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Everything posted by sideviewhotel

  1. sideviewhotel


    Thanatos comes across as rather sweet when wet on my skin but it's warm and spicy at the same time, I think. I'm having trouble picking out specific things, but it's good. This is very good.
  2. sideviewhotel


    Oh my. This smells. SO GOOD. It's... It's woody and dark and heavy and... I smell dirt.. or something. Patchouli? I'm not sure, but it's a semi-familiar note. It brings up images of a foggy forest in the middle of the night with the full moon sitting low in the skin, heavy and large. This is definitely love at first sniff. WOW. Edit: GAH! I wore this to work last night and it was purely fresh-pulled carrots. It was.. Icktastic. I couldn't wait to get home and wash it off. I dunno if it mixed wrong with something or it just went bad from me being surrounded by coffee and such all night, but ICK. I'm going to give it one more go on a day I'm not working, just to see if that was a one off. I hope so.
  3. sideviewhotel

    Medicine Show

    Hm. I ordered a 5mL of this unsniffed before CN left andddddd I'm not sure where to go with it. It seems very cooling (as opposed to the warmth I'm getting from Harvest Moon '05 on my other wrist), but not completely medicinal, though that's what other people have been saying. I'm starting to get that tobacco smell that I love (one of the reasons why I picked this up in the first place) and I think I'm getting hints of roses, but I'm not sure about that. Still, I have no idea where I stand with this. I don't love it, but I don't hate it. I guess I'll have to let it mellow out a bit before deciding.
  4. sideviewhotel

    Harvest Moon 2005

    Boo. Harvest Moon 2005 is mostly floral on me, buttttttttt... Thankfully, not omgmyhead! type floral, so it's still enjoyable. I'm just not sure I'm getting the fruity notes everyone else seems to catch. I am getting a wine note, though. I think. Yeah, I'm guessing. It smells very very warm though, which I like. As of right now, I can't seem to go either way with this one. I'm feeling sort of neutral. I'll have to give it another go when I'm not so tired & cold then update my review. Edit on Oct 07: Yum. I am lovely smelling. I don't know what I smell like exactly, but I smell good. This is totally a keeper. Yaye!
  5. sideviewhotel

    Honey Moon

    I'm not sure about this one, unfortunately. The first sniff I took from my wrist my nose filled with the scent of pencil shavings. Not a bad smell, mind, but not something I want to smell like. Now, I'm not sure what I smell. Nope.. Pencil shavings are still in the back there. To the swaps with you!
  6. sideviewhotel

    Chaste Moon 2005

    Initially, when I first opened the imp, I thought.. Oh damnit. This smells exactly like Milk Moon. So, I closed it and put it in my ammo box. Five minutes later, I figured, well, I'm taking a shower soon, so I might as well try everything real quick because I'll be able to wash it all off in a little while. Well, after wearing it for about 10 minutes, I realize Chaste Moon is quite different from Milk Moon. As someone else said before, it's buttery where Milk Moon is honeyed. And then, the florals perk up just a tiny bit, making it just a tad bit sweeter. Yum.
  7. sideviewhotel


    In the imp, Coyote smells like dirt. But, not the OMG EW! type of dirt. Hm. After sitting on my skin for a few minutes, it goes really soft and kinda powdery. I can't pick out any notes, but it's nothing significant. I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I'll have to try it again with more than just a quick swipe on my arm to get an idea before I decide what's going to become of this imp.
  8. sideviewhotel


    Gah. It seems all the imps I got in the mail yesterday shocked me into closing them the minute I opened them. o_o Good thing I decided to try them on anyway. Moxie was straight up ORANGE when I opened the imp. Smelled exactly like that orange scented cleaner my grandmother uses that gives me such massive headaches. I was kinda bummed. Fortunately, my skin seems to soak this right up and make it very very subtle and gingery. THANK GOODNESS. I wasn't about to give this up. I'm a total sucker for the oils with 'purpose'. (ie: Panacea, Somnus & Voodoo Blends) Edit: Good thing I looked to see if I'd reviewed this already before posting again. This is obviously still straight up orange-y citrus, but it's gained a real ginger-y spice to it. And, I can't sit here anymore. I put this on for a reason and now I need to use it.
  9. sideviewhotel

