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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Kayah

  1. Kayah

    Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat

    In the bottle, it's a subdued very sweet lemon.. it's lemon that has had so much sugar on it, it doesn't really smell like lemon anymore.. but then it goes on my skin, and it's... allLEMONS all the time! Like lemons doing a paarrtaaaay!!! And we here.. and we spritzin lemony lemon all over the lemon place with lemons! Yeah... But then those lemons get tired.. they get zested out and all that wonderful fresh spray of pure lemonyness gets spritzed out. Guess where all that spritz went!.. Yeah, that's right.. oh yeah.. here comes SUGGAA!.. Oh lemon suggaa yea there you ar.. and you gettin down with those fresh lemons, and making them calm down.. and get.. kind of sleepy - they're just going to lay on you a little bit.. cuddle up. It's so nice and comfy and sweet, and those lemons will just calm down for a little bit because you, sugar, are so nice... and then they're gonna doze like this for hours and hours, in a billowy sweet dream of super sweet sugar infused with the essence of the most amazing outrageous outgoing pure lemonness there has ever been. This scent rocks so much. edited my edit cuz I can spell and eta means edited to add but I didn't add anything I just corrected spelling so I wasn't actually adding anything.
  2. Kayah

    Black Rose

    I got a sniffie from the most wonderful Ralenth... I open the imp.. and it smells like rose petals.. not a tea rose - this is the velvety soft smell of perfumed dark rose petals. I swipe it onto my skin. So.. there I am, in this dark place. There's someone there with me - I don't know who, they're in a black cloak, with a black hat - a lady's hat.. but it's all dark. I don't see this person and there is not much light going on.. it's all mysterious and smells like a rose garden at night. But then.. what? no, light doesn't come on, but I can see better now.. This lady - it is a lady.. she's... she's.. powdering her hair. Her hat has fallen to the floor and she's just putting powder on her hair.. With WHITE powder, onto her beautiful dark raven black hair!.. There's giant clouds of powder puffing up - and she doesn't stop! She just keeps on putting it on her hair, and it goes all over her beautiful cloak, and her hat on the floor is now just white with this powder, and all I can smell is her perfume.. that of dark roses.. masked completely by billows and billows of talc...
  3. Kayah

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    My favourite scents that evoke fall are October 2010, Autumn & Winter for the season change to winter, and Halloween: San Francisco for a fall-by-the-ocean.
  4. I heard that Satyr does interesting things to those that do not amp cinnamon... I also really like WILF and Fledgling Raptor Moon for kind of animaly scents.. I also enjoyed Enraged Orangutan Musk which wasn't entirely animaly but was nice.. Wolf Moon was a nice winter feral kind of feeling as for WHERE the wild things are.. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for but for PLACE scents, for me nothing beats The Forest Reverie.. it's as if I'm the wild thing, and I am where wild things should be ETA: Bonfirey scents - BRIMSTONE!! (SOO GOOD, really!)
  5. Kayah

    Bon Vivant

    This is a beautiful, beautiful scent. I was afraid of strawberries - like the strawberry in Kitty that turns way too sweet. When I put this on I was transported to a world where fresh strawberries CAN be made into perfume and don't go sweet or plastic on my skin. These are the FRESH JUICY sun warmed strawberries that have any possible too-sweet note cut by a delicious sip of fizzy champagne. And boy is it fizzy, in a good way. It's bubbly the way bubbly should be, without any sour or off notes. The whole experience of wearing and smelling it can only be described as HAPPY. This scent screams happy and carefree, with a good dose of leisurely do-whatever-I-want-cause-I-can. It is a perfect spring and summer scent, and I am so happy a bottle is coming my way soon ETA: This is a scent that just goes on and on.. It's happy, it's fizzy, it's not to sweet and I wubs it so
  6. Kayah


    Bliss certainly lives up to its name. I am so glad I got to try it, I will definitely want to get a bottle of this in the future. Not only does this smell make me want to eat myself, but this was the first perfume that I was told I should NOT wear by DH, because I might get eaten! I don't detect any nuts, caramel, or batter, or biscuits, or brownies. On my skin this just goes on like high end luxurious creamy melted milk chocolate that stays true, even on the drydown. Not cocoa, not chocolate bars... MILK CHOCOLATE FTW!
  7. Kayah

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    Dark Delicacies does not carry the Retail Only Salon's. Thank you for the clarification Now it just means that when I do have the funds I will most definitely have to drive to VT for a Will Call ... and touristy things... but mostly the Will Call
  8. Kayah

    Best of 2010/2011?

