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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Kayah

  1. Kayah

    Loup Garou

    This smells exactly like described. It's evergreens with eucalyptus. Fresh evergreen resins from top to bottom. I'm not sure if I would associate this with lycanthropy, however it is a very nice refreshing blend.. but I'm not exactly sure it's quite my style on my skin.
  2. Kayah


    the moment I smelled this, I was in a dark damp cave.. The pungent stench of mildew eminated from the wet dungeon..er, .. cave walls. I had an almost irresistible urge to cast Magic Missile... Because this smells like something Dark. Dangerous. Menacing. It also smells like something that will start oozing towards you and grasp at you with its tentacles. It's scary not in the way that ghost or campfire stories are, ha ha scary not really true. The smell touches something deep down, where you remember that there are dangerous things in the world, and that we all just make illusions of happy safe places, and happy safe lives. Smelling this.. I remember, that life is dangerous, and darkness hides things that not always want to be seen, and there are things in life best left ignored, lest you drive yourself mad thinking about all the evil and wrong and true terror that exists in the world. Now, don't get me wrong. It's a beautiful scent - but I must be in the right mood to wear it, for it does make me think of dark and dangerous things that sometimes are best contemplated only in the perceived safety of light.
  3. Kayah

    Blood Countess

    imp: VERY ripe sweet fruits that have partially fermented, and a glass of blood red wine with a hint of roses behind all the fruit. GORGEOUS. wet on skin: Spicy boozy fruits, ripe and juicy, with a little bit of dry rose petals in the background. drying: The roses come out more, and it's not fresh roses, oh no. This is dried roses, not carefully preserved so that their colour stays, but faded ones, crumbling into dust at a touch. There is age here, and decay. The fruits have gone and all they have left behind are a mere memory, a hint that any richness may have been here. dry and later: This scent switches between dry roses, and spicy ripe fermented fruit. It's lovely when the fruit are out, powdery when the rose dominates. Later still.. omg. I can !FINALLY! smell the other flowers and it is getting a little smoky. I thought I would never get it out of this scent. Amazing! I also remember wearing it at other times when it did not work so well, when it was more rose-dust and mostly powder. My imp is almost two years old now, and I am happy with the fruits and hope the booziness develops even more. Unfortunately, if I get a bottle it will likely need to be aged a few years before I can wear it and have the scent I have in my imp now. However, I might still do just that, because the spicy fruit/wine and hint of rose with the smoke and other florals is TOTALLY worth it.
  4. Kayah


    Kitsune Tsuki is pleasing playful plum with a dash of florals thrown in for good measure. Imagine a fox, with a flicking tail and a gleam in its eye. It is pouncing on flowers, now here now there. Catching some, it brings them to you and lays them at your feet. With a snap, the fox is gone... and you feel like you could go out and make some mischief on your own. The flowers play background to the plum, the musk grounds and lightens the whole mix. If you like fruity sexy things to tease, and just enough flowers to be low key and girly.. this, my friends.. THIS is the scent for YOU.
  5. Kayah


    Let's see.. how can I describe pain. From the moment I opened the imp, it was sharp and cold like the edge of a razor. It sliced its way through my senses and opened a wound. I could not even bleed, but it was as if I was held on the edge of consciousness, the scent driving me over but also holding me with its fierce talons. Pain, very simply, is painful. I once put it on, a year ago.. when I first got it as a frimp. Today.. I did not have the guts to put it on my skin. It is headache inducing, gut wrenching and soul ripping. The lavender is beautifully sharp, and the pennyroyal is incredibly fierce. If you like being stabbed by a perfume and left to bleed... give pain a shot.
  6. Kayah


    Wet this smells EXACTLY like the resinous fresh in-the-shell,in-the-flowerhead sunflower seeds. To a T. As it starts to dry down the verbena comes out and makes it a little more citrusy, but from top to bottom, this smells like fresh sunflower seeds being eaten straight from the head.. Lovely
  7. Kayah


    imp: I smell tea! wet: oh, the tea and ginger play nicely together - each is balanced, not TOO sharp, but certainly biting, in a good way. drydown: same gorgeous ginger and white tea I love love love this scent.
  8. Kayah