    Dana O'Shee

    Wow. In the imp, this was pure almond and I got nervous because of the way Black Phoenix went totally ALMOND (all caps because that's it was!) on my skin and gave me a headache. But, I tried it anyway and the almond is in the background, so I'm pleased. Unfortunately, it smells like Play-doh instead. Why the hell am I getting that salty play-doh smell? Bother. Perhaps this one will go on to swaps.
  10. sideviewhotel

    Thirteen (13)

    I'm finally getting around to trying and reviewing this scent. I've had it for a few weeks, but have been so busy wearing scents that I've come to love (and covet, in the case of Hexennacht), that I haven't gotten round to trying some of the stuff I haven't worn yet. 13 starts of full of white chocolate. Like Spooky without the mint. Then, I get the flowers and, unfortunately, I think my skin is going to swallow the chocolate and totally amp up whatever floral notes are in this one. Unless this starts to calm down a bit, I think I'm going to end up with a headache. Bummer. If I sniff deep enough, I get a hint of something fruity (tangerine + whatever other fruits that are hidden in this), but that's it. Besides, if I sniff too deeply, I get a nose full of flowers. Damn. I don't think 13 is going to love me as much as I hoped. Thankfully, I've started to learn my lesson and I didn't slather on something I've never tried before, so I should be able to scrub this off without a problem. Ugh. Of to the swap corner of my imp box with you! What a bummer. I really wanted to like this. For a while there, though, I thought I was going to love everything. I guess not! S'a good thing though, I think. Or else I'd end up REALLY broke. ETA: OH ICK ICK ICK. I am getting some sort of smell that smells like something my Grandmother wears that I HATE. ohohohoh *scrubscrub* ;_; Woe!
  11. sideviewhotel


    Urgh. I am not sure what I think of Aeval yet. I've just put it on, and it's VERY sweet and sticky. It smells like floral soap. Rather strong floral soap. I think that's the sweet pea. Woe. I'm disappointed, but only slightly, as I purchased this imp based on the description only. Maybe it'll calm down in a little while and if it does, I will come back to edit my post. Otherwise? Off to the swap pile with you! Edit about 2 1/2 hours later: I keep smelling this musky smell and I get confused because I have candles burning but they are blueberry muffin, unscented and something else that is so lightly scented that I have no idea what it is beyond flowery (rose, maybe?). And, I sniff at my wrists, but when I do that, all I get is sweet pea (yes, still!). So, only after a few hours and at a distance, do I smell something other than sweet pea from Aeval. Unfortunately, as much as I like the wafting scent, I don't like how my skin amplifies the sweet pea. Maybe if I only used a small amount, it would be a bit better (I admit, I'm a big slatherer. It's a fault, I guess.), but I'm still not all that keen on it. Perhaps I'll give it one more go (a lightly applied one, that is) before I decide whether to really let it go or not.
  12. sideviewhotel


    I smell cherry, but it's spicy. I can't place what the spicy note is, probably because I'm not well-versed in single notes, but ohhhh this is good. It's deep and spicy. I can't get over the spice, apparently. I'd give more of a review, but the Geek that I have slathered on my wrist (I have Blood on the back of my hand) is overpowering this so very much and distracting from the spicy cherries.
  13. sideviewhotel


    Short and, hopefully, to the point. On me, this smells very much like De Sade, which is a bummer, because.. I love De Sade, but I don't need two different scents that smell the same. Though, now that I'm giving my wrist another sniff, Geek is a bit sweeter than De Sade. While both have what I can only describe as a very light and airy note to them, Geek is definitely sweeter. Perhaps this is not as much of a miss as I originally thought it was going to be. It also has fabulous throw, as Yagathai mentioned, because even as I was smelling the CN scents on my OTHER wrist, I was getting waves of this over them. Ohhhh.. Yes. This is turning out to be wonderful. Yay for it not being totally like De Sade. :D
  14. sideviewhotel


    Something short, as I'm slathered in at least 5 different scents today. (I just got imps via lj! What more do you expect!) Midway is completely and utterly delectable. It's.. sugary and sweet with a hint of buttery goodness. It almost smells like those toys I had as a wee girl.. with the muffins and stuff. I forget the name, but they were scented. Almost like that, but without the plasticy smell (thankfully!). I thought Spooky & Velvet were edible, but this.. I'm suddenly starving right now and I just ate about two hours ago!
  15. sideviewhotel

