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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Hawke

  1. I have been out of the BPAL loop for so long...and I feel an urge to jump back in.

  2. It's amazing how scent preferences change. Things I used to love now give me a headache.

  3. Just as a heads up, if people don't read S&S, Paypal's going to start charging refund fees.

  4. My cat just climbed into the refridgerator.

  5. Testing old imps and discovering that a lot of my old favorites aren't anymore.

  6. Scentbase is my new favorite thing. Means I can actually keep track of my army of imps and know what I've had/tried before.

  7. Working on stock for both my crafting businesses.

  8. Setting up a page on ScentBase.

  9. Testing imps again today. Need to clear these out.
