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Posts posted by fetish911

  1. In the imp this smells so sexy & pretty. On me it turns to heavy powder. Like old lady smelling powder? I had to scrub this one off. It was that nasty on me. Damn you skin chemistry :cry2:

  2. OMG this blend is LOVE :wub2: Its all warm creamy vanilla & tonka with some dry sandalwood thrown in, not too much, but just enough to cut some of the sweetness. It smells so much like my favorite vanilla scent of all time- Auric Blends Vanilla. When I first got this in the mail ((huge thank u to my pick up angel!!)) I was kinda like "meh" about it. So I let it sit for a couple weeks. I kept walking past it and smelling it, thinking I must get around to trying it. Today is the official wearing of it & boy am I glad I waited a bit. I wish I had a back up of this because its amazing on me.


    5/5 !

  3. This smells pretty in the imp. Fruity, with almost a minty ginger kind of note with a bit of a earthy background. On.. is pure nasty. Smells good for a split second, then the vetiver plows through and tramples ever other note and all I am left with black pepper. Strait up spicy black pepper. I can actually smell it wafting up from my arm. Its strong too. Damn you vetiver- always gotta crash my party.

    This was so bad on me, I had to scrub it off and IT DOESN"T COME OFF!!!! I can still smell it :(


  4. upon sniff- Leather. Screaming in my face leather. And some grass. Fresh cut, real grass where you can smell the dirt that it grown in mixed in with it. I gotta be honest I am a little scared to try this one. I am not a leather fan. At all.


    on- Leather. like it smells in the imp. I may not be able to tolerate this one. The Labs leather note almost takes my breath away :ack:

    I will update as it dries down.


    Ok there was a garden store/nursery called Frank's.. a chain that has since closed. I loved this store for anything garden related. This perfume smells just like that store. It always smelled like leather for some reason, along with Fertilizer and dirt. Earthy & plant-y. This is that smell in a bottle. LOL Not something I want to smell like. lol

  5. :wub2: Bones Trombone, oh how I love you. You smell sweet without being cloying. All soft ,creamy, lemon meringue pie & juicy blueberry pie filling. The canned kind in the gel. You do not turn funky plastic on me and you are perfect for this foodie. I must have a few more bottles of you. :wub2:


    5/5 !

  6. White musk, French vanilla, ambrette seed, frankgipani, angelica root, white rose, orris, and honeysuckle.

    I think my bottle got jipped. There is ZERO vanilla in this. None. No orris I smell either. All I am getting from this is bright floral http://www.bpal.org/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/fear.gif I hunted down a bottle of this for so long. I has the sad. I so love vanilla scents and must track down all of them. I guess when this one was live I didn't buy it for a reason. I kept reading on here all the pretty vanilla descriptions and I figured I missed a good one. http://www.bpal.org/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/motz.gif

    oh well off to ebay


  7. I was hoping for banana as in Splatter Comedy after reading these reveiws. I got banana for like 5 seconds. It then burned off to high pitched white floral. Gardenia perhaps? Also a manly cologne type of smell underneath. WTH happened to my 'naner scent!?!?!? I am bummed this doesn't work for me. :(

  8. Wet this is buttery vanilla with fizz on me. Sweet, but not cloying. Dry down I can smell a little of the linen peaking through. I love the released Boo and I am totally loving this version too. Hugs to my pick up angel for this one too!!



  9. yep. :wub2: Beaver Moon 05. Smells damn good that is for sure. I have the released Cake Smash as well and this proto doesn't have the other components in it as mentioned above. Just strait up sweet creamy frosting that is perfect for this foodie. Yum! I will treasure my bottle!!



  10. I have a bottle of the Resurrected Spooky.


    wet- Mint! with some sweet coconut behind it, no vanilla. Strong!!! whew! :ack:


    Drydown- Mint is leaving, Yay! I think my skin eats mint I am convinced. Never had a mint hang around long on me. Anyhow, is just a "cool" coconut scent now, and thats about it. Still pretty strong. Its on the back of my hand and I can smell it wafting without having to raise my hand up to my nose.


    later- Still light coconut but here's the vanilla finally. Definitely a bit softer now. This scent doesn't last too awfully long....which can be good cause I can switch to a different scent once they fizzle out.


    overall impression- Not bad. I like it. I don't know how often I would reach for it because Obatala is my goto coconut scent, but its pleasant non the less. I only paid $8 for the full bottle so I am satisfied!