    This year's 13 scent (May) is absolutely stunning. Also my vote goes to Moon of Horses. Tombeur and Sanctus from the Vampires Don't Sleep Alone release, as well as the (now defunct but I think still fits into the "last 18 months" category - Atomic Luau: Red Tide, Golden Wave, Blue Fire - all very yummy boozy fruity blends Last year's August moon: Joyful Moon is to DIE for if you like vanilla This year's Weeping Branches Moon is a gorgeous "asiatic" feel scent, with cherry blossom, a not-too-sweet strawberry note that doesn't go candyish or plasticky, and bamboo Last year, Mabon and Wildfire were re-released as "harvest" scents.. both gorgeous although I think I prefer Mabon. This year's luper super mentionable for me is Nymphia. And the relief for Japan scents, all of them, I like v. much. Also, the forum only scents, Anne Beany and Lilith's Tea Party are, while LTP doesn't work on me the label is SUPER CUTE and my son loves it Oh, and Tiki Princess.. beautiful coconut floral. I will stop now, otherwise I will end up just stating every single scent that the lab has released in the past 18 months :I
  9. Kayah

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    Eeee!! I'm so excited. How do Cali-native BPALers not LIVE there? I'm going to have to find an activity for the husband to do that day, I think. Is there a big difference between the stock at Le Pink and Dark Del as far as perfumes? I saw that DD carries all the GC (really? ALL??) but does LP sell different things? I probably won't pass up the opportunity to shop for BPAL in two real shops, but just curious. Sorry I just saw this. Dark Delicacies carries everything! Le Pink no longer stocks our products, although they may have a few things left in stock. But even when they were stocking things, they only carried about a half dozen scents. Does anyone know, without expressly contacting Dark Delicacies... if they carry everything, and ship some BPAL... 1. do they carry retail salons now also, and 2. IF someone from far away is making an order, and ordering OTHER bottles, CAN a retail only salon be bought and shipped with this order? I specifically mean not bought by itself because that defeats the purpose of the retail only salons, but as an "well I'm buying this other BPAL from you, can you sell me this one also with the entire order?" I understand this is a question that I should be emailing Dark Delicacies with directly and I think I will do so, but I thought I'd throw it on here because maybe someone already has the answer to this question.
  10. Kayah

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    So, a rec and a request... When I first got into BPAL I searched for everything with my absolutely favorite note: freesia. One of the first things I tried was Mad Kate from the retail only salon that I got as a decant from someone - the beeswax note in it drowned out all others, and it smelled like pure beeswax to my nose. If you can try it and you love beeswax, I highly recommend it. Now.. I recently got an imp of Tum from the discontinued stations of the sun... and it is a dead on duplicate of the scent of buckwheat honey. I even made myself a buckwheat honey sandwich and smelled the honey and then my wrist to confirm - the two were *exactly* the same. I know Tum has been rec'd in the Grape thread, but to me it has no grape, but is all honey. So, I have fallen in love, and I want something LIKE it, and.. any ideas? Is there anything I've missed that has the same type of scent/feel as Tum did? (ETA: I'm a real honey "nut" not just for the scent but I adore trying different honeys too, so much so that my cupboard has at least 4-5 different kinds on a regular basis, and they all taste, and smell, completely different!)
  11. Kayah


    I am so sad that this has been discontinued. I have a partial imp and, well.. this smells dead on like buckwheat honey, in all its dark sweetness. I absolutely LOVE it. Right after application it goes into something herbal/floral, and then as it dries down it goes back to that buckwheat flower sweetness. Now I'm going to have to hunt for "if you love this then try X" recs because this is just amazing! definately no stinky socks smell to me
  12. Kayah

    Polynesian Pop

    Something in this went weird on my skin - the ginger/orange smell goes all wrong and it's perhaps so sweet that it goes bitter yuck.. Unfortunately something about my skin chemistry doesn't agree with this blend - I will keep my imp because I don't give up on scents easily, but I'm not going to try it again anytime soon.
  13. Kayah

