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Everything posted by zagadka

  1. zagadka

    Death Cap

    I love to be outside and garden, this to me smells like warm, freshly turned earth. Like when you open a bag of potting soil that has been sitting in the sun. Humid. Dense. Rich. Wet: smells so much like Villainess' Grundy with a touch of mushroom. Its hard to explain but the mushroom scent smells soft, kind of like the feeling of one. Its quite fleeting. After about 5 minutes it opens up and you get hints of coconut. But its not candy-sweet, its toasty and earthy. During the dry down the coconut gets stronger- its like the coconut that is in Brown Jenkin or Black Pearl. The hints of earthy top note are still lingering and its an interesting blend to say the least. I wouldn't think it would work, but it does. The dry down is extremely hard to pin point, it settles into a skin musk of sorts. It hangs very close to the skin and is gentle. Long gone are any hints of dirt, mushroom or coconut. Its quite gorgeous. Though it doesn't smell a thing like soap or laundry the only thing I can compare it to is wrapping yourself in a warm towel and smelling it on your skin later. Its snuggly! I would NEVER have purchased this but I am truly amazed at how gorgeous it smells. I think I have to add another bottle to my ever growing wishlist!!
  2. zagadka


    Why hellooooooo there, Lurid! This was a frimp when I ordered Xmas presents, upon first sniff it smelled really masculine and ole timey cologne-like to me and immediately threw it in the box for my brother (which sadly, has STILL yet to be sent). For some reason tonight I saw it and tried it on. In the imp it smells really heavy of resin in alcohol with a few bright notes of herbs. Looking at the description, it must be the lavender. Wet, the ozone comes out and blends with the lavender. It is definitely not an aquatic scent, thankfully. The dry down is absolutely AMAZING. There is a full on resin explosion that is lightened by the white musk and just a hint of the top notes. It is SO beautiful and very unisex. I would never have guessed that it would smell like this based on the lab description. This is something that I would never have purchased for myself, but it surprised me in the best way. Its very sexy and would blend well with O, Charisma, or Snake Oil. I just may have to pick up a bottle of this delish scent.
  3. zagadka

    French Love

    I'm not sure what I was expecting with this since I didn't read the reviews before I tried it. Its definitely Dragon's Blood and floral. I didn't get any lilac, thank God because it has major headache super powers. Its lovely, well rounded, but I thought it would be just a touch sweeter like so many of the voodoo blends (All Night Long and Red Devil come to mind, minus the cinnamon). Slightly resinous/ ambery with a touch of light floral and powder. Not as powdery as Follow Me Boy, which totally changed my feelings on powder notes , but its a great scent when you don't want something over powering. It just smells good and makes people come closer.
  4. zagadka

    Machu Picchu

    In the imp this is the scent that was missing in my collection: something light, airy, fresh, slightly sweet. A scent that isn't a total floral or aquatic. Something to bridge the gap between the two with a bit of juicy fruitiness in between. Completely yummy- reminds me of the jungles of Maui. On, it went all to soap and smells like regular ole perfume. It was nothing like what I smelled in the imp, which was amazing. After the dry down, it just smells like a cheap aquatic floral and liquid hand soap on me. It smells "clean". I can't tell you how disappointed I am!
  5. zagadka

    Strangler Fig

    This was thrown in as a sample from the labbies....something that I would NEVER have picked out on my own. When it arrived, it was cold from being in the mail. Upon opening it was overwhelmingly green, earthy, and pungent. I was thinking "Fig?! Where is the fig?!" Today, I was looking at my meager bottle collection thinking that they all smell similar and didn't feel like wearing any of them. Then, I remembered the like, 100 imps I have! DUH! I opted the bottle again and it had mellowed...a lot. It was still a tiny bit earthy and sour, but I could smell the fig in there. It was sweet, but not like most fruity forward perfumes which give me a headache. There is a softness to it, a pinch of powder, vanilla, maybe some sandalwood and patchouli? Its a little feminine but I could definitely enjoy smelling this on a guy, too. Overall impression is that its fresh. Its juicy without being cloying or sugary. The dry down is interesting, it looses much of the juicy top notes and actually reminds me of the smell of powdered sugar. Light and sweet, but still not cloying.
  6. zagadka

    Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse

    This was one of those impulse purchases for me. There was a lunar eclipse, full moon, solstice thing happening and I just HAD to have something that commemorated it. Thankfully BPAL was on it! Its a very light a fleeting fragrance on me, kind of like the event itself. I usually don't go for fresh, light scents (I love deeper, darker fragrance with lots of morphing power) I think they're usually kind of sharp and end up giving me a monster migraine. But, it had lots of notes that I love and thought I would take a gamble. I am still on the fence about this as it seems to fade rather quickly and I don't think I have gotten the chance to capture and appreciate all of the layers. The top is definitely crisp and a bit fruity- I can easily smell the blackberry and currant. Its tart and a wee bit sharp, there is something that hits my nose that I'm not sure if I love or hate! Mingling about seems to be a bit of citrus, too. Something about it reminds me of Mlle. Lilith, Fortuneteller which I ended up giving to a friend. Not loving the top so far. The heart and dry down is softer, more floral. The rose comes through and kind of breaks up the sweetness that the berries brought to the top. It is less sharp and more tart. A bit of powdery goodness. I'm sadly lacking any musk, amber, or patchouli which are my favorites. Maybe letting it mellow out will do it some good. So far its looking like it may be a miss for me. EDIT: definite nope. The top notes make me headachey and the bottom notes smell like old lady and diapers. SO SAD!!!
  7. zagadka


    I got da girly wolf babe on my bottle! I was SOOOOOO excited this came today! One whiff and I was in incensey heaven; the reviews that it smells very similar to Snake Oil are right on. Only... It just didn't work for me. I love the way that it smells, and it IS like Snake Oil but somehow it is simultaneously creamier and sharper (and a touch smokey). There is something about it that is too rich or heady for lack of better words. It actually made me feel woosey. I love the scent, but I guess I just can't wear it. Good thing my dood loves Snake Oil because I am adding this to his growing collection.
  8. zagadka

    Polynesian Pop

    I got this as an imp in my last LE order, and was so happy because I have been dying to sniff it. Luckily, I got to before I dropped it and the vial cracked, leaking delish scents in the bathroom. Every time I walked in there I kept thinking "Gosh...what IS that? It smells SOOOOOOOO good!!" I generally don't like foody, boozy, sweet scents. They make me feel sick and/or give me an instant migraine. This one, however is different, it is sweet and citrusy but in a very fresh, juicy sort of way. Its effervescent- I swear they bottled bubbles in this The ginger cuts down on the sweetness and lends a ton of freshness. It didn't change a lot on me from wet to dry down, which is great because the top notes were so fresh and lively. It reminds me of visiting friends + family in Maui; that first full day where you just HAVE to have a ridiculous tropical drink on the beach. Its all mid-day sunshine, toes in the sand, watching the turtles poke their heads out of the surf. Definitely ordering a full size bottle for my next trip.
  9. zagadka

    The School

    Another one I can't believe is not getting more love!! In the bottle, this is all dark, murky pirate ship lost at sea. It was a little bitter and I didn't like it AT ALL. I'm so glad I gave it a shot because it unfolds in a really mysterious, interesting way. It reads like a story that you get wrapped up in. Its hard to pinpoint and describe until you get to the dry down. The beeswax definitely dominates, but its not straightup honey. Its slightly sweet and ambery, like a calmer version of Snake Oil, kinda. Too bad I bought this as a gift...gladly its my BF so I just miiiight have to steal it once in a while.
  10. zagadka

    Herr Drosselmeyer

    I got this for my brother for Xmas, but HAD to try it on of course!! Its definitely a lot more fresh and light than what the description would have you believe. In the bottle its very dark and moody, but then POW! Its got a fresh squeeze of lemony goodness to cut through. The tobacco note is very refined and sweet, not over powering at all. I only got hints of leather- if I didn't know it was in there I'm not sure I would be able to point it out. Its a very well rounded scent. A bit more masculine, but definitely unisex. I wish I would have gotten one for me, too!!
  11. zagadka

    Dance of the Mirlitons

    When I opened the bottle, I was bummed out at how marzipanny it was. I thought it was going to be like Ghoulish- very sweet and foody- but I am so glad I was wrong! It starts out creamy almond with a hint of butter. Not very sharp considering its almond, but thats all I noticed. The top notes only last about 5 minutes on me until they morph. The middle is definitely rose-forward, I get major migraines from most floral, but this is soft and just a bit powedery, probably from the sandalwood peeking through. After about an hour, its a delicious warm wood scent. The rosewood is gorgeous. It reminds me a bit of O, but much less sweet. This has more of an earthy quality to it. I absolutely LOVE this- it morphs a ton and smells heavenly all the way. I am so glad I opted to get this, I am surprised this hasn't been getting a lot of love on here!!
  12. Oh, yum. I can't read the number on my bottle - I bought if off of someone- and its mostly rubbed off In the bottle, its all O with a touch of red amber and a slight, sharp, floral note. I am not good with identifying florals as I usually don't wear them (instant headache). The sharp top notes stay for about an hour or two before settling into a gorgeous, heavenly dry down. O is probably my favorite scent, and this didn't disappoint. The lovely amber/ honey base is definitely there, but this one is both deeper and lighter at the same time. It has some resinous qualities, but also a lot of airyness, a bit of lift. Its VERY interesting. Great throw, great staying power. SWOOOOOON!!
  13. zagadka

    Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller

    Coconut and a bit of sugar with pomegranate, pink musk, orange blossom, cypress, honey myrtle, and incense. When I read the description and saw coconut listed at the top and incense at the bottom, I thought there was no way this could not smell awesome, as those are two of my favorite scents. Musk is always another favorite of mine, so I was pretty excited to douse myself in this. Upon first whiff, I immediately thought of kids covered in apple juice. Kids always have that sweet, slightly sour smell to them (or maybe that's just me being a weirdo. Definitely possible) and that is what this reminds me of. This is much sweeter and fruiter than I was expecting. The "bit of sugar" amps on me and I get nothing but sweet, sweet candy. No coconut, no musk, no incense. I thought this was going to be much more complex and layered. All in all, its a very child-like, playful, innocent scent.
  14. zagadka

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    I got this as an imp for my grandma who has been unable to paint since we lost my grandpa in August. She told me she "lost her mojo" and I told her, "Have I got the thing for you!" and told her the name of it and she said "Well, I don't poo-poo anything and my name IS Carol!" Its definitely a very uplifting, happy smell. Like others have mentioned it does smell like candy, but its not cloyingly sweet, its more fresh like the sweetness of a really ripe plum or candied lemon. Juicy, even! I am dropping it off this weekend, I'll be curious how it works for her. Hopefully she gets her joy mojo back!
  15. zagadka


    Can I please bathe in this? It smells so amazing! I just got this today, so I will have to come back and edit about the effectiveness but, lawdy lawdy this smells divine. In Bottle: It smelled very softly resinous and powdery, much like Follow Me Boy does. Honestly, I was bummed but remembered I didn't buy it for the scent alone, and thought it might grow on me like others have. Dry Down: After about an hour I resniffed and out of no where it bloomed into this thick, heady, yet somehow still very light and soft amber/ honey scent...much like O to me (which is one of my favorite scents). This is definitely going to get a lot of wear, I can tell already. EDIT: Well, well, well... this is quite wonderful. Not only does it smell amazing (seriously, YUM. I can't stop sniffing myself), but it works well with clear intentions. I primarily got it because owning a store means I have to talk to people a lot. I'm kind of shy and at almost 30 I still feel like the awkward art kid from high school. This really seems to bring a lot of wit to the surface, and who doesn't like to make people laugh?!
  16. I love musks, too. O is one of my absolute favorites. Its so complex. Sweet, but not candy-like or playful. Spicy but not gourmand or foody- more of a light resinous scent. Its very commanding and you have to be in the right mood to wear it. I could bathe in it. La Petite Mort is like a gentler version of O to me. A lot of the skin scent of O comes out in La Petite Mort. I also love Brown Jenkins, its a delightful morpher. Night Gaunt to me is like a very herbal, slightly spicy musk.
  17. zagadka

    Halloween: San Francisco

    I got this as a b-day gift for my dood since we both love San Fran, and he absolutely looooooves it. It really reminds me of the drive to Point Reyes. The lighthouse just MIGHT be the loneliest place on the earth- and this scent is full of longing. In the bottle you can smell everything that is described all at once. You have to be patient and try to find them all individually. At first its the salt and earth, then the aquatic notes, then all of the old leaves and maybe a touch of dirt. Smells like a simpler, more straightforward version of Virgo. Earthy, green, sharp at times with a touch of water. Very grounding. On, it is a tad bit sweeter and less fresh. Almost like very lightly sugared cut grass. Reminds of me how in Farenheight 451 where Bradbury describes the smell of fall leaves like cinnamon. Definitely warmer. Dry down, mostly aquatic notes with some fresh greenery in there, maybe a few white flowers. At least this is what I smell on me, I would suspect it would probably smell less clean and fresh on a man since, well, they generally sweat a lot more...
  18. zagadka


