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Blog Entries posted by Vega

  1. Vega
    It was mighty hard to rank these, but here is the lineup so far.
    01. WILF
    02. Parsifal
    03. Liz
    04. Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller
    05. Pomegranate IV
    06. Banshee Beat
    07. Green Tree Viper
    08. Snake Oil
    09. Water of Notre Dame
    10. The Arbor
    11. Countess Willie
    12. Transeo
    13. Kumari Kandam
    14. Haloes
    15. The Ecstacy of St. Theresa
    16. Othello
    17. Baghdad
    18. Valentine of Rome 2008
    19. The Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair
    20. Corazon
    21. Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp
  2. Vega
    ♥ are in my Permanent Collection.
    ♦ are keepsakes.
    ★ are bottled.
    ✔ have been reviewed.
    (dc) are discontinued GCs in their original categories.
    Grey names have come and gone.
    General Catalogue
    -- Ars Amatoria
    ✔ Bathsheba
    ✔ Bordello
    ✔ Carnal
    ✔ Defututa
    ✔ Endymion
    ✔ Golden Priapus
    ✔ Hunger
    ✔ Jezebel
    ✔ Kabuki
    ✔ The Lady of Shalott
    ✔ Libertine
    ✔ Lorelei
    ✔ Love's Torments
    ✔ Lucy's Kiss
    ✔ Nefertiti
    ✔ Psyche (dc)
    ✔ Rapture
    ✔ Seraglio
    ✔ ★ Snake Oil ♥
    ✔ Spellbound
    ✔ Succubus (dc)
    ✔ Vixen
    ✔ Whip
    ✔ Whoso List to Hunt
    -- Ars Draconis
    ✔ Dragon's Bone
    ✔ Dragon's Hide
    ✔ Dragon's Musk
    ✔ Dragon's Reverie
    -- Ars Moriendi
    ✔ Dance of Death
    ✔ Embalming Fluid
    ✔ The Ghost
    ✔ Sheol
    ✔ Wings of Azrael
    -- Bewitching Brews
    ✔ Anne Bonny
    ✔ Antique Lace
    ✔ Bess
    ✔ Black Forest
    ✔ Black Opal (dc)
    ✔ Black Pearl
    ✔ Bliss
    ✔ Blood Kiss
    ✔ Calico Jack
    ✔ Dee
    ✔ The Forest Reverie
    ✔ Hurricane
    ✔ Jack
    ✔ The Jersey Devil
    ✔ Lightning
    ✔ Magus
    ✔ Masquerade
    ✔ Omen
    ✔ Plunder
    ✔ Rakshasa
    ✔ The Raven
    ✔ Scherezade
    ✔ Tempest (dc)
    ✔ Ulalume
    ✔ Velvet
    ✔ Voodoo
    ✔ Zephyr
    -- The Conjure Bag
    ✔ Block Buster
    ✔ Dove's Heart
    ✔ Water of Notre Dame ♥
    -- Diabolus
    ✔ Imp
    ✔ Kitsune-Tsuki
    ✔ Kuang Shi
    ✔ Kumiho
    ✔ Medea
    ✔ Nocnitsa (dc)
    ✔ Phantom
    ✔ Szepasszony (dc)
    -- Excolo
    ✔ Aizen-Myoo
    ✔ Anubis
    ✔ Bastet
    ✔ Coyote
    ✔ Czernobog
    ✔ Ehecatl
    ✔ Eos (dc)
    ✔ Eve
    ✔ Grandmother of Ghosts
    ✔ Hades
    ✔ Khephra (dc)
    ✔ Ra (dc)
    ✔ Nemesis
    ✔ Nuit (dc)
    ✔ Obatala
    ✔ Ochosi
    ✔ Persephone
    ✔ Santa Muerte
    ✔ Sophia (dc)
    ✔ Tezcatlipoca
    ✔ Thanatos
    ✔ Utrennyaya (dc)
    ✔ Vechernyaya (dc)
    ✔ Zorya (dc)
    -- Illyria
    ✔ Caliban
    ✔ Helena
    ✔ Hermia (dc)
    ✔ Iago
    ✔ Lear
    ✔ Lysander
    ✔ Othello ♦
    ✔ Regan (dc)
    ✔ Titania ♦
    ✔ Viola
    -- Mad Tea Party
    ✔ The Dodo
    ✔ The Dormouse
