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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by raisin

  1. I am kind of at that stage where I am half expecting to turn around and see I actually lost to Hansel. (He's so hot right now.)

  2. Watching The Sting. Have total crush on 1970's Robert Redford.

  3. Rereading Order of the Phoenix. It is painful. Seriously, Harry should have just stayed home and started an emo band with Sirius.

  4. The ocean beat me up yesterday. On the bright side, my Wisconsin Temperature Tolerance cred is still pretty intact.

  5. Woo... have finished my crinoline. Am that much closer to being a froofy cupcake.

  6. What is it about crinolines that make my cats go "WHOA SHIT COOLEST FORT EVER"?

  7. Is that some Solid&Etc fanart in your avatar? God I love their stuff.

  8. It's super old, but thanks for your review of Lurid Library. I got to try that the other day, and was hoping someone mentioned other comparable scents in the reviews, and you went and gave a nice list!
