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Everything posted by Deceitfuldescender

  1. Deceitfuldescender

    Mori Girl

    Reviewed the wrong scent u.u
  2. Deceitfuldescender

    Chocolate Stout Cupcake

    So this is actually very lovely, a very chocolatey cake and frosting scent with just enough something extra (the stout I would guess) that keeps it from being cloying, or too foody. I am not sure why this seems to make me a bit headachey, which is a shame because it fills a nice niche in my collection but not sure it can stay.
  3. Deceitfuldescender

    The Devil Will Find Work for Idle Hands

    Man I want this so badly to work but on me it goes blue raspberry blow pop. Not really any strawberry marshmallow cotton candy or sprinkles alas. Maybe. A hint of the strawberry marshmallow. But really mostly the blue raspberry. May be destined for swaps.
  4. Deceitfuldescender

    Very Pink Surprise Cake

    Pink. Definitely smells pink. Almost fake strawberry or cherry or something with a white cake made pink. I appreciate it as a slightly different cake scent for me. Kinda just dries down to pink cake ‍♀️
  5. Deceitfuldescender

    The Twelfth

    In the bottle this is banaaaana, but dry down is the cake from cake smash with banana. Long dru doen is pure vanilla ice cream. I enjoy all the stages, so probably a keeper.
  6. Deceitfuldescender

    Resin Cast Meat Skull

    My skin chemistry must despise this. On dry down, cherry or strawberry chapstick. That is it.
  7. Deceitfuldescender

    Little Lady Macbeth

    So, Eat Me does not work on me as I recently discovered. This dries down quite different. For me it is very honey heavy, kind of polliny. With a backdrop of cake and currants. I actually quite like it and I was expecting not to. I think this will be excellent as we go into the fall.
  8. Deceitfuldescender


    Definitely marshmallowy, definitely wooly (a sort of odd fuzziness to the scent), definitely musky. Pretty pleasant and I will likely keep the bottle but do not need to seek more.
  9. Deceitfuldescender

    Raspberry Sufganiyot

    This dries down to a sweet but not oversweet raspberry jelly with only a little of some kind of pastry. I quite like it, really but my skin eats it right up. I think I will keep it for now but not sure about the long run.
  10. Deceitfuldescender

    Mystical Aphorisms of the Fortune Cookie

    On drydown I get mostly a pleasant, no headachey incense with just a little almondy something. Could be cookie. This actually smells quite good, an unassuming blend that is sort of comforting. Worth keeping.
  11. Deceitfuldescender

    Stale Sugar-Crusted Marshmallow Chick

    Dries down to slightly buttery marshmallow with a tad of sugar. Sadly also comes with a plasticy note which while almost makes the scent believable, might make it unwearable. Also may have an undertone of baby powder? I will retest but might be for swaps.
  12. Deceitfuldescender

    Snow, Glass, Apples

    This is a lovely, very cold apple, heavy on the snow/mint for me. A pleasant scent but dries a little masculine on me. Off to swaps.
  13. Deceitfuldescender

    Sweet Orange

    Much like Mango this takes the dry down to get nice but is a not particularly sweet but definitely orange scent. A little perfumey, but not in a headache inducing way, more a makes it complex enough to be wearable in a way king mandarin never was on me. Does fade quickly though.
  14. Deceitfuldescender


    Surprisingly wearable form of mango, sweet but not cloying. Almost floral, edge of almost perfumey. Very good, definite keeper.
  15. Deceitfuldescender

    Pinched With Four Aces

    This is not my typical sort of blend, but it melds together seamlessly. A slightly sweet blend of chewy tobacco, understated cinnamon, a breath of coffee maybe a whiff of wood, sweet. It is nice and comforting, like cuddling in on a cold autumn evening with a great book and a big slouchy sweater. I has considered selling this before retesting it, but nope, staying staying.
  16. Deceitfuldescender

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    Sadly this does not play well with my skin chemistry. In the bottle it smells nice, as it starts to dry it becomes a cloying sort of fakish vanilla with oud. On full dry down, baby powder and vanilla. Meh. Off to the swaps.
  17. Deceitfuldescender

    Halloween In The Miskatonic University Library

    This dries down quite nice on me. Wood with a hint of old paper. A heady dose of nonoverwhelming cologne and just the tiniest whiff of pumpkin latte. This is masculine but oddly comforting. I keep waffling back and forth if I should keep or not.
  18. Deceitfuldescender

    Pumpkin Cheesecake

    This dries down for me to the beaver moon cheesecake note with not very spicy pumpkin and a hint of graham cracker crust. Beaver moon05 is lovely for me and so is this, a comforting variation worth keeping for sure.
  19. Deceitfuldescender

    Harlequin and Columbine

    This dries down as pleasantly as I remember on me. An orangey creaminess with some pomegranate, a little bitter. The french vanilla is very rich and big, the orange (blossom?) is what makes a faint bitterness but it is good with the vanilla. The pomegranate just keeps it from being creamsicle. Another sort of surprising keeper.
  20. Deceitfuldescender


    This dries down to cool violets sweetened with dead on strawberry daiquiri, muddled with something similar to aldehydes. Nicer than the scent list and character inspiration lead you to believe, but still not for me.
  21. Deceitfuldescender

    The Second of the Three Spirits

    Retesting all the bottles and pleasantly surprised with the dry down. Unrepentantly sweet and foody without beconing cloying or nauseating. Drydown is mostly sugared fruits (the plum well featured I think), with hints of clove, rich chestnuts, some buttery pastry and maybe the faintest whiff of pine. A keeper I think, but I will save for winter. To be clear, for me at least pine does NOT dominate this blend.
  22. Deceitfuldescender

    The Most Magnificent Christmas Tree

    She lighted another match. Now there she was sitting under the most magnificent Christmas tree: it was still larger, and more decorated than the one which she had seen through the glass door in the rich merchant’s house. Spruce pine with hints of silver birch and warm, dark woods. This starts out super piney on me- strong and one note and overwhelming. After a while into the dry down I start to get the birch, sort of a sweetish wood note. A little sap lends a softening to the whole thing. It is actually pretty nice once it hits this stage, but reads very masculine on me. I have had this since release but I am retesting everything and it may be time for this to find a new home.
  23. Deceitfuldescender


    So glad a sweet fairy procured this for me- this is a sweet (without being cloying) cherry with what definitely feels to me like a crusty sugary meringue. The cherry is not sharp on me, sort of a soft, calm cherry, with what seems like light fluffy sugar creaminess. A keeper for me.
  24. Deceitfuldescender

    Beaver Moon 2005

    For Beaver Moon 2005- this starts off a little artificial and plasticy on me, very vanilla cakey, not a lot of cheesecake. Dry down is the most glorious not quite overly foody vanilla with sort of a hint of cheesecake, cake and frosting. Forgot how much I love this one, will be keeping the bottle.
  25. Deceitfuldescender


    In the bottle this is pure milk chocolatey goodness. On my wrist it is hot cocoa, milky chocolatw, maybe a little foamy, super smooth, creamy. Definitely not dry cocoa, or bitter anything. Surprisingly wearable.