    ✔ How Doth the Little Crocodile
    ✔ Mouse's Long and Sad Tale
    ✔ White Rabbit
    -- Märchen
    ✔ Beauty and the Beast: Belle Vinu
    ✔ Egle, the Queen of Serpents: The Sea Foams Milk
    ✔ Rumpelstilzchen: The Miller's Daughter (dc)
    ✔ The Sparrow With the Slit Tongue: The Little Sparrow (dc)
    ✔ Vasilissa the Beautiful: Vasilissa
    ✔ Vasilissa the Beautiful: The Witch's Repast (dc)
    ✔ The Elfin Hill: Beer From the Marsh Woman's Brewery
    ✔ The Elfin Hill: Moonshine and Mist (dc)
    -- Doc Constantine's Pharmacopoeia
    ✔ Nostrum Remedium
    ✔ Slippery Poppy Tincture
    -- A Picnic in Arkham
    ✔ Miskatonic University
    ✔ R'lyeh
    ✔ Y'ha-nthlei
    -- Rappaccini's Garden
    ✔ The Apple of Sodom
    ✔ Blood Rose
    ✔ Hemlock
    Hemlock Honey {untested}
    ✔ Love-in-Idleness
    ✔ Mantis (dc)
    ✔ Moon Rose (dc)
    ✔ Squirting Cucumber
    ✔ The Zieba Tree
    -- RPG
    ✔ Race: Half-Elf
    ✔ Class: Cleric
    ✔ Class: Paladin
    ✔ Alignment: Good
    ✔ Alignment: Lawful
    ✔ Alignment: Neutral
    -- Sin and Salvation
    ✔ The Seven Deadly Sins: Envy
    ✔ The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
    ✔ Come and See: Death on a Pale Horse
    ✔ Come and See: The Great Sword of War
    ✔ Come and See: The Scales of Deprivation
    ✔ Cathedral
    ✔ Dirty
    ✔ Dorian
    ✔ Hymn
    ✔ Oblivion
    ✔ Paramatman
    ✔ Penitence
    ✔ Rose Cross
    ✔ Sea of Glass
    ✔ Seraphim
    ✔ Tzadikim Nistarim
    ✔ Vice
    -- Phoenix Steamworks and Research Facility
    ✔ Aelopile
    ✔ The Antikythera Mechanism ♥
    ✔ The Coil (dc)
    ✔ No. 93 Engine
    ✔ The Obsidian Widow
    ✔ The Robotic Scarab
    -- Wanderlust
    ✔ 51
    ✔ Amsterdam
    ✔ Baghdad (dc) ♦
    ✔ Bayou
    ✔ Cairo
    ✔ Danube (dc)
    ✔ Dublin (dc)
    ✔ Florence
    ✔ Kathmandu
    ✔ Mag Mell
    ✔ Manhattan
    ✔ Morocco
    ✔ Moscow
    ✔ Niflheim (dc)
    ✔ Ogygia
    ✔ Shanghai
    ✔ Silk Road (dc)
    ✔ Tombstone
    ✔ The Phantom Islands: The Isles of Demons
    ✔ ★ The Phantom Islands: Kumari Kandam ♥
    ✔ The Phantom Islands: Lyonesse
    -- The Salon
    ✔ Carceri d'Invenzione
    ✔ Cloister Graveyard in the Snow
    ✔ The Ecstacy of St. Theresa ♦
    ✔ Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent
    ✔ Melancholia
    ✔ Philosopher in Meditation
    ✔ Three Brides
    ✔ Travelling Exhibition: Haloes ♥
    ✔ Travelling Exhibition: Heavenly Love and Earthly Love
    ✔ Travelling Exhibition: La Vague
    ✔ Travelling Exhibition: Mad Kate
    ✔ ★ Travelling Exhibition: Parsifal ♥
    ✔ Travelling Exhibition: Peacocks
    ✔ Travelling Exhibition: Rozpustnica
    ✔ 2011: Gustav Klimt/RAINN: Hygeia
    -- Carnaval Diabolique
    ✔ Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller ♥
    ✔ The Phantom Calliope
    ✔ The Grindhouse: Ashlultum
    ✔ The Grindhouse: Inez
