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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Babypopje

  1. I would start with packing the BTPT items the same way the lab ships them- packing tape wrapped over the lid and then around the lid to keep it from rotating open. I would put each item in a separate, thick zip-lock plastic bag. I would then put everything in a sturdy box filled with lots of bubble wrap, so the items don't get crushed. Good luck with your move!


    Hello sweethearts,


    I need some good advise. I'm moving from the Netherlands to South Africa in the beginning of january, by plane. And of course I'll be taking BPAL with me!

    What I'm talking about are imps/decants, bottles, and atmosphere sprays and massage oils.


    Now, I'm scared as hell that something will leak, especially things like my beloved Cake Smash v6, for example! I'm seriously considering taking all the imps/decants and bottles in my hand luggage in the plastic bag, wrapped with plumbers tape and bubble wrap. Talking about 20 bottles and the same amount of imps or so.

    But the BPTP isn't allowed in hand luggage since it's volume exceeds the maximum 100 ml per bottle. So I need to put those in the check-in luggage. What is the best to protect these from leaking?


    Please, help my collection move safely!


    Thank you so much for the tips!

    What kind of tape would be best? Scotch? Plumbers? Electrical? Something different?

  2. Hello sweethearts,


    I need some good advise. I'm moving from the Netherlands to South Africa in the beginning of january, by plane. And of course I'll be taking BPAL with me!

    What I'm talking about are imps/decants, bottles, and atmosphere sprays and massage oils.


    Now, I'm scared as hell that something will leak, especially things like my beloved Cake Smash v6, for example! I'm seriously considering taking all the imps/decants and bottles in my hand luggage in the plastic bag, wrapped with plumbers tape and bubble wrap. Talking about 20 bottles and the same amount of imps or so.

    But the BPTP isn't allowed in hand luggage since it's volume exceeds the maximum 100 ml per bottle. So I need to put those in the check-in luggage. What is the best to protect these from leaking?


    Please, help my collection move safely!


  3. Okay, consider this my first review since I think I did one but didn't finish it.


    On initial application, the first I smelled was COFFEE! But not normal coffee, no more like a well-rounded, french coffee. Then, I smell a lot of brown sugar and eggs. It's not really boozy, as I did expect it to be, but more like.. brown sugar and eggs?icon_wink.gif


    It's now about 15 minutes after application, and it fades pretty quickly on me. I do still detect the coffee, but it doesn't scream anymore, the eggnog has taken in!

    I do not expect this to be a scent that lastst, as I feel like comparing it to EggNog, which also lasts for just a few hours.


    Now, it's about three hours after application. It smells better and stronger than I expected. I still can sniff it clearly, and now the sugar/eggs and the coffee have balanced out. Pretty yummy, but I don't know if I would hunt down a bottle. But maybe, if I bump into one.. I never say never!


    Final verdict: 7/10

  4. Yule Click-n-Ships are appearing! Has anyone got Yule labels to share yet? Pretty please? :)


    I will try to remember to take some photos tomorrow (er.. later today) but I can at least tell you that my Little Match Girl bottle (In Brightness and In Joy) is the same painting that is shown on the Lab site (little girl with the Christmas tree) with the scent name in white.

    Yay! I can't wait to see them! :heart:

  5. My thoughts until now, for the ones I have tested/worn enough to have a thought:

    - The Gorobble: Whew, much smokier and bonfire-ish then I thought! I was hoping for really sticky gooey sweet marshmellow. Oh well.

    - Sprinklecake: Also, disappointing. It's a nice sugary scent, but I have a lot of cake scents that are better. It also does not last on me. Sad, I expected much of this scent.

    - The Changeling: Currently wearing, for 3,5 hours. It's the best until now. Very warm, and adapts well to my skin. Very lovely!

  6. I am currently making a poll, should I count in Sprinklecake and Halloween: Las Vegas, or not?

    I think not, but just want to make sure. I will also be adding Candied Pumpkin and Pumpkin Hard Candy, is that okay?


    edit: The poll has been made! I left out the Sprinklecake and Las Vegas, but just give a shout when you think they have to be in and I'll edit the poll. Maybe it's possible to add it to the first post and in the title? I hope for a lot of votes!


    So people, please go here and vote for your favorite Halloweenie 2011 scents!

  7. I was frimped a tester of something called Nowhere in Particular, but I can't find the review thread anywhere. My search abilities are failing me. Anyone know where this would be? (is it even BPAL? I feel like the name sounds familiar, but...)

    It's from the Wind in the Willows, a Yule subcategory.

    The reviews are here!

    Hope this helps!




  8. People, please be gentle, this is my first review!

    Oh golly I am so excited!


    I am so glad to do this, because I couldn't smell ANYTHING in the past half week.


    In the bottle: It smells green, tree-like, mostly, with a shot of rice milk.

    Wet: Something sharp sticks its head up. I blame the tree sap for it. Also, quickly after it, a lot of almond!

    Drydown: the hay, tree sap and moss stay on the foreground. But it isn't sharp anymore, they are nice, late summery and mellow. Some almond blossoms fly around, when standing around on a field, filled with trees and corn stalks, eating a bowl of milk rice stuff. It's also pretty strong, and boy, I like it!


    (I will be editing this later this evening how the next stages are).


    This scent reminds me of the rice in a Haus of Gloi whipped soap, called Mango Sticky Rice (or at least, something like that). I loved it, until it died, and now I hunt it forever..


  9. I just LOVE Snow White!


    How I met her:

    It was January 2010, and it just had been my 19th birthday. I got a surprise package by mail from a friend from a Lush forum.. and in it was.. a decant of Snow White! It was my first BPAL ever, and I immediantely fell in love!


    It lasts sooo incrediably long, it is a romantic, soft, grown-up scent. I really can smell the fresh apple, that's what I like about it so much. It is a really apple-y and flowery scent, perfect for winter and early spring! The point is, normally, I HATE flowers in a blend. Well, most of the times. Because this is romance, elegance in a bottle! I just love it, and will never let it go!