    imp: sweet this is NOT. I can pick out some incense resins and some sort of woodsy stuff with a hint of a dark floral wet: Myrrrrrh.. with stuff. okay shoot this I'm looking at the notes.. yes.. black orchid I can smell you in there. poppy? maybe. not sure. I have no clue what cereus is so couldn't even begin to pick it out, but I can get the myrrh. I am sad that the black currant doesn't pop up more strongly - maybe it will come out on drydown... Cypress isn't noticeable at first but as it dries I can smell it coming out more.. myrtle leaf? I think is there, supporting the cypress and labdanum is right there beside it as it dries it goes a combo of myrtle leaf, cypress, labdanum and myrrh.. no fruitiness anywhere. It's pretty in a dark brooding way - certainly fits in with a scent for a powerful sorceress.
  9. Kayah


    Orgiastic mayhem in the extreme: sweet strawberry and orange blossom distorted by carnation, black poppy and hibiscus. imp: bubble gum .. does this have lotus? I identify bubble gum scent with lotus... wet: sweet bubblegum drydown: goes more sweet fruits than actual bubblegum but I still can't place what it smells like exactly note comparison: strawberry? maybe.. orange blossom? hmm yes orange blossoms are sweeter than the fruit, I can see it... the rest of the notes, however, don't even show up on my skin anywhere. MAYBE hibiscus.. but I don't get any poppy and no carnation to speak of either.
  10. Kayah


    imp: roses and violets wet: this is the perfect rosed violet.. or a violeted rose.. they're so lovely, so balanced.. so sophisticated as it dries down it swirls down into.. Soap. Yes this is the perfect violet rose soap. It's as if I walked into a high end boutique and dropped over $40 on a single bar of soap. Unfortunately, I want my perfume to smell like perfume, not like I just washed in high end soap. Further dry down.. oh yes it goes on.. the soap does something completely unexpected (sarcasm).. I am now covered in violet and rose scented.. talcum powder. ... great. Oh Marie.. why can't you just stay in your wet stage forever.. I love you so, and my skin does not.
  11. Kayah

    Baobhan Sith

    in the imp: white tea and a hint of ginger with some flower wet: oh man, everything jumps out at me - I get the white tea and ginger and the grapefruit, and I can smell the apple blossom.. drydown: same.. this one stays same throughout, a very pretty citrus floral. It's beautiful. This is one of my favorite scents that I always keep forgetting about, but every time I wear it, man, it hits me all over again how gorgeous this one is.
  12. Kayah


    in the imp: sweet pine resin and forest floor wet: the sweet pine comes to the front, and then sharpens a little bit, with more of the pininess coming out and the sweetness dying down to the background. I can pick out some sort of moss there too, dry and soft This is one of those really evocative scents for me - I am standing in a pine forest - it is almost pitch black because the pines are blocking the light completely and all around me are the bare trucks of pine trees and bare dry lower branches that don't serve the tress any use anymore because all the needles are on the upper ones. If I reach out and grasp one it will break off without any effort. The floor is covered in a thick layer of dry pine needles - nothing else grows here, just the pines. dry: it's still pine resin, soft and sticky, and moss, and perhaps dry soil.. I am, without a trace of doubt, in the middle of nowhere, in darkness... with nothing but pine trees to keep me company Beautiful, and eerie. comparing to the actual notes: Ah, not pine.. fir.. the two are certainly similar though. otherwise, yes.. the scent is evocative of the description and I feel kind of special that I actually "got it"
  13. Kayah


    in the imp: smells like faint smushed up fruits and slightly floral wet: omg so sweet - it's the kind of sweetness that almost turns bitter. It's VERY strong and sweet perfume. I can't distinguish any notes - it just screams thick perfume to my nose. drydown: the insane sweetness calms down some, this is a little more balanced - more gently fruity, more tart/sour comparing the notes: wet all I could smell was what I can tell now was neroli, and it was neroli to the Nth power. as it dried down I can get the raspberry and it gets more citrusy - I suspect it's the blood orange and neroli playing against each other, supported by the raspberry wet it was too sweet, dry it is much nicer and actually wearable. I wish the raspberry came out a bit more because I'm a fan of that scent, and kind of wish it was a little more orangey, but I think the two types of oranges in this are just like that - not particularly high in the notes that I consider citrusy but a little more floral-like
  14. Kayah