    The Snake Pit: Banded Sea Snake
    ✔ The Snake Pit: Boomslang
    ✔ The Snake Pit: Green Tree Viper ♥
    ✔ The Snake Pit: Western Diamondback
    The Wunderkammer: The Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus
    -- Vampires Don't Sleep Alone
    ✔ Cicuta
    ✔ Interfector
    ✔ Misericordia
    ✔ Philologus
    ✔ Sanctus
    ✔ Silenti
    ✔ Tombeur
    ✔ ★ Transeo ♥
    ✔ Vespillo
    ✔ VILF (dc)
    -- Neil Gaiman Collection
    ✔ Sunbird
    ✔ American Gods: Mama-ji
    ✔ American Gods: Mr. Ibis
    ✔ Good Omens: Aziraphale
    ✔ Good Omens: War
    ✔ Neverwhere: Lamia
    ✔ Neverwhere: The Velvets
    -- Other Collaborations
    ✔ Countess Willie ♥
    ✔ Kaidan
    ✔ Heroine
    ✔ ★ Liz ♥
    ✔ Sachs
    ✔ The Last Unicorn: Lady Amalthea
    ✔ The Last Unicorn: Touched Twice
    ✔ Shojo Beat: Midnight Kiss
    ✔ Shojo Beat: Vampire Tears
    Limited Edition
    -- A Little Lunacy
    ✔ Bakeneko
    ✔ Berry Moon 2011
    ✔ Blood Moon 2011
    ✔ Blue Moon 2007
    ✔ Blue Moon 2009: Brian's Interpretation
    ✔ Cold Moon 2010
    ✔ Fledgling Raptor Moon
    ✔ Holiday Moon
    ✔ Hungry Ghost Moon 2006
    ✔ Ivanushka
    ✔ Joyful Moon
    ✔ Kindly Moon
    ✔ Luna Negra: Ted's Creation
    ✔ Long Night Moon
    ✔ Penumbra
    ✔ Peony Moon
    ✔ Schwarzer Mond 2006 + 2008
    ✔ Moon of Small Spirits
    ✔ Raven Moon
    ✔ Selkie
    ✔ Tamamo-no-Mae
    ✔ Tanuki
    ✔ Thunder Moon
    ✔ Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse
    -- Lupercalia
    ✔ ★ Abhisarika
    ✔ ★ The Arbor ♥
    ✔ The Clod and the Pebble
    ✔ Dark Chocolate, Lime and Chocolate Mint
    ✔ Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge
    ✔ Khrysee
    ✔ Love's Philosophy
    ✔ Nymphia
    ✔ Parlement of Foules 2006
    ✔ The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
    ✔ Pink Mood
    ✔ Red Lantern 2011
    ✔ Standing Female Nude
    ✔ Valentine of Rome 2008 ♦
    -- Halloweenie
    ✔ All Saints' 2004
    ✔ A Murder of Crows
    Black Temple Burlesque Troupe 2012
    ✔ ★ Blue Pumpkin Floss
    ✔ Boo 2010
    ✔ ★ The Carpathian Mountains
    ✔ Cristina
    ✔ Katrina van Tassel
    ✔ Mictecacihuatl 2008
    ✔ Mircalla, Countess Karnstein
    ✔ ★ Miss Jessell
    ✔ Nothing Gold Can Stay
    ✔ Pumpkin III 2007
    ✔ Pumpkin I 2009
    ✔ Pumpkin Latte
    ✔ Pumpkin Queen
    ✔ Pomegranate I
    ✔ Pomegranate II
    ✔ Pomegranate III
    ✔ ★ Pomegranate IV ♥
    ✔ Pomegranate V
    ✔ Samhain 2008
    ★ September Midnight
    ✔ 2011: Pickman Gallery: The Changeling
    ✔ 2011: Pickman Gallery: Death Embraces a Young Maiden
    ✔ 2011: Pickman Gallery: The Mandrake Charm
    ✔ 2011: Pickman Gallery: Post-Mortem Laureatus
    ✔ 2011: Pickman Gallery: The Seekim
    ✔ 2011: Pickman Gallery: Sentimental Initiation
    ✔ 2011: Pickman Gallery: The Two-Tailed Sogg
    -- Yule
    ✔ Archangel Winter
    ✔ Chanukkiyah 2007
    ✔ The Darkling Thrush