    Gypsy Queen

    Just something short because I'm covered in about three other oils (two of them being other CN scents). Thankfully, I really don't get any floral from Gypsy Queen. I get musk, incense and something fruity in the far background. There might be a hint of some flowers, but nothing overpowering, which pleases me. I'm glad I didn't go nuts and order bottles of CN scents (other than Medicine Show), because a girl can only wear so much of a scent when she has twenty million, but I will probably wear out the imp in good time.
  16. sideviewhotel


    This is absolutely so freakin fabulous. I'm so glad I ordered an imp of this. I was worried the chocolate wouldn't work with my chemistry after hearing how it went to shaving and whatnot on a lot of people. But, OMFG. This is amazing. In the imp and wet I get a strong scent of frozen Thin Mints. Cool and minty, and just a little sharp. I want to lick myself. I just reapplied because I didn't think I'd put enough on earlier.. and I wanted that cookie smell back. After a while, it fades down a little, becomes a little softer and the myrrh & sandlewood come up a bit. Not enough to interfer with the chocolate, but enough to mask the mint a little. I'm thinking about layering a bit of this vanilla scent I got as a gift imp in an lj purchase, just to see what would happen. Edit: This, layered with Vanille Coco (from Dream Essescents, I think? I'm not sure that's the correct spelling, but it's some play on 'scents', I believe), is simply devine. I smell so freakin good right now. o_o
  17. sideviewhotel


    In the imp, Glasgow smells wonderful. Nice & sweet. Wet? Not so much. Definitely smelling the heather. It's very overpowering and I can't smell the blackberries at all. Gah. I really don't think I like this at all. I've attempted scrubbing it off, but underneath the smell of my handsoap.. it's still there. :D
  18. sideviewhotel

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    In the imp this is full of rose and I balked. I'm not a big fan of rose. It either gives me a headache or makes me violently ill. But, after giving it another sniff, I realized it's very very sweet. Wet, it's still very rosy, but there's this very sweet note that I don't know what it is. I'm probably mistaking the gardenia for rose, but then again, I'm no flower specialist. Still, it's very strong and if I sniff to deeply, it makes me cough. So, other than that, I have no idea what I'm smelling, but I don't hate it. Though, at the same time, I don't love it either. It's starting to get smoky and I'm not entirely sure how much I like this one. But, then again, I have 10 other smells coming at me, because I was going through my other imps to have some sniffs and managed to get Queen all over my fingers. ;_;
  19. sideviewhotel


    In the imp: Mint, omg mint. Like, mouthwash mint. o_o Wet: Now, I smell the eucalyptus and maybe the neroli, if I knew what that was like on it's own. It's very.. clean and fresh. Like you just brushed your teeth. But, it's lost the mouthwash mint scent. Eucalyptus, indeed. It's making me cough a bit, clearing my sinuses, though. I'm smelling the violets though. Someone mentioned those violet candies, I think? Yea. I'm getting that. Those candies that taste like violets smell? Yea. Hour later: Soapy violets. Smells like someone took those violet candies and stuck them in a soaped out mouth or something. No, no. That has a bad connotation and it's not a bad smell. It's just soapy. Overall: It's not bad, but it's not me. I'll either pass it off on a friend or try it as a room scent. Edit: It's about 4 hours later and it's turned into this very warm smell. I still smell violets, but.. vanilla? That can't be right. If only I could get it to smell like this all the time and a bit stronger with this phase, because it's faded considerably.
  20. sideviewhotel

    Red Devil

    Pardon my indecisiveness. This is my first review and my nose is so underdeveloped, it might as well not even be on my face! In the imp: Flowers! Wet: On my wrists: Flowers, flowers, flowers. I thought it was roses at first, but then.. nope. Violets. The little purple and white ones that grow in the grass come early spring. Green and sweet. Reminds me of when I was in elementary and intermediate school and would pick the violets from the grass in the neighborhood on my walks home from school. But, part of me still thinks roses. Between my breasts: There are those oranges everyone was talking about. In between my breasts. But, not on my wrists. I smell the floral note down here as well, but there's the barest hint of oranges, as well. Huh. Hour later: On my wrists: Still floral. And it's considerably faded, so I really have to sniff at my wrist. Breasts: Nothing. Overall: I'm not sure. I'm new at this, so.. Yea. Plus, I'm very overtired from working a very long shift last night. The floral note is giving me a bit of a headache, I think. Or that might be that whole lack of sleep deal, so I'm going to hold on to this, try it again or use it for it's Voodoo properties.