    Sugar Plum Fairy

    So.. this smells sweet candy to me - I'm not sure it's watermelon, and I don't think it's plum... Sugar plums are actually "sugared raisins".. way back when raisins were called plums - and sugar plums are a mixture of raisins, apricots and some nuts, rolled into balls and sugar coated... the way the wording on the notes list is I am not sure what was actually used.. plums with sugar, or an actual accord of the ingredients in "sugar plums" Either way, I fail to actually pick out the individual fruit notes in this - I just get SUGAR fruit.. no cocoa or amber musk or any other players.. I am hoping in time the cocoa comes out because I'd love to smell it on my skin, but right now I'm not loving the sugar so much, but I will keep the bottle and age it, and test it now and again.. maybe my tastes will change one day..
  14. I can't believe that Bien Loin D'Ici has only been mentioned in this thread once.. to me this scent is something I wouldn't even contemplate wearing outside.. I can wear Smut, or Lust or Sin or Tombeur anywhere, no problem.. but Bien Loin.. hoo booy .. that's for "staying in the house cause I smell like sweet sticky seductive SEX".. I found it too intense at first, but now I put just a tiny bit, and man.. is this blend awesome.
  15. Kayah

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Also, from last year's halloweenies definitely try Halloween: San Francisco - it's totally decaying leaves with salty sea spray in the air.. also, last year's October had the dry leaves going on a bit, and Nothing Gold Can Stay is the smell of the leaves, turned in color and falling down..
  16. Kayah

    Spanked Revisited

    (Please note that I amp anything that is cinnamony - cassia, cinnamon, AND apparently cardamom to the high heavens, even though cardamom in its pod format smells nothing like cinnamon to me) I just tried it on fresh from the decant toady again and.. Wet: Cinnamon hearts.. Dry: Cinnamon hearts, but fainter, with a hint of something else in the background.. not boozy, maybe the leather? Mental image of fuzziness.. ?? Many hours later - hint of cinnamon hearts very faint on my skin, maybe some leather and ... cinnamon hearts.. No patchouli (which I love), or bourbon, or even really leather.. and none of the cardamom scent that I know from the spice... it's just cinnamon However! If you also amp cinnamon like me, take heart - to compare, I have a year-old imp of satyr I've been religiously trying every few months and the cinnamon dies down, however slowly. Seeing as this scent is unlikely to be revisited again anytime soon, I did order a couple of bottles, because even through that cinnamon haze, I can tell.. in some time.. THIS... has POTENTIAL.
  17. Kayah

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    Just wondering if you got your order yet? I just got a package yesterday that was mailed on the first from a forum member in California as well so if not your should be there soon I hope. When I got home it was right there, shining brightly in its own little ray of sunshine and angels singing overhead (ok maybe not the special effects but it was there!! ) I got a forum package yesterday,but no si ght of the TAL order. I am really hoping it comes this week - still holding my breath for it. I've emailed the TAL customer service to find out if there's any way to find out what is going on with with it - the tracer shows it as going through a processing center in KY on March 5th (I thought the post didn't track the small packages, but I guess they kind of do). Just feeling really sad about it right now, I was hoping it'd get here just after my mom's birthday and it's been way longer than that.
  18. Kayah

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    If you receive a CnS, it will have a tracking number. However, if it's a Small Priority Flat-Rate (which the orders you pay 12$ in shipping are), it won't actually allow you to track anything - the system just logs that they received the info, nothing at all beyond that. If it's a larger package, it will have tracking that you can follow, including when it clears customs. See my post a little bit above. Edited for DUH factor as the post wasn't directed at me.. anyway.. DUH ME. Unfortunately mine is a smaller package (since tals are 25 each it'd pretty much take a "free shipping" order to get a bigger box, essentially since 20 bottles IS $500 ) so I have no way of tracing it. Still, getting a range of "in transit through post" times is extremely helpful, and maewitch I really appreciate you mentioning that larger packages can be traced - I had not known this before (and am actually plotting the possibility of an enormous order just for me, just so I can trace it.. oh, the BPALity!)
  19. Kayah