    ✔ Ded Moroz
    ✔ Diable en Boîte 2009
    ✔ El Dia de los Reyes 2009
    ✔ Gacela of the Dark Death
    ✔ Gelt 2010
    ✔ Herr Drosselmeyer 2006
    ✔ Hypothermia
    ✔ Jacob's Ladder (unknown year)
    ✔ Midnight Mass 2005
    ✔ Nowhere in Particular
    ✔ On Darkness 2008
    ✔ Peacock Queen 2010
    Pink Snowballs 2009
    ✔ Rose Red 2010
    ✔ The Shivering Boy 2007
    ✔ The Snow Storm
    ✔ Snow White 2009
    ✔ There's A Certain Slant of Light
    ✔ Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone on the Winter Solstice
    ✔ Winter-Time
    ✔ Yule 2010
    ✔ 2010: The Nutcracker: Harlequin and Columbine
    ✔ 2010: The Nutcracker: The Kingdom of Sweets
    ✔ 2010: The Nutcracker: The Soldier
    ✔ 2010: The Nutcracker: The Waltz of the Snowflakes
    ✔ 2010: A Christmas Carol: A Golden Idol
    ✔ 2010: A Christmas Carol: Changing the Shadows
    ✔ 2010: A Christmas Carol: The First of the Three Spirits
    ✔ 2010: A Christmas Carol: The School
    ✔ 2010: A Christmas Carol: Whoop
    -- Anniversary
    Baruch's Phoenix
    ✔ Copper Phoenix
    ✔ Earth Phoenix
    ★ Ezekiel's Phoenix ♥
    Hesiod's Phoenix
    ✔ Iron Phoenix
    ✔ Mechanical Phoenix
    ✔ Metal Phoenix
    ✔ The Phoenix in Spring
    ✔ The Phoenix in Summer
    ✔ The Phoenix in Winter
    ✔ Pink Phoenix
    ✔ Quicksilver Phoenix
    ✔ Red Phoenix
    ✔ ★ Solar Phoenix ♦
    ✔ Silver Phoenix
    ✔ Tin Phoenix
    ✔ Water Phoenix
    ✔ Wood Phoenix
    -- Carnaval Noir
    ✔ Gypsy Queen
    ✔ Snake Charmer (original)
    -- Forum Only
    ✔ Enraged Bunny Musk
    ✔ Lady Lilith
    ✔ Tiki Princess
    ✔ ★ WILF ♦
    -- Other Limiteds
    ✔ 2004: Oblation: Corazon
    ✔ 2004: Oblation: Thunderbird
    ✔ 2009: Summer's End: The Last Rose of Summer
    ✔ 2009: Summer's End: Shadowless Like Silence
    ✔ 2009: Summer's End: Summer's Last Will and Testament
    ✔ 2009: Summer's End: Under the Harvest Moon
    ✔ 2009: Bards of Ireland: The Dole of the King's Daughter
    ✔ ★ 2010: Bards of Ireland: The Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair ♦
    ✔ 2010: Bards of Ireland: The Little Bird
    ✔ #occupywallstreet
    ✔ 13: August 2010
    ✔ The Festival of Anuket
    ✔ The Haunted Palace
    ✔ Libertarian
    ✔ Liberty
    ★ Little Pythia
    ✔ ★ Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp ♦
    ✔ Nonae Caprotina
    ✔ Paduan Killer Swarm
    ✔ Tin Foil Hat
    ✔ Velvet Unicorn
    ✔ Wildfire 2010
    -- Retail & Event Exclusives (excluding The Salon)
    ✔ ★ Banshee Beat ♥
    ✔ Black Lace
    ✔ Clermont
    ✔ Clockwork Couture: Female
    ✔ Clockwork Couture: Male
    ✔ Red Lace
    ✔ Tattered Lace
    ✔ Ü
    ✔ Vamp.Goth
    -- Prototypes
    ✔ AF8
    ✔ AF22
    Blue Pumpkin Floss v3
    ✔ Victorian Rose Milk v1
    -- Chaos Theory
    Chaos Theory II: DXXX/530
    Chaos Theory III: MXCII/1092
    Black Phoenix Trading Post
