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Posts posted by Wanderbyy

  1. My notes in order are: Green leaves/stems, dead leaves, a dry warmth comes up-a bit incensy maybe- then they all kind of meld together within a few minutes.


    I adore, adore this scent. I really do. It's a wonderful fall blend and stays very subtle to my skin......but unfortunately disappears within an hour or two. Trying to decide if I can be responsible and pass this along as I do have more scents than I can wear in a lifetime, but I can't quite bear to let it go just yet. I keep wearing it again, hoping it will last a bit longer.

  2. Crushed grass, sweet pine sap, and California wildflowers.

    I attended my very first Will Call (Yay dirty south!) and this will be first First review.

    The original bottle I tested at the call was my perfect wet grass and honeysuckle scent, the one I had been looking for each time a description seemed to match. It made me think of being a little girl at my grandparent's house and rolling down the hills in the West Virginia mountains until I was dizzy

    Now, the bottle I bought is not so much on the honeysuckle side of things and more herby. The pine sap is definitely the stronger note in this bottle. Very pleasant but doesn't punch me in the face with sweet nostalgia of crushed grass and flowers. Debating on getting another bottle to see if I can hit the jackpot again.