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Everything posted by zagadka

  1. zagadka

    Smoky, Leathery Goodness

    Help me find some scents for my dude- his favorite is Mutant Hotrodders- its the smokey, leathery notes he loves. But, he also loves Snake Oil (duh), San Fran, The School and a good majority of other scents I make him try out Suggestions?! Thanks!
  2. zagadka


    This is so yummy... Wet, it smells like the taste of those cinnamon gummi bears- sweet, sticky, warm and slightly cinnamon-y. The cinnamon is light and not overwhelming, it has a candylike quality to it without being fake or too sweet. On, more cinnamon comes forward and mixes with the myrrh and honeysuckle, which give it a really smooth, almost buttery/ bourbony feel to it. There are definitely some honey notes (like O and Jezebel) that come through, though I don't think it will have the powdery feel that so many people get with O. The drydown is the best part- its so gorgeous! Its all honey and soft resins from the myrrh, very soft, smooth, slightly sweet. I get a lot of compliments when I wear this. Has a decent throw and great staying power, too!!
  3. zagadka

    Schrodinger's Cat

    I totally thought I reviewed this!! Anyhow, this is one of my favorite summertime scents- its so uplifting and light, but still has a nice throw. In the imp, its a mixed citrus with a bit of a bite, probably from the grapefruit. It reminds me of when my mom would buy those concentrated cans of 5-Alive! The lime and the grapefruit are easy to pick out, and it has just the slightest hint of mint. But, if I didn't know it was there, I'm not sure if I'd be able to pick it out. Same with the chocolate, but I think that chocolate note is what keep it from feeling too airy, it grounds it and gives it a little depth. It stays the same for a few hours- refreshing, bright, effervescent citrus. Then, it dries down and smells like a lighter version of O (*without* the powdery notes for those of you who hate that). It was that gorgeous dry down that had me slathering myself in this!!
  4. zagadka


    I am going to have to come back and edit this for a better scent description, but this is the first time I have smelled something an it immediately whisked me back in time and made me think of an Edwardian gentleman out for a walk in a long velvet coat.
  5. zagadka

    Beer from the Marsh Woman's Brewery

    In the imp, it smells like a stylized version of malt; my dad brews beer and it has the yeasty-sweetness of mash with the malt just poured in. If you've ever had horses or barn yard animals, it smells like sticking your head in a bag of sweet feed. Yes, that's the best possible description of it! On, you start to get more hints of the marsh scent, the slightly damp, aquatic notes off set the sweetness of the grain and it smells absolutely stunning! Its so well blended, you almost feel like you're standing in this woman's house, which is so close to the marsh you can stick your arm out the window and grab cattails. But, then it all went down hill for me. The delish grain notes were over powered by the aquatic notes and an herbacious floral and it turned into the smell of drier sheets. Maybe it has a gorgeous dry down, but I had to wash it off, it was making me sick. ....if only those gorgeous top notes lasted!!
  6. zagadka

    Swamp Atmosphere Spray

    Hmm, I thought I had reviewed this....guess not! I grew up next to a swamp and spent maaaany, many hours playing in there by myself. Its part of the reason why I have such reverence for the natural world and why I had high hopes of what this would smell like. I was thinking more along the lines of Villainess Grundy or Death Cap- something wet, heavy, earthy, and a slight hint of decay. But, I was surprised to smell a lightness- very white floral with a hint of aquatic notes. Those two things are definitely not good friends of mine; its a pretty scent but not what I was imagining....
  7. zagadka

    Red Lantern Atmosphere Spray

    I generally don't like foody or overly-sweet smells, but have been trying to venture out of my box and this was a very good scent to prove why that's a great idea. This is one of the only scents that arrived and smelled exactly the way its described and exactly the way I thought it would. At first, its sweet decadence. The only way I can describe it is "forbidden fruit"- its what I would imagine the black currant would smell like if it were dipped in salted caramel. It then opens up and becomes a little deeper and a touch smokey, you can definitely catch whiffs of the tobacco, amber and coconut. I also get hints of white floral notes blended in so carefully to cut down on the sweetness. They add a bit of sharp, cleanly notes that fade when the bottom notes come forward. Hints of dry, blond wood mingle with lingering bits of sweet fruit and rich caramel and coconut with a touch of spice. Totally indulgent smelling and suuuuuper delicious.
  8. zagadka