    ✔ Marshmallow Pumpkin
    Atmospheric Spray: Down the Rabbit Hole
    ✔ ★ Atmospheric Spray: Fae Forest ♥
    Atmospheric Spray: The Fainting Couch
    ✔ Atmospheric Spray: The Orchards of Hell ♥
    Bath Oil: Yule: Ice Prince
    Bath Oil: Halloweenie: Tricksy
  3. Vega
    BPAL across the note spectrum, linking blends to each other.
    -- Stone/Leather/Inorganic
    Niflheim ~ Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone on the Winter Solstice ~ The Apple of Sodom ~ The Phoenix in Summer ~ The Isles of Demons ~/~ Whip ~ VILF ~ Clermont ~ Clockwork Couture: Male
    -- Metallic
    The Robotic Scarab ~ Mechanical Phoenix ~ Aelopile (distantly)
    -- Parchment/Paper
    Mr. Ibis ~ Philologus ~ Dee (heavy) ~ U Mutter Museum(? balsamic)
    -- Ozone
    Lightning (pure) ~ Tempest (pure) ~ Tin Foil Hat (metallic) ~ Parsifal (floral) ~ Thunderbird (green) ~/~ Sea of Glass ~ Archangel Winter ~ Thunder Moon
    -- Blue-Green Aquatic
    Selkie ~ Long Night Moon (yellow Selkie) ~ Kiyohime Changes From A Serpent (green Selkie) ~ Ogygia ~ Calico Jack ~ The Festival of Anuket ~ Water Phoenix
    -- Floral Aquatic
    Danube ~ Water of Notre Dame ~ Moon Rose ~ 51 ~ Dirty(? retest) ~ The Zieba Tree ~/~ The Lady of Shalott ~ R'lyeh ~ Szepasszony
    -- Other Aquatic
    (incense-aquatic) Kumari Kandam ~ The Phoenix in Winter (KK dupe) ~ Cloister Graveyard in the Snow (KK Lite) ~/~ (milky aquatic) The Sea Foams Milk ~ Y'ha-nthlei
    -- Mint
    Dark Chocolate, Lime and Chocolate Mint ~ The Coil ~ Lady Amalthea ~ Snow White ~ Pink Snowballs ~ Tin Phoenix ~ Ded Moroz ~ Hypothermia ~ Green Tree Viper
    -- Brown-Grassy
    Beer From the Marsh Woman's Brewery ~ The Little Sparrow ~/~ (amber) The Miller's Daughter
    -- Green-Grassy/Foresty
    (grass) Envy ~ Mag Mell ~ The Phoenix in Spring ~/~ (forest/meadow) Moon of Small Spirits ~ The Carpathian Mountains ~ The Little Bird ~ The Darkling Thrush ~ Glasgow ~ Ochosi (milky)
    -- Pure Evergreen
    (purer) Yule ~ Libertarian ~ The Snow Storm ~ The Shivering Boy (Snow Storm + grape) ~/~ (sweet snowy) Winter-Time ~ The Waltz of the Snowflakes ~/~ (darker/complex) Black Forest ~ Golden Priapus
    -- Leafy
    (wet) Rose Red ~ Nocnitsa ~ Ulalume ~ Nothing Gold Can Stay ~ Caliban ~ Earth Phoenix ~/~ (dry) The Jersey Devil (green) ~ Lysander (?)(dark)
    -- Tea
    Shanghai ~ Kumiho ~ Ehecatl ~ Holiday Moon ~ Aizen-Myoo ~ White Rabbit ~ The Dormouse
    -- Herbal/Floral
    (more herbal) Hemlock ~ Love-in-Idleness ~ There's A Certain Slant of Light ~ Cold Moon ~/~ Liberty ~ Tabella ~ Defututa ~/~ (more floral) Blue Moon 2007 ~ Blue Moon 2009: Brian's Interpretation ~ Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse ~ Grandmother of Ghosts ~ Moonshine and Mist
    -- Watery "Green" Floral
    (watery) Amsterdam ~ Helena ~ Endymion ~ Viola ~/~ (musky) Rozpustnica ~ Vechernyaya