    I'm sadly unsure of this one, it is a lot sweeter than I thought it was going to be. Though, from reading the description I'm not sure what I was expecting. In the bottle it is cherry, cherry, cherry and then you're hit with a sharp sting of almond, and the smoothness of dark chocolate. If you keep sniffing, the coconut rounds it out and warms it up a bit. Overall, its sweet, sticky, syrupy but somehow doesn't smell like a simple candy. Its definitely more layered and complex. Strangely enough, I asked my BF what he smelled in the bottle and he said "Its really spicey!"...I got no spice...interesting! On, you definitely still get the blast of cherry and sting of almond, but it is starting to fade and the coconut is coming to the forefront just a bit. But, its more of a creamy note. I also get some fresh floral notes in there. But what could it be??? Hmmm... At this point and about an hour in, it still has a really strong throw, like I am walking in a cherry-almond cloud! Dry down- most of the cherry has gone, but if you move a certain way it seems to peek out. It is mostly a sweet, nutty, slightly alcoholic, boarderline gourmand scent. It reminds me of browned butter, very rich, caramely, warm with just a hint of earthy spice from the saffron. It has a pretty low throw, one of those scents that if you move quickly you can subtly smell yourself and just get a smile on your face. Overall, I LIKE this scent but I don't know how much I can wear it. Scents like this seem to give me headaches really often. Too sharp and sweet, but I will wear it several more times before I can tell. EDIT,EDIT.. Ok, now that it has gotten colder here, this scent is working much better for me. Its too heavy to wear on warm days, but when its cold its like wearing a nice sweater...cozy and warm.
  19. zagadka

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    I think its just wholesale@blackphoenixalchemylab.com. I contacted them in maybe April for more information on wholesale because we have wanted to carry them in our store for a long while now. We have several customers who are into the brand as much as we are, its been fun finding that out because you'd never assume so by the way they looked. Never judge a book... From what I can tell it is a very slow process since they probably take a huge amount of consideration what the store is, what they sell, who goes there, etc. to keep in line with their own branding and image. I have a feeling it won't pan out for us, but ya never know. I stay hopeful! Maybe your friend will have better luck
  20. zagadka

    Black Pearl

    I thought I had reviewed this one, I got it a long time ago! Guess not... This is one of my favorites, it reminds me a lot of Eden but without the sharpness and the in-your-face nuttiness. Its much creamier, the white musk on the dry down is amazing. I would say it is lightly sweet, but doesn't smell like candy or food so much. In the bottle it is simultaneously creamy and nutty, lightly toasted nut. After about 30 minutes you can smell the floral notes. I am really picky with florals as they can give me awful headaches but this is so light and airy that you hardly notice it. It blends so well. On the dry down the white musk really comes out. I think this is a really long lasting scent that has a pretty decent through. Definitely wonderful for the long, bright, warm days of summer spent in the sun.
  21. zagadka


    I should mention that I DO NOT like, in fact, loath pumpkin pie and classic fall foodie scents 95% of the time. I mean, I like some gourmand scents for sure but there is something about this category that makes me feel sick and headachey. None the less I sniffed it and tried it out because you never know.... In the bottle it reminds me of heavily buttered popcorn. Very thick, heavy, gooey. Like the batter for pumpkin bars and the frosting all at once. Or a Jelly Belly Buttered Popcorn or Carmel Corn jellybean. On it morphed and the buttery notes calmed down, and there was something sharp that I can't pin point. I've seen others picked out peach, maybe that's what it is because peach is another one of those scents that can give me an instant migraine. I had to wash it off, but it still lingered and made me sick. I tried!
  22. zagadka


    Every time I have worn this, I have gotten nightmares. Not just scary dreams, but the wake-up-in-a-pool-of-sweat nightmares. Not sure how I feel about the scent, I just got it because I loved the folklore behind it and was very curious about what it would smell like. Before reading the reviews I couldn't figure out what I was smelling and not picking up on, but DUH...of course, lavender! Blindly, I was getting eucalyptus and anise/licorice. But, it was the lavender that was rounding it out. Not sure if I like this as a scent to wear, but it does smell lovely. Those days when I have a pending headache I like to smell this to kinda clear my head and stop the headache in its tracks.
  23. zagadka

    All Night Long

    As if the name didn’t spell it out for you. This blend relieves all sexual inhibitions by simultaneously relaxing and arousing. Smells just like Red Devil but with less sweetness/cherry and much, much more cinnamon. The place I tested it actually tingled a bit. I wasn't feeling the spiciness the day I tried it and washed it off. I do, however, like Red Devil and will try this one out again to see if I get anything other than cinnamon and sugar and a touch of patchouli.
  24. zagadka


    WHOA banana in the bottle big time. I didn't think I would even attempt to put it on since I detest anything that is artificial banana tasting or smelling. Surprisingly, the banana went away rather quickly on me and freshened up- it became pretty light, sweet, almost refreshing? Not sure if I would wear it, but its one of those quick evolving scents, which is way fun.
  25. zagadka


    I get no tea It would have been nice to lighten this up, its quite heavy and syrupy smelling. I get coconut syrup with a touch of almonds. The rum comes through on the dry down. It reminds me a lot of Elegba