    Halloween: Brooklyn

    Flowering dogwood, weeping cherry, Korean pine, camellia, moonflower, Alberta spruce, arborvitae, and crab apples. in bottle: twigs and some sort of gently scented flower on wet: green and yellow leaves like wow! It's as if someone took the trouble to gather a lot of leaves and then took a shredder to them and added some water.. this is very vegetal. I'm not sure if I like the fresh raw vegetation scent.. it dies down fairly quickly and morphs into something more reminiscent of that gently scented flower that I smelled straight from the bottle. It develops a slightly woodsy quality. comparing to the notes: wow I actually can't say what I can smell and what I can't.. This scent just dries down with the gentle scented flower smell with a bit of woodsiness... and stays that way, becoming warmer and fainter.
  15. I believe Erebos has been compared to TKO in a spray format. It is also the only GC one that shows lavender as a note
  16. Kayah


    imp: cool and.. minty? wet: is that mint? .. no really.. I can't tell and... flowers? snow?.. wut? This is definitely a "light" (not in scent, but feel) scent.. and not .. uh.. colour light but.. floaty? .. levitational? it's not gentle and it's not ethereal... looking at the description: effervescent! yes totally this is it. I don't pick out the bergamot but I totally dig the eucalyptus (I thought I hated eucalyptus) and the ambergris.. This is great! on the drydown it goes more aquatic, the ambergris accord is really doing something special in this scent.. I THINK I can pick out the bergamot now, it gives Y'ha-nthlei an edge along with the eucalyptus.. as it settles into my skin it switches between dominant on the eucalyptus to the ambergris, with the bergamot as a background.
  17. Kayah


    All I get is cider and vetiver.. it does smell kind of spicy, maybe the saffron - can't tell for sure I haven't smelled it on its own to identify The tangerine, if there at all, is very dry and almost like rind only. Also not sure if I can pick out the amber. I actually don't find this screeching at all (Ultraviolet, now THAT was screeching). This is dark and menacing but in a very very nicely scented package.
  18. Kayah

    Herbert West

    This is one of the first scents that I got from BPAL, I believe the imp came in my first order sometime May 2010. I tried it before but I remember not being very impressed. It has aged some now, and here is what I think: imp: very lemony, very cologney wet: the lemon is first, jumping out immediately.. right behind it is the cologne, it slowly overtakes the lemon and becomes almost musky and leathery.. with a lemon. drydown: it's a very lovely balance of cologne and lemon scent (not pledge or anything sharp on me, just a very lovely true lemon oil) but there is something else in there too.. it smells like.. a very clean mad scientist's lab.. kind of leathery, kind of metallic, kind of.. I don't know.. weird chemical stuff but not unpleasant - it's not sharp, but it is in the background, gently unsettling and kind of creepy Reading the notes: not surprised, can definitely smell all that. Note to those who tried this fresh and were unimpressed because it was too faint/faded too fast/too lemony no cologne or other stuff, like I was: do let it age a bit and try it again. Eta: I put the aged imp on my DH... OMG GRRWwwrrr.... It gets some sort of smoky note that is completely absent from when I wear it and it's like the lovechild of Dorian, Embalming Fluid and a good dose of smoke. RAWR!
  19. Kayah


    imp: soft.. salty..kind of seaweedy but gentle wet: similar to in imp.. softens and smooths.. I smell something citrusy in there as well, but sharply citrus-y, like verbena or lemon balm combining with the salty impression it's quite nice and calming further drydown the incense peaks out and mingles with the citrusy smell and the ozone. comparing to actual notes: kind of surprised and yet not really.. the incense doesn't smell like incense to my nose, although I can place it.. and the ozone gives this blend a distinctly aquatic feel although it's not a particularly "watery" aquatic but a more salty/seaweedy one it IS very interesting, and being a fan of all the different components of what this smells like - incense, citrus scents, aquatics and ozone.. it's great
  20. Kayah