    -- Light, "White" Floral
    (white & screaming) Seraphim ~ Tiki Princess(? coconut?) ~ Lorelei ~ The Lady of Shalott ~/~ (not so loud) Utrennyaya ~ Sanctus ~ The Ghost ~ Melancholia
    -- Rich "Red/Yellow/Jasmine" Floral
    [red] The Ecstasy of St. Theresa ~ All Saints' (nutty EoST) ~ Lady Lilith ~/~ [yellow/other florals] Hermia ~ Nuit ~ Sophia ~/~ [jasmine] Moscow ~ Zorya ~ Rapture ~ Dove's Heart ~ Kitsune-Tsuki ~/~ (musky) Eos ~ Vasilissa ~ Tamamo-no-Mae
    -- Rose
    Rose Cross (pure) ~ Peacock Queen (pure) ~ Cicuta (adulterated) ~ Vamp.Goth (leather) ~ Lucy's Kiss (spice) ~ Othello (spice) ~ Abhisarika (spice/musk) ~ Spellbound (dark) ~ The Dole of the King's Daughter (watery) ~/~ (resinous) The Last Rose of Summer ~ Parlement of Foules ~ Shadowless Like Silence
    -- Florals & Others
    [incense/resin] Three Brides ~ Gypsy Queen ~ Diable en Boîte ~ Ashlultum ~ Inez ~/~ [spiced] Baghdad ~ Mama-ji ~ Bathsheba
    -- Berry-Spice
    Bordello ~ Florence ~ Kaidan ~ Kabuki (red musk) ~/~ Berry Moon 2011(?)
    -- Pure Spice/Nutty
    Silk Road ~ Red Phoenix ~ The Dodo ~ Bakeneko ~ Pink Mood ~ Plunder ~/~ Seraglio ~ Cristina
    -- Fruity Floral
    Peacocks ~ La Vague ~ Hungry Ghost Moon ~ Kindly Moon ~ Pomegranate I ~ Pomegranate V
    -- Mostly Fruity
    (purer) Squirting Cucumber ~ Embalming Fluid ~ Bess ~ Manhattan ~ Death on a Pale Horse ~ Kuang Shi ~ Tanuki ~ Aizen-Myoo ~ Vixen ~ Khrysee ~ Pomegranate II ~/~ (mixed/heavier) Transeo ~ Paramatman ~ Copper Phoenix ~ Corazon ~ Standing Female Nude ~ Changing the Shadows(?) ~ Harlequin & Columbine ~ Pomegranate III ~ Pomegranate IV ~ Pumpkin Queen
    -- Purely Sweet
    (berry) Whoop ~ The Phantom Calliope ~/~ (fig) Nonae Caprotina ~ Carnal ~/~ (coconut) Black Pearl (pure) ~ Paduan Killer Swarm (light) ~ Lamia (dark)
    -- Cream/Milk
    Katrina van Tassel ~ Victorian Rose Milk v1 ~ Love's Philosophy ~ Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge ~ Obatala
    -- Sugary
    Antique Lace ~ Black Lace ~ Tattered Lace ~ Black Opal ~ Dorian ~ The First of the Three Spirits ~ Boo ~ Velvet Unicorn ~ The Kingdom of Sweets ~ Enraged Bunny Musk ~ Tombstone ~ Clockwork Couture: Female
    -- Creamy Vanilla
    Snake Oil (spiced) ~ Vixen (SO Lite, initially) ~ The Antikythera Mechanism (dark) ~ Liz (smoky) ~ Haloes (light) ~ Lyonesse (Haloes + watery) ~ Under the Harvest Moon
    -- Chocolate/Cocoa
    (light) Bliss ~ Velvet ~ Gelt ~ El Dia de los Reyes ~/~ (dark) Dark Chocolate, Lime and Chocolate Mint ~ How Doth the Little Crocodile ~ Tezcatlipoca ~ Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp ~ Boomslang ~ 13: Aug 2010
    -- Light Foodie
    Samhain ~ Blue Pumpkin Floss ~ Jack ~/~ The Soldier ~ Red Lantern ~ Red Lace ~/~ (coffee) Pumpkin Latte ~ Miskatonic University
    -- Heavy Gourmand
    Chanukkiyah ~ The Witch's Repast
    -- Honey (and BAD!)
