have time to age it to see if it settles down any. I want to love leather... but I think I'm cut out for the "well blended not standing out" oils rather than the "!!!L.E.A.T.H.E.R.R.R.R.R.!!!!!11!) ones.
  12. Kayah


    I haven't reviewed this one yet? You've gotta be fkidding me! This is definitely, if not THE favorite, then way up there in top 3 scents for me. Lyonesse is.. pure golden shimmery ambery vanilla . I don't get any of the aquatics on me.. it's a very creamy vanilla, but not foody... the amber and vanilla are in perfect balance and are what I smell the most, but they are supported by a warm fuzziness which I can only guess is the musk - I don't pick out the lily or sandalwood by themselves - the rest of the perfume is too blended for me to pick out any individual notes. I just get this gorgeous, glowing warmth from this scent. If it had a color it would definitely be a shining yellow-gold. I originally got this as a frimp from the lab in my very first order and ordered a bottle in my second order
  13. Kayah


    My nose seems to be broken. In the bottle, on me wet, on me dry.. I am getting straight up lemon chemical floor cleaner. Ugh ETA: That was then.. now.. Oct 5th: I put a VERY small amount on.. and it smells .. not like floor cleaner. I smell some leather, but the scent is more spicy, it's lost the chemicalness completely. It almost smells smoky. I like it a lot better now and I think I will get a bottle, but I will likely age this before I am able to use it. Will let the imp age some more and post an update.
  14. Kayah

    The Dormouse

    The dormouse is a perfect light balance of peony and freshly brewed tea, offset gently with a hint of citrus. It makes me feel like a lady who is getting ready to go to English Tea, in a lovely 50s wasp-waist style dress, gloves, and a large hat. I feel like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. The scent is very feminine to me, kind of young lady without being very sweet. The only drawback on me is that it fades within 3 hours. But those 3 hours are wonderful!
  15. Kayah


    I think I'm in love... 51, to me, does not smell like the place it is named for. It smells wonderfully fresh and light. It's somewhat ethereal - I do smell the freesia prominently in this blend which is awesome because it's one of my favorite notes. The melon and green crispness play wonderful accompaniments. Just to think, I almost did not try this because I was scared off by the mention of mint in the note list... as a note, mint is so different from the taste. I've decided I don't mind it at all. I could bathe in this!
  16. Kayah

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    This is a very very sweet, sugary bubblegummy scent. It's got quite a bit of throw and feels very young. It dries down to a more subdued scent that is still quite sweet. I can't really pick out many of the notes. It does make you feel happy though, so I will keep on using it during those occasions. Not for me for everyday use though.
  17. Kayah


    Wearing this I feel like a younger version of myself, with more free time, sitting on my bed and staring at the window as the storm comes in and lightning flashes across the sky. It has that atmospheric feel to it. This fragrance is just wonderful. It's ozone and citrus sweetness - I don't pick up much of the marine notes, it's so well blended to me I can barely pick up the citrus as it is. I love it and definitely will be using this on a regular basis.
  18. Kayah

    Black Moon

    This has such a beautiful, haunting smell to it - I cannot pick out any note, the scent is very familiar and yet, I cannot put my finger on what it is. Mind, I have only tried it and it is a well aged bottle, but MY how WELL it is aged! I am so happy I got this, the scent is sweet, kind of floral but a soft, dark floral, it doesn't scream FLOWER like some other blends do.. this is.. the warm sweet scent of night blooming flowers like matthiola, but not exactly either. It's absolutely gorgeous. I cannot smell myself enough, amazed how dreamy this is.
  19. Kayah

    Jasmine Cottage

    I wanted to love and adore this one so much, I got a bottle, unsniffed, because it was my DH's first choice for when he would get around to getting me a present of BPAL... Wet and in the first 2 hours of wear: It is so incredibly green crushed leaves on me.. it's as if someone cut down an English garden, got rid of the flowers, took all the fresh green leaves, macerated it and then made perfume from it. I don't get any jasmine, no freesia, orange blossom or thyme... no florals at all, just this greenery. As it starts to fade, some shy, gentle florals come out.. but not enough for me to take notice.. sigh. I don't know if anyone has any idea if this might age well.... I will keep trying it periodically because I refuse to give up on it, but very young from the lab, it just does not go well
  20. Kayah