    Thirteen (13): May 2011

    This is like Gula, only a little more complex. I love Gula bath oil, so I am in heaven with this scent!! First whiff in the bottle its lightly chocolate sandalwood with a hint of smokiness- VERY nice. Its not very sweet, its almost kind of dry and dare I say ever-so-slightly powedery?! Wet, holy lemony goodness! Where did you come from? The chocolate mingles with the lemon a bit and reminds me of those chocolate orange things you get around Xmas that you're supposed to smash into pieces. Only this smells much richer- those things always tasted like ass. Dry down, everything smooths out and becomes very well rounded. The lemon has faded and its mostly a light incense blend with a touch of sweetness. I love this scent, and it actually arrive the day before my BF whisked me off to Tennessee to surprise me with a proposal, so now whenever I smell this I am reminded of the Smoky Mountains. How appropriate!! My only complaint is that it does not last long. The initial throw is decent, but after the mid notes start to fade, it lingers very closely to the skin.
  9. zagadka

    masculine florals

    Ah, another plug for my dear Lurid: Shocking, horrific, fierce, savage, sensationalized, luminous and hazy: black currant, Bulgarian lavender and white musk with a dollop of thick resin and a voltaic charge of ozone notes. I get mostly lavender, resin, and top notes of ozone which blend really well into the lavender. It doesn't morph a whole bunch, but feels very cool to me. I wear it when its stifling and humid. To me, its definitely clean, dignified, sexy. This one is great for day or night, for night you could mix it with something a little darker like Snake Oil and it would be beautiful.
  10. zagadka

    Smoky, Leathery Goodness

    I like to wear mostly "masculine" considered scents, too. I've always just considered them "dark" or "layered" like you. It wasn't until BPAL that I started wearing more traditionally feminine scents, particularly those of the foody variety (which happened when puddin sent me glowing vulva bath oil by mistake.... ) So, this is what I ended up getting him yesterday: 1) Dee 2) The Black Rider 3) The Bow and Crown of Conquest 4) The Robotic Scarab 5) Beer From The Marsh Woman... 6) 51 the last two are obviously not part of the smoky leather mix, and I went with the Black Riding instead of the Red Rider just in case it happened to be a little too sweet, he could fork it over to me.
  11. zagadka

    Smoky, Leathery Goodness

    Oooo thank you for all of the suggestions- keep 'em coming! Its fun to pick out scents even if I am not going to wear them myself... or no, maybe I will. Yeah, I probably will. Who am I kidding?! Western Diamondback has been on my curious-to-try list for a while (and banded sea snake). Thanks everyone!!!
  12. zagadka

    Plague Doctor v13

    With my obsession with plague masks and creepy plague doctor illustrations, you can imagine how pumped I was when I saw this on their Etsy site. I read the reviews and thought "Oh, yum! Herbally goodness? Yes please!" When I opened the bottle I was in joy- it was bright and a touch sweet with some citrus overtones (maybe lemongrass?). Much to my dismay, there was not much herbal goodness to be had. In fact, it smells nearly identical to Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse- very sharply floral with a hint of green notes lurking in the background but never really coming forward. I ended up washing it off because it made me sick. Tried it the next day, same thing. I guess I was expecting something different, more greenery, more herbs. I wanted the earthy notes I associated with the herbs that were stuffed in the beak of the mask! Sadly, I didn't find them... into the swap pile it goes.
  13. zagadka

    Tiki Princess

    My goodness I could have sworn that I reviewed this, but nope! I was so excited for this scent because 1) I love, love, love Hawaii and my heart lives there 2) I love me some coconut scents. Man, was I disappointed in this. Maybe it was the coldness of the scent and I was hoping for something a little sunnier or toasted. In the bottle it smells amazing- its like a bowl of fruit punch with sun tan lotion and pikaki mixed in. All I can think of is the color white- its bright and fresh and SO juicy smelling. On, it doesn't morph much at all (a big bummer to me, I like my morphers), but the florals come a bit more forward and it turns soapy on me. Not powdery, but soapy, like a "tropical" scented laundry detergent. Clean, slightly sweet and sometimes sharply floral. Not my cup of tea at all, it just didn't have enough depth to work.
  14. zagadka

    What's the best coconut blend?

