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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by fetish911

  1. When i first applied this (w/o looking at the notes as i like to play "guess the note") I kept wanting to say cedar. But it wasnt cedar....i was getting the rosewood. It was followed by a warm spicy feel wich is how the musk usually goes on my skin. It was quite rich and resinous feeling. I quite liked it. Dark and sexy.

  2. This blend really surprised me. Now, this is fresh from the mail today so it may change when it settles down. Wet on the skin- I am getting cardamom first and foremost. That almost lemony sweet baking spice and true as could be like sticking your nose in freshly ground cardamom. Followed by a lighter waft of coffee. That is about all i am getting here.

    After this dries...cardamom. Thats it. Where was that amazing coffe i smelled for a second ? :( i am not sure what happened to it but this is all spice on me. I wouldn't even call this foody. Maybe as a stretch a "gourmand" scent?


    Maybe as this ages there will be more coffee presence. As of right now i am a bit disappointed as its all cardamom. I dunno.


    Eta to say...Kashmira your bottle sounds like a dream! Maybe we should switch!

  3. This was so pretty! A fresh, summery blend that i can smell tomato, a hint of peppery arugula and a bit of upturned earth. The "dirt" smell is further in the background than the Planting Moon v5 i have is thankfully (they are nothing alike). This one is such a lovely vegetal kind of smell. As it dries i am getting a floral/sweet herbal scent that smells golden warm if that makes sense? I am really glad i took a chance on a bottle of this. The scent notes made it sound really unique (i love tomato leaves!) and it does smell like a veggie garden in summer time! Beth is a genius!!

  4. On New Year's Day
    each thought a loneliness
    as winter dusk descends

    Desolation at the last moment in the gloaming on New Year's Day: winter snow with lavender, benzoin, lychee, starfruit, carrot seed, white iris, pale resins, and a cluster of melancholy, lachrymose lunar herbs and florals.

    Wet i get a quick blast of lavender, lychee and florals. I tested this the day it came and its definitely a bit better now. Lychee on me reads as "perfumey" and is the dominate note in this blend, at least for me anyways. I love lavender scents but here it gets trampled by the lychee and florals and quickly leaves the party. I dont notice much of the labs snow note at all.
    Dry its pretty much that pesky lychee and some non descript florals. I am not too crazy about this so far. I am sure it would be nice on someome else( i know others go wild for lychee), but my chemistry reeks it up :(
    Later(much later) there is just a hint of a soft, pretty floral that is quite nice. Not worth tolerating the perfumey dry down to get here though. Doh! :ack:

  5. 2012 version


    I normally hate florals. But this is so pretty. Creamy lavender, sandalwood and soft vanilla are the main players here and on my skin almost a muskyness to it. I also get the tea roses. The only rose note i like and that works on me too. It does remind me a bit of Antique Lace. The "old" feel this has and i dont mean old lady, just that antique feeling, I really like it. I ordered a full bottle since falling in love w my decant. This is such a perfect example of how Bpal never ceases to surprise me. Based on the notes alone, i should not like this, but it works. And works well!

    The establishment at No. 84 W. Houston street is kept by Miss Emma Benedict. It is on the corner of Laurens street. It is a first class house with eight lady boarders. Everything here is arranged in the first style, while the bewitching smiles of the fairy-like creatures who devote themselves to the services of Cupid are unrivalled by any of the fine ladies who walk Broadway in silks and satins new.

    Lush ivy twining through bouquets of buxom roses, cheerful carnations, shy sweet pea, narcissus, and lacy ferns.

    This is sweet florals to the 10th degree. Carnation and rose are the front runners and what smells like maybe moss or something softly green underneath? Gosh this smells like something i have smelled before, i cant put my finger on it. I am not a floral person at all but this is actually really pretty. Its not at all funeral parlor-ish as I get from some carnation blends.