  11. Finally I ordered 2 bottles of this from UO. Unsniffed :eek: I love me some patch & vanilla so I am not worried.

    quick note- This just got off the UPS truck. I cannot wait days for it to calm down to test, so this review may change.


    wet- Patchouli! grassy, earthy-sweet hemp. I can juuuust smell the vanilla underneath. This stuff is strong!!


    dry/15+ mins- Wow. It is all I was hoping for. Earthy vanilla! I do still smell the hemp but the vanilla has mixed to make such a complex scent. Like nothing I have smell before. The vanilla is getting stronger as it wears on...I cannot keep from huffing my wrist. I love this scent! :wub2:


    5/5 ! Not many blends get a 5 from me either <wink>

  12. This is soo much just a powdery honey on me and like, nothing else. No cherry, no almond or rose. Its pretty, but I am not sure I would reach for it.




    Update-after more than a year I decided to retest. Its still powdery honey death on me but now i can smell rose predominantly and some cherry too. There is a wierd vanillic note in the background as well, but it cannot save this blend on my skin. So sad.

  13. Rice flower, vanilla, and cream.

    Love Castitas. I bought a full bottle of this unsniffed cause I knew I would love it. Soft vanilla-ish. I say ish cause I amp the hell out of vanilla and I didn't really feel vanilla here. But a more of a creamy, warmth that just wraps around you. This is a dead ringer for BBW rice flower & shea. I have the sg and then a little of this as a moisturizer after?... perfect :wub2:

  14. Smells like a perfumey nightmare on me. I can't pick out 1 individual note that is offensive, but it as a whole is not good on me. Its gotta be the Chypre that I don't like (as I generally hate most florals) this is awful. I love me some red musk, amber and patch, but I don't smell any of there here, just bright white florals. I am sad that I bought a whole bottle of this unsniffed. Off to swap pile she goes.....

  15. Blood Moon 2010~


    Wet- at first, this was kinda sharp and funky smelling to me... I almost was a lil bummed I grabbed a bottle. Musky, definitely with some sweet floral in there too. I am not familiar with cassia, so I don't know if that is what I am smelling?

    As it dried, I really started liking it. It got quite incensy and the sweetness toned down, thank goodness. It did remind me of my beloved Panther moon as well! This had some strong throw too I must say. I like it. I am glad I got bottle in the end.

  16. I tried a little of this in the crook of my arm. OMG>>> I SMELL LIKE A SEXY MAN!! I swear its what my hubby smells like when he gets out of the shower. Clean & sexy, freshly scrubed by a "guy" soap. Then a swipe of "guy" deo. Maybe even a spritz of a good quality cologne (no shitty "Axe" or anything like that) Then I get that hug and the smells just wrap around me. This would definitely be excellent on the male persuasion... :yum:

  17. I do not like how this smells wet. I can smell tobacco like there is no tomorrow. Its very overpowering on me. Perhaps I amp it? Its got a strange sharpness to it. Jasmine can also be a death note for me as well. I can kinda smell it lurking underneath the stinky tobacco flower smell. So far, this is not good. I am nervous- its actually burning my nose.. I am gong to let it dry down and see what happens. If I can tolerate the dry down... ooof. :huh?:


    edit- I couldn't take this one. I had to wash it off. It was one of the worst scents I have smelled on me in a while. I kept hoping it would dry down to something tolerable but alas, it did not. :sick:

  18. I really like this one too. From the description I wasn't holding too much hope for this (pavement & radiator fluid?!)but its such a clean aquatic scent. Very wearable! I will enjoy it =)


    After a full on wearing.. It doesn't last too too long on my skin. I actually got a few complements on it! One gal said it smelled a bit spicy? I didn't think so, but its nice just the same.

  19. I am a total foodie, so I was excited to try this one especially. It did not dissapoint!! OMG the most delicious doughy/cakey confection with that familiar sweet strawberry (Floating Brain esq) syrup drizzled over it. I LOVE THIS SCENT! Perhaps my favorite of the weenies this year. I want like, 5 bottles of this. Its very strong on me as well. Out of all that I have tested-most of them fading in minutes- this one is amazingly strong. I keep catching whiffs of it every few moments. Yum =)


    I am giving this a 5/5 ! very hard to obtain..I don't give those out often! :lol:

  20. I got a testable sniffie from a generous Absinthetics (thank you luv!) and I have to say, I am in the minority on this one. Its just no good on me. I tried it 2x about week and half apart, and still no good. It smells like floral/pencil shavings on me? I know and love the Labs vanilla, orris notes and some ambers.. perhaps its the Ambergris? Whatever it is, I don't like it. :cry2: I wanted to like it, I really did!
