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Posts posted by zombiewench

  1. Well then.


    So I've just discovered a new-found love for patchouli scents (changing chemistry due to age and past pregnancies maybe?), and was REALLY excited to try this one. I've never tried the hair gloss, so I can't compare it to that.


    BUT. I love this. LOOOOOOVE this. I can see where it seems a bit fruity, though that stage doesn't last long. It's a very sweet patchouli on me, with a bit of the earthiness. It's a bit strong to my nose if I bring my arm up to smell it, but the throw on it is fantastic.


    Something in it reminds me of my mom's tomato pincushions when I was a kid, and the smell of her sewing room. So to me this is new age shop combined with mom's sewing room. I think I'll be getting a LOT of use out of this one!

  2. Oh. OH. Okay, I've never tried the oil, but I am in LOVE with this spray. I sprayed it once near my bed yesterday when I got it, and last night there was a bit on the corner of my quilt, and it made me so happy to just be breathing that in while going to sleep. I may have actually fallen asleep smiling. I sprayed it more actually on my bed today, and may spray my clothes with it, too.


    The smell is just lovely. It reminds me VERY much of Snowblind (my favorite atmo, before this) - vanilla and mint, mixed with lavender. SO good, and lovely, and peaceful and...


    I need more of this. I'm going to add my voice to the 'GC Please!' call. I'm so glad this was made into an atmo, and that I was lucky enough to get a bottle :wub3:

  3. Tahitian vanilla bean with a slight custard undertone.

    The custard is STRONG in this, at least on me. The vanilla is a bit on the plastic side, but I don't mind. It's a VERY rich scent, but I can see it layering well with other scents for sure!


    I like it, but my husband REALLY likes it, and he's not always a vanilla fan :D

  4. Use this oil with black and white candles to cut ties from negative people and unhealthy relationships. It can be used talismanically with chessboard rituals, image magic, and poppets.

    I've recently come to realize that a pair of friends I had once been very close to, are in fact fairly toxic and Not Good People - though they hid it well for a while. As they are part of a larger group of my friends as well, I've been wrestling with how to get them out of my life while causing as little drama and awkwardness for everyone else as possible.

    Today I used the Scissors oil with a white candle. I wrote down a list of behaviors I want out of my life, and then I wrote down their names in particular, and added 'anyone who has the behaviors on my list' as well. I lit the candle, burned the papers, and then actually took a pair of scissors and made a cutting motion over the candle, to symbolize cutting the ties.

    While I won't know yet if that will help with those people, as the candle burnt down I felt emotionally lighter. My intent had been to not only cut out people who had those behaviors, but to get rid of any I had picked up along the way myself.

    So far I'm pleased. Time will tell on the other issue, but this oil just felt right to be using, and I'm very glad I have it.

    The scent is pleasant - very herbal, with a cinnamon-ish note to it. While this is not an oil I'd wear just because of what it's used for, the scent I actually really enjoyed.

  5. I can't believe I hadn't reviewed this yet, this has been one of my favorites for a few years now! I went through two imps, and finally managed to snag a bottle, and I am one happy wench right now!


    This is all sweet lemon cake, frosting, and play-doh on me. And I LOVE IT. It's a very 'happy' scent to me, and is easily in my top 5!

  6. To me, this smells like a Strawberry Shortcake doll. Like, exactly like one. I like it, but I'm not sure I love it. But I am very glad I got to try it!


    Edit: Okay wasn't going to add this because it went away fairly quick, but now I'm also getting toothpaste. I had it a bit on the drydown, but now about 30 minutes later, it's back. So it's like toothpaste and Strawberry Shortcake had a kid. Still good, but not quite my thing!

  7. Use to break up old conditions and clear the way for positive change.

    Really glad I bought this stuff!!

    It's minty and herbal, and smells lovely. I put it on my chakras, but I think I'll avoid doing that next time because it made my eyes water!

    As for how it works...it's not really a 'right away' oil, but it really helped me work through some big changes going on in my life this past month or so.

    It *did* leave me ridiculously drained after. I tried it in the morning, and then a week later I tried it before I went to bed, and both times I felt super drained after about 8 hours or so - so in the afternoon/evening of when I tried it in the morning, and when I woke up I felt it after the time I tried it before bed. So that's something to keep in mind.

    I'd be interested to see how it does with candle work, though I don't really need it anymore at the moment.

  8. I was lucky enough to get the 2008 version of this in a swap recently! I love the atmo spray so much that I knew I was going to need to try the oil when I found out it existed!


    I LOVE it. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It's strong on me - a little bit goes a VERY long way. It's a mix between creamy, almost too-sweet vanilla cake and the perfect candy-cane mint. THIS is what I always want the 'Lick It' series to be, but those never seem to end up working on me.


    It's funny, because while it's very strong as I go about my day and catch whiffs of it, if I go and sniff my wrist I actually don't get that much of it.


    This is easily one of my top favorites already, and probably one I'll try to snag more of if I see it again!

  9. Oooh how fun! I'm not much good at recommending, there's still a lot I haven't tried (plus I'm truly awful at picking out notes).


    My top 5 (hard to pick just 5!) in no order are:


    1. Midway Resurrected

    2. Follow Me Boy

    3. Lionheart (TAL)

    4. Sprinklecake

    5. Monsterbait: Bigger Critters


    Based on #1, 4 and 5 (haven't tried the others), I'd recommend Eat Me (I love foody scents and don't care for it, but still, it's really popular), Tamora, Bread-and-Butterfly, and Huesos de Santo.


    I'll have to try those, thank you!

  10. This is a Money Draw blend to be used when you need cash, and you need it quickly. It isn’t a prosperity blend, per se, and it doesn’t possess any properties that lend to job hunting, long-term financial stability, or career success. It’s money; just money. Sometimes you find yourself in a pinch, and you need a quick jolt of money luck to simply get your bills paid. If that’s your situation, this is the oil for you.

