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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by fetish911

  1. I got a testable amount of this from a lovely gal... I was soooo excited when I saw it. I had wanted to try this scent for a long time.

    The first thing I thought was, "OMG its gone bad or something" It had this strange chemical scent to it. I didn't smell any chocolate or frosting or anything remotely foodie. Against my better judgement I put it on anyway. The smell right off was a terrible, acrid, burning plasticy smell. So not good, that I immediately jumped up to wash it off. But I stopped and let it dry down anyhow. On the dry down it did turn out to be vanilla, like a "fluffy" kind of vanilla. Not foodie, but there is definitely something lurking underneath. Its musk. For sure, musk. Every now and then I catcha a whiff of musky- vanilla. A little goes a long way here. After awhile, its just all musk.

    I am glad that I got to test this one before I searched out a bottle. It was alright after a long dry down, but not good enough to endure that stinky wet stage.

    Not good on me.


    I give it a 1.5/5

  2. This smelled so nice in the imp. Fruity & shampoo clean kinda. So I slathered..... BIG MISTAKE. Apparently either white musk or orange blossom is the devil on me. The fruity clean scent fades pretty quick and I am left with a floral perfumey stench. This morphed on me sooo badly I wanted to cry.


    I guess this is why skin testing the imp is the golden rule. So glad I tested this first instead of jumping on a bottle. I tend to jump the gun a little too quickly.





  3. This smells so peachy- wine spritzer like when its wet. I love it.


    Once it dries on me, I am not so sure. Smells almost perfumey. Like department store perfumey? I can still smell the wine spritzer aspect of it in one breath, then its all perfume death in the next.


    I don't know how to take this one. I don't know if I like it.... :confused:

  4. I got a bottle of Obatala at C2E2 and... this is NOT the Obatala I know and love. It's a vaguely floral dark aquatic scent. There is no coconut or milk or shea to be found anywhere, and while regular Obatala lasts a day on me, this barely lasts two hours. I've aged it for two months, and I'll keep doing so but you guys, I hate it. I hate to say it because I love BPAL, but this is awful.


    ETA: I was RIGHT- that was NOT the Obatala I know. I emailed the lab, and apparently TAL Obatala was blended instead of BPAL Obatala.


    That very thing happened to me just recently. Expecting my lovely coconuty goodness (via mail order)- I got a nose full of nasty floral hell. I also got a frimp of , none other than Obatala (which smells like it should have) Turned out that I was sent the TAL obatala... not BPAL.

    Since this has happened obviously more than just once, they should really rename TAL's scent names that are the same as Bpals. It would save the Lab time, money & work. But that is just my humble opinion. B)

  5. This was the first time I sniffed out most of the notes & got em right! I finally found an imp and tried it out (w/o looking at the notes before hand)

    in the imp- Sweet & some musky/amber.

    on- I got vanilla- very prominent. I amp vanilla so its prob not that strong on others. Then add in some warm amber & sweet sugar & a bit of musk. It smells so good. I don't detect any leather on me, which is good, cause I hate leather notes. I was really suprised how much I liked this. Well not really, I always fall inlove with the HTF ones. =(

  6. YUM! Coconut.. luff the coconut. I always try anything with my beloved 'nut in it..... This smells go good !!! Its creamy coconut and not much else on me. I don't get any pepper. Not a morpher either. Its pure love. I am going to get a back up bottle for sure.



  7. Vetiver.... ugh.

    At first wet I could smell a tinge of coconut/lemon. It wasn't too bad. Then the vetiver came out to play and ruined my fun. Vetiver on me smells sour & like burning plastic almost. This scent stayed very close to my skin. And because of that, I had to put my nose so close to smell it, its just burned my nose. I got a slightly nauseous feeling everytime I sniffed it. I so wanted to like this one too.

    Damn you vetiver. You suck.



  8. Started off herbally and kinda lemony. Even though there isn't lemon in it?? Then all of a sudden,, WHAM-O orris. In my face orris. Not a bad smell on me, but not one of my favs. Kinda reminded me how Staged Moon Landing smelled when it dried down. Its got fairly decent throw I guess. Its pretty, but not really me. I would still give it 3/5 though!

  9. 09 version


    Its a crisp clean smell in the bottle, Scotch tape with Lily in the background. Lily is a death scent on me, it always turns to sour piss ((damn my chemistry)) I know to stay away from scents that have this in it. But I got a sniffie & have to give it the benefit of the doubt.


    wet- Plasticy, sweet, crisp and lily-o-death. I am not hopeful this is going to go over well on me.


    drydown- Stinky floral. I don't smell anything but burning plastic & lily. Wtf is burning??? This is sooo bad on me I have to wash it off. I cannot tough it out long enough to do the "later" review.



    I can see how this would smell awesome on other people. But this is NOT for me. :(


    final 1/5

  10. I love this scent. Fav of the bees for sure. Its all Coconut & licorice with a little bit of the ginger in the background & even a smidge of cloves. No cinnamon - not even a trace thank goodness. I love it. This might just be the first bottle that I buy a back up of!