    Honey Hair Gloss

    First off - I have VERY fine, VERY straight hair that also tends to be oily. And it is currently winter. And I wear a lot of sweaters. And I do not get ANY static or flyaway hairs. I really mean none. My hair is softer, shinier and more manageable since I started using the hair glosses. I have just past the chin hair and I use two pumps on wet hair, and sometimes one more once it's dry and if I'm not putting any other hair products in. I find that even if I over-apply, my hair can get a little greasy, and then, somehow.. (I guess it's the Puddin-magic) it actually soaks the product up so there is no grease left.. although on those days I do then find that I must wash my hair in two days (I can SOMETIMES wait three if I don't accidentally put an extra squirt into my hair). This stuff also lasts. I've been putting it on my hair pretty much religiously after every wash and it's barely made a dent in the bottle. Even at this pace I am a little doubtful if I will be able to use it up before the stated 6 month shelf life. The fragrance? It smells like honey - no, really... go open a jar of wildflower honey and this is what this hair gloss smells like. It actually smells like delicious, sweet, flowery honey and if you smell it with your nose in the right way you can actually almost taste it, it's so good. .. however, because of the way I apply it, most of the scent gets burned away by the dryer. If I apply it on dry hair, the scent lasts a few hours but it's always fairly close to me and not a lot of throw.. but if I shake my head I'm in a delicious honey cloud TOTALLY worth it. I don't want to be without this hair gloss again.
  21. Kayah

    Lemon, Lemon, Lemony Goodness

    Lemon Scented Sticky Bat is really really great.. it's LEMON and SUGAR
  22. Kayah

    Halloween 2011 Must Haves!

    This year, not including the torment & reverie pickmans which I won't get the decants for before the update comes down... it's only a very few.. and I got decants of almost everything in order of awesomeness Regina Erebi Nymphae Avernales Black Apple of Saturn The Seekim and Mictecacihuatl I'm also considering getting the Golden Apple of the Sun for the aging potential, and Samhainophobia because I wasn't able to get a decant of it (and it sounds like it might be teh ahwsome) .. as for the untested pickmans.. I might spring for Sentimental Initiation - it's the only one that I'd be confident enough to buy a bottle of untested..
  23. Kayah

    A Ginger ale scent?

    Polynesian Pop from the now DCd Atomic Luau Lounge has ginger ale as one of its notes.. couldn't tell you if it did smell like ginger ale though because my skin chemistry did something awful to it but most reviewers seem to like it as a ginger ale scent..
  24. Kayah

    Halloween: Montreal

    The Will Calls reviews of.. is that maple syrup? and smoke?.. intrigued me to no end - I just had to get this one.... and.. well, it's not in the notes, but the moment this hits my skin I could swear I'm dousing myself in yummy sweet maple syrup... then it goes a little sweeter.. the candy, I think.. ..and this cold-evergreen note comes out to the front, blocking out everything else. It's like a blast of cold wind - and with it, as it quiets down quickly, comes the smell of smoke from burning wood.. I honestly don't get much of the leaves or earth, and I can't distinguish the pumpkin... this scent settles down to be candy-sweet woodsy smoke.. it's delicious. It's not going to be my go-to-daily-wear scent, but I love it for the atmosphere it creates and I will put it on, in secret private moments, to huff at an image of Montreal on All Hallows Eve..
  25. Kayah

    Sudha Segara

    I was so afraid this would turn on me, as milk can go this way or that on me depending on the combination of notes.. but... I honestly didn't know what to think of this at first. In the imp I could smell the ginger, with stuff.. I'm not the greatest note decipherer and I go by thoughts, feelings and images when encountering a scent... This is really like rushing into a warm light - but wait.. it's not a light. It's a river.. but it's dry.. .. and creamy yellow. It's slinky like silk - there is no fluff, no billowing here.. it's all smooth and soft. I CAN smell the ginger, but it is tempered, softened, calmed. This perfume doesn't announce itself, it doesn't slidle up from behind you, it doesn't seduce you or attack you. It's just... there. It's unapologetic and unchanging, firm but delicate. This is not a scent that marches up to your nose and gets all in your face. It is not confronting, jarring or disconcerting.. but, like a God it is there and you cannot ignore it. It affirms itself, comforts you in a way a lover never would, with an edge.. a hint.. a whisper.. .. Gods are not all benevolent, and even benevolent Gods have power.. you best not forget.. but right now.. it's ALL SMOOTH... ETA: I strongly like this. I could live without it, but I'd rather not. It's just on the verge of OMFGILOVEMUSTHAVEMILLIONBOTTLESLIKENAO and.. I will wait to use up my imp before getting a bottle.. Eunless I serendipitously get another imp... but I won't allow myself not to have any on hand.