    Shoggoth!!! Its like sparkling coconut water- very fresh, light and slightly sweet. Its not the overwhelming coconut of Tiki Princess (which reminds me of a Plug-In after I put it on. SO crushed over that!). Its probably one of my favorite scents. Of course Eden and Black Pearl are also amazing, but they're a little heavier than Shoggoth.
  15. zagadka

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    For what it's worth, honey smells like baby powder on my skin, but beeswax stays true. So you're not the nly one to have different reactions between the two. For recs, everyone has said Lights of Men's Lives, and I have to agree. Other than that, No. 93 Engine is the only other in the general catalog I have come across, and you have found that for yourself. Some LE's you might want to track down: Luperci: raw, down and dirty patchouli, Gurjam balsam, and essence of Sampson Root sweetened with the heightened sexuality of beeswax, virile juniper, oakmoss, ambrette seed over honey and East African musk. (very sexy and a bit masculine) Saint Foutin de Varailles: Beeswax, frankincense, dried rose petals, and a dribble of wine. (this was very 'berry candle' when fresh, but has aged great - if you like rose) Time does not Bring Relief: Parma violet and leather accord with beeswax, Egyptian musk, orange blossom, white tea, lavender, myrrh, and copal. (smells like Lights of Men's Lives + violet) THE SCHOOL!!!!!!! I got it for my BF for Xmas this past year and it is sooooooo yummy- it smells like soft, dry wood and beeswax. Remember the smell of sharpening pencils in school? Its like a hint of that mixed with the wax, it is soooo heavenly. I almost wish I kept it for myself, but I love it on him. Yum.
  16. zagadka

    Kitty Bath Salts

    I let my mom choose between Kitty and Ninon for her mother's day surprise, and she chose Kitty. I won't lie, I was a little disappointed! I usually don't like sweet, foody scents but there is something really magical and enticing about Kitty! Its VERY strawberry. It reminds me of going berry picking as a kid and smelling all of those juicy berries in the car on the way home. The berry hits you in the face right away, and then there is this mouth watering, buttery sponge cake. Ohhhhh yum. While the scent is strong (it filled up our whole back hallway with berry goodness), its not overwhelming. It just smells so so good.
  17. zagadka

    Ninon Bath Salts

    This was a little cooler smelling that I was thinking, it must be the lavender in there. It reminds me a bit of Lurid and Galvonic Goggles, a touch on the masculine side and not at all sweet. Which isn't bad, because sometimes you want a refreshing bath, right?! Not my favorite salt scent, but still very pretty. I have this thing; I love scents that smell like paper. You know, when you open a fresh pack of it, it has a soft, sweet, sort of unidentifiable yet distinguished smell. The dry down of this is all paper. I love that.
  18. zagadka

    Celeste Bath Salts

    This is the first BPTP bath item I had purchased and it totally sent me into a frenzy, I HAVE to buy more of this, its achingly beautiful!! Its all toasty vanilla and saffron. Nothing more. At first, I got some plastic notes but I think it was actually the plastic since it arrived warm. It makes such a delicious bath concoction and I was STUNNED at how long it lasts... I don't shower every day and I can smell this on me and anything I touch for days. Its long-lasting without being overwhelming. Gunna get the Celeste perfume, too!!
  19. zagadka

    Glowing Vulva Bath Oil

    This is sending me on a quest to find the perfume. I usually don't like sweet and foody scents but this one may have changed my mind. At first whiff, its BUTTERSCOTCH!! Creamy but a bit burnt and ever so slightly boozy. Really, really yummy. After it opens up you can smell the floral, which helps off set the sweetness and makes it a little more sophisticated. Absolutely magnificent! I use it both in and out of the bath for a moisturizer. It soaks in and never feels greasy.
  20. zagadka