    This thoroughfare has become a complete sink of iniquity. In the short space of six squares, included between Canal and Bleecker streets there are 41 houses of assignation, 22 houses in which furnished rooms are let to girld, and 11 segar stores. With few exceptions, these houses are of the third class; and, although they are now kept pretty quiet by the police, yet there is sometimes an outburst in which the people amuse themselves by cracking each other’s crowns, and raising the d--- generally. The scenes enacted here, the filth and turmoil would lead a stranger to suppose that he was in Baden Baden, or that old Sodom and Gomorrah had risen from their ashes to greet the sun once more.

    A filthy patchouli-infused, dirt-caked vetiver splashed with rum and reeking of opium smoke and tobacco.

    I smell rum and earthiness first and foremost. Its the Labs sweet rum note like Grog and some patch & vetiver "dirtiness"to ground it. I didnt really expect to dig this as much as i did until i smelled it. I would love a full bottle of this.

  8. You know those square chewing gum pieces that were in the gum ball machine that ya got a handful of for a quarter? All different flavors and colors. that taste if you stuffed them all in your mouth at once?? A bit fruity, gaggy sweet, and a taste of mint from that nasty white one that tasted like crap? This scent smells just like that mouth full of gum flavors tasted. Its so wierd to have a scent trigger like that. This isnt a bad perfume. ..its just so strange on me...is strong as all get out too. Not my cup of tea.

  9. A smidge of dirt...herbs! But sweet ones...and fruity? I have this and Doozers on each arm and I think I like this one better actually. Its hard to describe, but its definitely sweet fruity with a little earthy herbs thrown in. I really like this one!

    Unique :)

  10. This had such a strait up dirt smell directly from the bottle it was a little off putting. Soon as ya put it on you can smell.....ummm soap!!!! Lots of it. It goes from dirty to clean in 2 seconds on my skin. It smells actually pretty good. I dont mind a good soapy scent! I do not smell radish, thankfully.

  11. Chocolate and fruit in the bottle...yum!

    On- the choco note quickly fades and pear and quince pop out with a tangy twinge. I am not quite sure what quince smells like but i have to assume its the quince? Pear notes rarely work on me- the disaster that was The Vine -Im lookin at you!!


    This dries down to a wierd potpouri scent like the above poster mentioned. It almost had a spice like feel to it. Wierd and then faded so quickly. UTM has totally left me in the dust and booked it the hell outta here....he's gone. I could smell this for all of 15 mins, tops. I am suprised this fades so quickly and morphed as much as it did. It was so promising in the bottle(shrugs).

  12. As i was organizing my imps & bottles today, i came across a half imp of this and thought i would give it a try. I am not a fan of spicy or cinnamon blends usually. Usually I say, cause wtf?! This is awesome!! There isnt a red hot candy cinnamon feel but a warm woody kind, like chimera (one of the only other blends I loved). The musk in this instantly reminded me of Panther moon. Its rich and dead sexy. I love this damn scent. This is such a good example of how even if you don't think you will like a scent based on notes, still give it a try cause ya just might like it! Now to track some down.... :wub2:

  13. Wtf? This scent is gorgeous! Of course it would be... :rantrave: I do not get orange, but i get the most beautiful sandalwood, and a pretty floral vanilla. Wow. Its amazing. I want to thank my angel who sent me a tester of this one. Seriously amazeballz. I would love to have more of this.

  14. I keep telling myself i do not like this..... But um, yeah that is lying. Its smells nice. damnit. I wanted to hate you Storyville cause i will never be able to afford a bottle of you. Thank you to my angel who sent me a sniffie :wub2: cause really, i never thought i would even get to try it. Its kinda cake smashy with some warm spices thrown in there. And musk. Maybe some tobacco? Its got a masculine feel to it on me. I do not feel the need to remortgage my house to purchase some, but its sure a pretty blend. I wish the lab would re-release it. Until then i will open my sniffie and huff happily....

  15. This is all sorts of glorious! Its orange cream and a dash of ginger. Wow. This reminds me of I fell in love w/ a floating brain (which i love) w a smattering of ginger on top. But its definitely heavy on the yummy vanilla cream...and i am definitely in love!

    I saw the above has an issue with it disappearing quickly, hopefully this delicious lil devil will linger for longer....