    I got this because I do, indeed, have some road-blocking bills I desperately want to get paid off once and for all.

    The scent is actually REALLY nice to me. Very cinnamon-spicy, woodsy, with a touch of...soap? I don't know for sure what's in it, but I like it. The scent IS super strong, just the tiniest drop on my hands (as recommended on the etsy page) almost burns the inside of my nose a little when I sniff it, so I can't huff it too much :lol:

    As for how it works? Too soon to tell. I did have some surprise cash come my way when I was just seriously *thinking* about buying it or not, which was actually what pushed me into actually getting it. We'll see what happens!

    EDIT - Okay, this stuff WORKS. I've been putting it on my palms for about 2 weeks (well, while I'm at work, I haven't been doing it the days I'm home with the baby, I wouldn't want to get this stuff on her), and last night I got some news from my husband that a rather large bill I had - the one I had been focusing on somehow getting money for - would be taken care of. I still have a few more small hurdles, but this was the main one that I felt was just looming over everything in my life. Needless to say I am thankful beyond belief for this oil.

  11. I've had an imp of this for a while, and have finally gotten around to using it, after nothing else has really worked for me.


    This stuff is AMAZING. First off, the smell is lovely. Very herbal on me.


    I use this the same way I use Jinx Removing - I put it on my chakras, then wash it off in the shower while focusing on 'washing away' the negative. I've been suffering from a good bit of postpartum depression, with much crying and flying off the handle at ridiculously minor things, or for no reason at all. 2 days in a row of using this in my morning shower, and I am worlds better. Things that would have left me a wreck before are now no big deal, as they should be. I am seriously impressed with this one, and am SO glad I have an imp for when I truly need it!

  12. In the bottle I LOVE this. SO much. On me...I'm still amping the Snake Oil like crazy. It doesn't overwhelm the gingerbread completely, but it still ends up just being way too strong on me, and I end up not being able to wear it for the same reason I can't wear regular Snake Oil. I'll keep it to see how it does over time, but for now I'll have to be content just sniffing the bottle!

  13. 2013 version -


    In the imp, this stuff is FANTASTIC. Even in the closed imp, my room now smells appley and woodsy and spicy and delicious. It reminds me of a renaissance faire, which is one of my favorite smells in the world!


    On me...eh. The woodsy smell turns a bit dusky, and the apple smell gets all medicinal, and that's all I get from it. Not awful, but not the deliciousness I get from the imp, and not something I would wear. Now if this were a candle... :lol:

  14. Soothes anger, initiates reconciliation and forgiveness, and supplants rage with courage. You can use this oil to calm your spirit and help control and refocus a wide range of negative emotions (from irritation to rage), and it can also be used to dispel anger between friends and loved ones. Use on white pillar and / or figure candles in ritual, and for personal use, it can be worn on your forehead and heart chakra.

    I've been using this for 2 days now.

    The scent is lovely, very lemony and a bit of lavender.

    The effect is much more subtle than I thought it would be. I've been wearing it on my chakras, and have noticed while it doesn't get rid of irritation and such completely, it definitely brings it down several notches to a much more manageable level, where I can realize I'm raging, and calm myself down and focus on other things.

  15. Discipline Oil is used to augment your self-control and willpower, bring clarity and restraint to a cluttered mind, and helps you to create order out of chaos.

    I got this to try as an alternative to Determination - which I love, but I think I'm allergic to something in it.

    The scent is mostly roses to me, and is fairly strong.

    The effectiveness is fantastic! Today I was extremely tired, and unable to focus on doing much of anything - and my desk was incredibly cluttered and I was feeling really overwhelmed looking at it. I actually put it on the corners of my keyboard where I work, rather than myself, and after a few minutes I could tell it was working. My mind was able to focus, and I was able to just get things done in order, without getting flustered, and now my desk is in order again after weeks of being a disaster. I even *tried* to slack, just to see what would happen, and I couldn't do it - I kept spacing out and just wanted to get back to work!

    It's a much softer 'get it done!!' than Determination is for me, but is just as effective. It doesn't make me *enjoy* my job, but it definitely helps me to get it done, get it done quickly, and stay calm while doing so, which is a HUGE change for me!

  16. Knock out negativity, squirt by squirt! A silly name, but serious business: purge your space of negativity, anger, hostility, resentment, and ill-will! Cootie Blast blows away residual discomfort after arguments, and also works wonders against maloccio, jinxes, and irritant-based crossings!

    Let me just start by saying - this stuff is AWESOME.

    The scent is all right - not awful, but does, to me, smell exactly like a citronella candle. It's SUPER strong at first, but fades fairly quickly after a day or so.

    As for what it does? Amazing. Almost immediately I was no longer annoyed and irritated after a super bad day at work, and having to clean up my roommates' dishes again. I was calm, happy even! And a week after I've sprayed, I still feel all the ick just melt off whenever I'm sitting in the room I sprayed it in. Seriously fantastic stuff!

    Side note, definitely keep away from pets. My dog licked the floor near where I'd spritzed into the air - there must have been some fallout there or something. About 5 minutes later she threw up a bit (nothing serious and she's totally fine). Just thought I'd mention that :)

  17. In the bottle this is FANTASTIC! Dandelions have been my favorite since I was a kid, and it smells EXACTLY like playing with the dandelions that were constantly taking over our yard - all flower and leaves and sap all at once.


    On me...it's not quite so awesome. It turns a bit too flowery sweet on me for my tastes. I will probably find creative ways to use it as a room/car scent, because I think it'd be wonderful as that! Or maybe I'll just huff my bottle every now and then :lol:
