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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Deceitfuldescender

  1. Have a fresh baby girl born in October that is sucking up all my everything. Miss all the bpalistas.

  2. Hey all. A while ago had a car accident. Immediately following a pipe burst in the condo above ours and it flooded and damaged our condo so badly they have had to rip out all the ceilings, floors and most of the walling. Sorry I have been gone. If I haven't responded to you, I just have been away. I look forward to starting TAL circles back up once out of temporary housing.

    1. Deceitfuldescender


      As an aside all perfume was saved by my dear husband (he also saved our furniture) and the one person whose circle package I have, it IS safe and with me :) so no worries.

  3. Have a few packages all packed and ready to go out tomorrow-- sorry if I owe you a package from this last past week, got swamped by work!

  4. has said yes to the best thing to ever come her way. Engaged!

  5. headachey as I try to quit caffeine cold turkey.