    5/5 :wub2:

  11. Wet this reminded me of marigold flowers with a little mint thrown in. That sharp herbally smell....Its such a unique & different smell. After it dries a bit, the marigold scent takes a step back and the honey comes out! I love the labs honey scents. In fact, of all the bees, this is the only one that I can acutally smell the honey in once its dry. I quite like it =)



    total score- 3.8 / 5

  12. OH I sooooo wanted to love this one! I love me some incensey scents like no ones business. But that damn rose just ruines it for me. I should have known rose and I don't get along. I was hopeful that maybe it would have been more of a background note and incense in the front. No such luck. I get all wood & rose. :rantrave: DOH! Maybe this one will age with time and be better. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and try it again... later.


    final 1/5 yuck

  13. Wet I get dirt and a kind of fruity/ berry scent. Its the sasafrass. I have 8 trees in my yard and I love sasafrass tea. But on my skin its an almost berry like. The dirt smell does fade a bit and moves into the background a bit. It never leaves totally but does back off. I kind of like this one on me. It does seem to fade rather quickly, but I didn't use a heavy hand applying it either. Perhaps a bottle is in order? Not sure , but I will test again...


    final 3.5/5

  14. Wet - florally... but a pretty floral, magnolias I am thinking.. I ususally don't like florals but this is actually pretty. As it dries down on my skin I am getting "soapy". While not dish deterg, a floral soapy- like those cute little flower shaped guest soaps my grams used to have in a pretty basket that I would play with as a child. I am thankfully not getting any burning smells or firey windmills here. I kinda like it! I don't think its bottle worthy, but I will enjoy my imp of it.


    final rating- 3.5/5

  15. Wow this scent was so dead on... its crazy. Wet it smells like standing in the middle of a corn field in summer. After a few mins that "dirt "smell totally backs off and I am left with sweet green grass. Not foody or candy sweet, but just lush, earthy grass. Its really quite nice. After a few hours I can smell honey? maybe hay? not sure, but I love this scent. Just sniffing it out of the imp I wasn't too impressed, but I think I am going to get a bottle of this one.


    OH! and I just happened to have corn on the cob for dinner tonight. As I was shucking the corn, I sniffed my wrist and the scent was uncanny how much they were alike!

  16. I just bit the bullet and went strait to a bottle with this one. DOH! I'll learn my lesson yet.


    In the bottle- fruity and peachy... really love it so far!


    Wet- smells kind of like a soft floral peachy. smells like something from my childhood. i cannot quite place it though. I am not a floral person, but this is really nice.


    drydown- Its getting this wierd sharpness to it. It just smells "white" as in like white musk, or white tea, but a tiny bit spicey... and its getting perfumy. I can't smell any individual notes now, just its getting perfumeier as the minutes wear on. WTF is happening to you? I liked you up until now.



    later- ugh. perfume. as a couple other people mentioned Avon crap perfume. But not to be all negative- a crisp bright perfume?



    yes. its official, I hate my skin chemistry. :rantrave: It turns so many things on me to a cheap drugstore perfume. While this did go sharp/perfume I didn't have to wash it off cause it wasn't that bad. I don't like it on me. I have a whole bottle of it. Perhaps I should mosey on over to the scent lockets and try to salvage this otherwise nice smelling scent.

  17. I am a foodie, so thought I was going to really love this just from the description.


    wet- cake!! and more sweet yummy cake- love it!


    drydown- the cake is backing off, and the cucumber is coming through now. I don't smell any tea though. Maybe its the tea helping the cucumber, but indiv. I don't smell tea.


    later- ugh. perfumey cucumber. Why the hell did it have to go perfumy on me. booo. I hate when things go perfumy. The cake is completely gone now. That makes me sad. Maybe it will mellow out a bit as time goes on? What a bummer.


    Glad I got to try an imp of this before jumping on a bottle (cause I totally was going that route). Its not good on me. bad bad bad. damn glowing cucumbers.

  18. OMG womb furie how do I love thee..... :wub2: I am not a honey note kind of gal.. usually. This is awesome smelling in the imp and on me. I love it. This had the potential to go really bad on me (as I said,me and honey are usually not friends) I want more, and now I cannot find a bottle of it, damnit.


    wet- snake oil in the background and honey a bit ahead of it.


    drydown- snake oil is coming out more now (love me some snake oil) and the honey is kind of mellowing and even getting a bit powdery.


    later- gosh, I really love this scent. Its so warm, a little sweet & soft. It really didn't morph too much beyond the drydown on me either. I keep catching whifs of it now and again off my arm.


    The search for a bottle continues.....

  19. I love me some Dragons blood. So I couldn't wait to give this a whirl...


    wet- Dragons blood and some spice... cinnamon perhaps a nutmeg kind of sweet spice. Very strong & a bit of sharpness to it while its wet


    drydown- Does mellow off a bit with the dragons blood fading into the background. But that cinnamon is just firmly planted & not going anywhere.


    Later- this one was crazy.... All the scent and spice left except for Pepper! all my arm smelled like was pepper. Is there even pepper in this?? Damn my bizarro chemistry.

  20. EEEPP! Rose. Rose and more Rose. :eek: I just slathered this imp on without reading up on it first or really giving a good huff of the vial.


    wet- warm (amber i'm guessing) rose. I am not friends with rose. I don't think we will ever have a good partnership.. sadly


    drydown- so far really hasn't changed on me. still just amber/ rose


    later- It's just pure amber now.. powdery amber. At least the rose is gone, hahaha


    This one was a total fail on me. 1 out of 5 cause I do like amber just not this much.

  21. After reading all the reviews of this one, I was sooo excited to try it. I dug through my imps and found it & promptly applied some to the back of my hand. Here we go-


    wet- spicey carnation and burnt sugar scent. I am not a lover of carnation so I am hoping the cream and sugar come through on this for me. So far not so bad.


    dry down- Ummm.. spicey carnation. that is it.... where are you other lovely notes that everyone else talked about?? I love orange blossoms and they are no where to be found. =(


    later- this had definitely mellowed down I am happy to say. almost a soapy/ sweet floral with a little hint of the carnation in there.


    I don't think this is bottle worthy for me, but I can see how it would smell great on other people.


    edited- I think I have really fallen for this scent. I woudn't wear it constantly (I am more of a foody/fruity) but its quite alluring and an nice change of pace. I think I'll track me a bottle down after all!