    Jezebel ~ Eve ~ O ~ Anubis ~ Mictecacihuatl ~ Mad Kate ~ Blood Kiss ~ Pink Phoenix
    -- Light Pure Incense/"Penitence class":
    Penitence ~ Philosopher in Meditation (Penit Lite) ~ Midnight Mass ~ Hygeia ~/~ Cairo ~ Khephra
    -- Dark Pure Incense/"Cathedral class":
    Cathedral ~ Valentine of Rome ~ Sunbird ~ Anne Bonny (patchouli)
    -- Mostly Resinous
    (sweet) Heavenly Love and Earthly Love ~ Jacob's Ladder ~/~ (herbal) No. 93 Engine ~ Nefertiti ~/~ (miscellaneous/can't place) Silver Phoenix ~ Quicksilver Phoenix ~ Tzadikim Nistarim
    -- Patchouli
    Banshee Beat ~ Vespillo ~ Imp ~ Omen ~ Mantis ~/~ Masquerade ~ The Clod and the Pebble ~ Rakshasa
    -- Vetiver
    Santa Muerte ~ A Golden Idol ~ Love's Torments ~ Hurricane ~ The Forest Reverie
    -- Dragon's Blood
    Blood Rose ~ Dragon's Musk ~ Dragon's Hide ~ Dragon's Bone ~ Dragon's Reverie ~ Wildfire(?)
    -- Bright and Dusty
    Kathmandu ~ The Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair ~/~ (maybe?) Vampire Tears ~ The Great Sword of War
    -- Bright and Smooth
    Ra ~ Summer's Last Will and Testament ~ Sheol (darker)
    -- Dark and Dusty
    Schwarzer Mond ~ Voodoo ~ The Velvets ~/~ Dance of Death ~ Interfector
    -- Dark and Smooth
    Tombeur ~/~ Luna Negra ~ Wings of Azrael ~ Czernobog ~ Phantom ~/~ Thanatos ~ Silenti ~/~ Hades ~ Medea ~ On Darkness ~/~ Oblivion ~ Misericordia
    -- Skin Musk/Fur
    Whoso List to Hunt ~ Coyote ~ Ivanushka ~ Fledgling Raptor Moon
    -- Musky-Resinous
    Snake Charmer (incense) ~ WILF (snuggly)
    -- Red Musk
    Scherezade (light spice) ~ Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (light berry) ~ Countess Willie (deep berry) ~ War (patchouli) ~ The Arbor (dark floral) ~ Midnight Kiss(?)
    -- Light Woods
    [smooth] Wildfire ~ Libertine ~ Belle Vinu ~ The School (morpher - aquatic too?) ~/~ [dusty] Aziraphale ~ Dragon's Bone ~ Wood Phoenix
    -- Dark Woods
    [smooth] The Scales of Deprivation(?) ~ Carceri d'Invenzione ~ Herr Drosselmeyer ~/~ [dusty] Lear ~ Magus
    Touched Twice ~ Zephyr ~ Morocco ~ The Haunted Palace