    Tiresias, the Androgyne

    Tiresias starts with a heavy dose of gently heated really dark (almost burnt) caramel. It slowly becomes more smokey, phasing into caramel-tobacco. It is a very strong, assertive smell and I havent had the guts to wear it out beyond inside the house yet DH's review of it: smells like cookies. :sigh: so much for being all smokey and sexy.. guess I have to try a different blend for that.. Well, for me personally, I love it.
  21. Kayah


    I want musk.. I love musk! and patchouli.. and earthy bawdy smells.. I would love to get ANY combination of the notes everyone else is getting on their skins. I get... CINNAMON and CLOVE .. OF DOOM! (ok I do like cinnamon and clove, but apparently my body chem amps it to the point of single note madness) and oh boy, if it were only wet, or at a single stage.. no.. this sucker stays CINNAMON AND CLOVE OF DOOM for at least 2 hours before it deems that it has made a point and lets any other note in.. a gentle subtle musk comes out at least 3 hours into wearing, and it doesn't really assert itself.. stays very close to the skin and then fades to nothing. This smells a LOT better on DH, although on him it also stays very close to the skin and I didn't have a chance to catch many of the notes.
  22. Kayah


    Fae for me captures its name very well. On wet and first drydown: Sweet juicy peaches mixed with other notes I cannot pick out well. It is playful and fanciful like a dance around a mushroom circle. As it dries down it comes out more mossy and brown leaves, kind of like a forest floor you'd wake up on after a night's party with the fairies. It's very nice.
  23. Kayah

    The Unicorn

    As others have said, this scent **sparkles** It is so light, so ethereal, so innocent. It does feel like captures the essence of a unicorn, but not those bumbly horses with horns stuck to the forehead that hollywood likes to portray but the medieval unicorn.. the last unicorn.. a creature so gentle, so graceful, so innocent that not even a horse (one of natures most beautiful and graceful creatures) can live up to the image. It is light florals, sweet linden, and herbs so well blended I can barely pick anything out distinctly. It smells SO INCREDIBLY GOOD I want to bathe in this. Alas, on drydown it turns soapy, although I can still smell the floral essence and I brave through the soap, still loving this scent. ... and, like a true unicorn.. it is there, and then it is gone, 15-30 minutes into weartime, and my heart aches and wants MORE...
  24. Kayah


    Got this one as a frimp from the lab (thankyou!). I wore this to the office today.. maybe I should have read the reviews first but I don't think it would've prepared me for.. this. This.. is.. sharp, herbal and green.. drying down to less sharp but no less green.. Right next to my wrist it smelled like evergreen scented beeswax - in the air I was told it smelled kind of like eucalyptus.. one person coming into my office asked if I was taking valerian. It was so strong that just to spare my office partners I went to wash it off. I didn't put a lot on, and just on my wrists (phew, sometimes I dot it a whole bunch of other spots too, lucky I didn't this time) so it washed off okay but I still smelled it lingering in the air hours afterwards. It is not unpleasant, but I cannot figure out a mood I would wear this with... I will wear it a couple more times and see if it grows on me.
  25. Kayah


    In the bottle: I smell a weird combination of dusy lemon.. It's a lemon scent, but as if it was covered up to the point where it was barely there... Wet: ... cloves??? ... I swear I could smell cloves for the first second it went on. Then lemon comes screaming in and doesn't go away very fast, lasts at least half an hour this way. The lemon smell is reminiscent of the way melissa smells. Kind of cologney. Drydown: I can smell whiffs of rosemary in this now. It is still very lemony, but now its not as sharp and crisp, it is coming down more sweet, more smoky. Must be the frankinsence coming out but I can't smell it distinctly yet. Dry: warm, dusty frankincense.. the rosemary and lemon notes disappear completely. Aside from the first lemon scream this scent does not have a lot of throw. I can smell the frankincense 8 hours later still but only if I bring my wrist right up to my nose. I do like the scent and am considering putting it on my big bottle list, although I am pretty sure I wouldn't wear it as an every day perfume but just as a mood scent.