    Gula Bath Oil

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I LOVE THIS!! I am not a foody smell lover, but this is like if chocolate and really high quality sandalwood had sex and made a beautiful baby. It starts out obviously chocolately (think Bliss) and then morphs into something really sophisticated and soft.
  21. zagadka


    This is a soft, sexy scent. Oh, yum. I could get used to smelling like this for sure. Based on the notes that are listed I would NEVER have picked this out myself as I generally don't like florals, but this...this is so wonderful and so very hard to pin point. Its soft but has a great throw, its warm, spicy and slightly resinous. I feel like there might be a touch of myrrh or sandalwood in this, too. It feels very golden, like spending an afternoon bathed in sunshine. I am kinda at a loss for words. Must get bottle.
  22. zagadka


    How have I not reviewed this yet? Its one of my favorites and a perfectly light spring/ summer scent. Very cooling without being an aquatic scent (ick). Fruity without being foodie, sweet without being cloying. Its wonderful when you want to smell good without being overwhelming. Imp: Lime bombpop...the twin kind that you had to break apart. Makes me feel like I am 5 standing in front of the freezer with a popcicle in each hand. Wet: The lime melds with the lemongrass into a really fresh, vibrant and slightly sweet citrus concoction. At times it is slightly sharp but still really lovely. Dry down: The green coconut peeks through and plays with the white musk, its still really light and fresh but has lost the initial zing of the citrus. Has great staying power and throw- I love putting it in my hair and catching whiffs of it throughout the day.
  23. zagadka


    In the bottle you can totally smell dark booze notes- I get whiskey for sure and a bit of smokey, peaty scotch. On, wet: A milder version of WILF and Snake Oil. I get some of the smokiness of both and a bit of the sweetness from SO. So far, I am not getting the sugar or the delicious grape booze I keep hearing about. Dry Down: This hasn't morphed as much as I had hoped it would, its still quite smokey, though not as much as WILF. It reminds me of dry pipe tobacco. Sweet and earthy. I am on the fence about this one. Man, I am having some terrible luck picking oils lately (which is why we need a CHICAGO-area WILL CALL!! ). This is the first Smut I have ever tried and based on the reviews and hearing comparisons to O, the honey notes, and grape booze I was certain this would be a major winner. But again, its those notes that are in WILF and Snake Oil that I love but can't wear without feeling ill. Its so strange! Its no where near as heavy as those, but I was expecting something a little smoother. Aye aye aye... l EDIT: after a whole day of wearing I finally got the grape lollipop notes! I woke up this morning and still smelled of suckers. If only it had arrived much earlier!
  24. zagadka


    I think I got this as a frimp in an order, because its nothing that I would pick out. Gosh, I am so glad the lab does that otherwise I would just have endless amounts of amber and musk perfumes! In the imp: Chocolate covered oranges and sugared citrus. Sweet, but not cloying. Definitely not a foody sweet Wet on: Fresh burst of citrus followed immediately by a fat ass rose. Dry down: Creamy, slightly sweet rose. I am not picking up any of the honey notes, but the sandalwood is making this feel lush and creamy. I keep thinking of stirring honey into milk, although this is not that sweet, its almost velvety in "texture". The rose is at the forefront, but it doesn't scream floral. EDIT: about 3+ hours into the dry down the honey popped out. Mixed with sandalwood, it is divine!
  25. zagadka

    #20 Love Oil

    I got this as a frimp from a forumite! In the imp I was certain I wouldn't like it, it was very sharp and medicinal. If I breath in deeply it almost burns my nose. I can't pin point what it is, but it makes me think of a distillation of pungent herbs, wood, and such. Its very earthy and soapy at the same time. Then out of no where, you get this gorgeous bouquet of roses. Now, I always thought that I hated rose until I got Dance of the Mirlitons. Now, I kinda like it! My mom is a florist, and it reminds me of walking into her studio when she was doing a wedding in the summer. Its like the smell of greenery, roses, and magnolia on a humid sunny day. The rose hangs around for a while, and it settles into a white/ skin musk sort of a scent and drifts away. It had pretty good staying power on me, rose usually does. Normally I would never ever go for something like this -especially with the top notes, but this was really fun. Very feminine.