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    I have a kind of complicated way to get some perfume from LA area to myself in Canada.. not by post.. and I was hoping to get some retail salons.. but I don't know where from.. Can anyone tell me what Dark Delicacies currently carries? I have heard they have a full GC line (and I've seen the shelves!) but do they have any LEs? Does Dark Del carry retail salons or is that reserved only for Le Pink in the LA area? Kthx (ETA: Does anyone know what the prices of the retail salons in the store are, or can point me to where I can find that info?)
  20. Kayah

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    I'm hoping someone can calm my jitters.. I got a TAL CnS on March 1st - as of today the order still has not arrived. This has been the longest that I've ever had to wait for a package either from BPAL or TAL and I'm getting worried something may have happened to it. It was an order of about under $300, so I'm thinking maybe it's going to be hit with Customs, which I don't really mind, but does it explain the delay? Can other Canadians tell me the longest they've had to wait for a package before, and at what time should I be contacting the customer service email for TAL with inquiries as to what to do?
  21. Kayah

    Canada import tariffs

    Just another random FYI... most "essential oils" are subject to a 0% tariff, or somewhere around 5% (ETA: It depends on the origin of the oil, ie. orange essential oil is not, but a resin essential oil might be - weird I know)
  22. Kayah

    Canada import tariffs

    I read a bit more on it and here's what I understand... Shipments under $60.00 generally won't get taxed/tariffed. Canada Customs won't go after taxes if they can't collect at least $1.00 When you are bringing stuff into Canada, regardless if it's you personally or by post that is expensive, you will have to pay both GST and PST (or HST depending on what province you're in) and possibly a customs clearance charge - Canada Post charges $5 for doing the customs for you. In addition to the taxes you need to pay for canada customs, but you pay canada post directly cause they did the forms on your behalf. If it's sent by ups/fedex/etc then generally the customs clearance fee is anywhere between a couple bucks to around $25-50. It depends how they cleared it and how they calculate the cost - if it's something that needs to be cleared completely separately away from everything else on the conveyance that is crossing the border it needs its own clearance number, and they charge the $25-50 depending on the courier. If it's a consolidation of a bunch of shipments that cleared under one clearance number (into canada they're called PARS numbers, if you're interested) then the total cost is divided between the items cleared on that number. The second part is a guesstimation of what happens as I have been charged by UPS around $2 for clearance and $8 for taxes before, but I know what they charge for a regular border crossing so I was surprised it wasn't $25 plus the $8 taxes. I don't really understand HOW they select packages that will pay taxes and those that don't because I *KNOW* that BPAL has valuated my packages at least once at over the allowable $60, but I wasn't hit with a tax. And the tariff for consumers.. you do pay the tariffs. It's just that most of the time they are already included in the price of a product so you don't realize that "this portion of the price is the tariff plus fees that cost to get this product across the border" I really hope this helps
  23. Kayah

    Canada import tariffs

    I have yet to be hit with any kind of tax from BPAL shipments, but what you paid was at the post office was a tariff - which is not GST/PST, and because the UK does not fall under NAFTA (and even some things produced in USA/Mexico don't - it all depends and unless you're a customs broker/official you likely won't know - I deal with customs stuff every day and don't really pay attention as to what is tariffed how and when) You can check out the list of tariffs and how/when on the CBSA website. If you are ordering from a company that will courier stuff to you, the courier will sometimes (not always) charge you a clearance fee - they cleared the goods for you - in addition to the tariff. Having said that, I haven't ordered anything from BPAL that would go under the "free shipping" yet so I wouldn't really know how customs deals with larger BPAL packages.
  24. My lil boy loves my perfumes - I think he likes that they're in these neat little bottles, with cool labels, or these tiny vials.. we've developed a kind of put-on-perfume-ritual together - he goes to my BPAL box and picks out a bottle or imp, then I open it, let him sniff, and he either says Mmm! or NO!, if no he keeps on picking until he grabs something that he :lol:wants on him.. then I dab a tiny bit on him with the bottle cap or wand.. and he smells his wrist and goes MMMM! and then holds his hand up to me to smell, then goes and makes daddy see how good he smells, and sometimes grandma
  25. Kayah

    How much is in that imp anyway?

    I use a flashlight - it shines through the label and leaves a shadow exactly where the oil is. Once I found out about this method I've never used anything else since.