  16. This is the most amazing strawberry scent I have every smelled- from any etailer. :wub2: I also have 09' and that to me was too fake-y? if that makes sense? Just a meh strawberry scent that, like every other strawberry scent I have come across, just don't do it for me. This one though? is a darker, richer, most real strawberry scent (and that is hard to do cause there is no strawberry eo or anything its all synthetic as you know). This is absoulutely gorgeous on. I actually though it kinda smelled like good strawberry incense, not being at all resiny, but that richness with the vanilla and honey.It doesn't have huge throw, it stays close to the skin. But she sure is pretty! I am so glad I grabbed a bottle and will thoroughly enjoy this one.


    4.5 h/5 !!!!

  17. Wet- this is absinthe & a bit of smoke on me. Its a licorice-y kind of green, smells very similar to the Absinthe my brother brought back from the islands. And underneath is the whisp of smokiness i get. Not heavy but sweet kind of smoke, if that makes sense? I usually hate tobacco notes, but this one is gorgeous. I do get a darkness lingering, almost a resiny feel.


    Dry- the absinthe and the sweet tobacco balance each other out perfectly. I love the way this smells on. Not too sweet and not too heavy. So glad I grabbed some! It will happily join my beloved Antique & Black lace btls :-)


  18. So many people just rave about this one but I just cant warm up to it.

    Holding it up to my nose it is headacheintroducing sweet and perfumy. Honey floral perfume.

    I tried it as after bath moisturizer: All i get is a strong generic sweet flowery perfume note.

    Then I thought it is probably better in the bath since it is a bath oil: The same sweet perfumy flower note.

    I ask myself where does this strong flower note comes from? There are no flowers listed :rantrave:

    This is really not for me. I luckily only have a decant but I think about getting rid of that one because I really cant stand it.

    I am simply not a perfumy smelling scent person, if this makes any sense :unsure:



    These are my exact feelings on this blend too. I get nothing but nauseating perfumey flowers too. It dries down quite powdery and generic on me too. This gave me such a headache that I wanted to go shower again to wash it off. I use my BO's like moisturizers as well. I don't understand why this was so florally on me? I thought maybe the blackcurrent? But I have liked previous current notes & they didn't smell like a nasty perfumey floral. I even thought I maybe got a mislabeled BO until I read the above review. So weird.

  19. Every now and again, I have one of those "WTF? BPAL!" moments. This is one of them.


    Most of the notes listed on this blend should not work on me and aren't even my taste. Except for anything coffee. I LOVE coffee notes. But the way people go crazy over this one, I figured there must be somthing up. So when I put it on and my "OMG WTF BPAL this is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" moment happened, I was sad and at the same time so surprised. Surprised because this is the most gorgeous creamy vanilla & sweet cherry tobacco scent with not a trace of cinnamon (I hate cinnamon)and a hint of wood. I love it. These notes all blend superbly and smell just beautiful. Based on the notes, I would never even have given this a second look. I am sad cause this one is so expensive on the rare occasion that it goes up for sale. I probly won't ever find anymore than this tester. I haz the sad.

    so. damn. lovely.



  20. I never thought I would get to try this one... thank you to Out of Focus for the tester!!


    Yep. what everyone else said. Orange! Its got a bit of a floral edge to it, like orange blossoms. Its such a true orange scent its amazing. Its very pretty though not tons of throw. If this were avail for sale I would def buy some, but I wouldn't pay the crazy prices this goes for on ebay. That said I will cherish the tester I have and wipe the sweat off my brow cause I dodged a bullet on this one thank god.

  21. In the imp and wet this is the most delicious chocolatey deliciousness.... on dry down this is the most disgusting dry, spicy, yet ranicd, bitter cocoa on me with a little dirt thrown in. It was making me nauseus everytime I caught a whiff. Which really sux cause it started off amazing.

    I was so happy to wash this one off.

  22. No description given

    I am surprised at how much I love this one. Champange note is there of course, but its is secondary to the most amazing vanilla/ambery, sweet resinous note that I haven't smelled from the lab before. This reminds me alot of one of my fav etailers amber/vanilla scents with a splash of champagne thrown in. Super strong throw as well.
    I love this!!!! :wub2: