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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ModderRhu

  1. ModderRhu

    How Doth the Little Crocodile

    Chocolate peppermint, mint-soaked vanilla, pistachio, oakmoss, and green cedar. Holy moly. I was not expecting to love this oil this much. It's so YUMMY! It's mostly chocolate and buttery pistachio at first, and the longer it "cooks" on my skin, a gorgeous, mysterious, jungle-y sort of smell comes out. I'm guessing that's the oakmoss. It's WONDERFUL! Oh man. I LOVE this!
  2. ModderRhu


    Monarch In the bottle, this smells mostly like a delicious, savory, buttery pumpkin. On my skin, it turns into CINNAMON pumpkin. Maybe it's the ginger I'm smelling, because I wouldn't have bought this if cinnamon was listed as a note. I wish it stayed yummy like it was in the bottle. Maybe with some aging the cinnamon-ness will calm down. Also, I was very surprised at how light this is and how quickly it fades once on my skin.
  3. ModderRhu


    Goblin Desert-dry coconut and filthy, sexy, warm patchouli. I love this so much.
  4. ModderRhu

    Rosy Maple

    Rosy Maple Moth holy SWEET. this smells just like sour straws with a lil cotton candy in the background. very tart and sweeeeeeeet. i like
  5. ModderRhu


    “Many things -- such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly -- are done worst when we try hardest to do them.” TKO I've been so looking forward to trying this, and it's more than fulfilled my expectations. I should say that I don't have any chronic sleeping problems. Maybe the occasional stress-related difficulties falling asleep but that's about it. The real reason I wanted to try TKO was because I heard it smelled like lavender marshmallows!!!! In the bottle, TKO smells weird. It smells strongly of lavender and savory herbs, with a leetle eucalyptus. It doesn't smell like sweet food, it smells like FOOD food. Like dinner. On my skin, it's an entirely different story. All the dinner-time elements disappear and I'm left with a gorgeous, nommy lavender buttercream icing smell. I wanted to eat my own arm. It actually did help me fall asleep, sooner than I preferred, in fact. When I woke up in the morning, I felt well-rested. The lovely creamy lavender I smelled last night had turned into a light, chocolate baked goods scent. Weird, but I like it! I love TKO!
  6. ModderRhu

    BPAL Patchouli - there's nothing else like it

    Goblin is awesome. Imp is sweet peaches with patchouli. Urd for me was dominated by nag champa rather than patchouli, but the patchouli was definitely there. Vechernyaya is great, too.
  7. ModderRhu

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    i just got an imp of alice in my lab order, and just from smelling the imp, i can tell i need a bottle for slatherins.
  8. ModderRhu

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    random question...do some GC scents have unique labels? I just came across a pic of Schrodinger's Cat () and it made me ponder. I only have LE bottles so that's why I was wondering.
  9. thanks for your responses, guys! is the customer service email answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com?
  10. ModderRhu

    BPAL rec's for Non-BPALers?

    black opal, dorian, eat me, and high-strung daisies. and, surprisingly, urd!
  11. I've already posted about this in BPAL chatter, but it still hasn't been resolved. I placed my order on 6/13 and I still haven't gotten a C'n'S. I noticed that people who made orders of similar size and around the same date as me have gotten theirs. My order consisted of 6 bottles: luna, rosy maple, monarch, paper kite, tko, and the blockhead. Also an imp pack: alice, how doth the little crocodile, drink me, nostrum remedium, phoenix steamworks, and goblin. Someone said in another thread that rosy maple might also be on back order, in addition to gypsy. It's approaching 3 weeks since I placed my order and no C'n'S. I don't want to be a nag , I just want to know what's up. Or even that it's not unusual and there's no need to worry or something. Thanks in advance!
  12. ModderRhu

    L'Ecole des Filles

    L'Ecole des Filles GREEN. Soapy and GREEN. With some carrots, and something that smells like Sweet Tarts. Bizarre. I'm not sure if I smell any rose or ambergris or resin, but I get oodles of greenery and some aquatics. It kinda smells like bubble bath to me. I wish I smelled the benzoin more, because I think it would cut the sharpness and ground this scent. Maybe with a bit of aging, this will be better for me.
  13. ModderRhu

    Lilium Inter Spinas

    Lilium Inter Spinas I smell the sandalwood, apple blossom, and fig. I don't know what hibiscus smells like. There is a slightly green undertone to this scent. Maybe that's the lily of the valley? I could swear there is vanilla in here, too. I smell something super sweet. Maybe the fig. This is mostly a sandalwood smell to my nose. I like it.
  14. ModderRhu

    Leanan Sidhe

    Leanan Sidhe In the imp, this smells like pickles. Uh oh. No pickles on my skin. Just white flowers and herbs. Maybe some aquatic notes. Also grass. Bizarrely, the flowers have a headiness to them that reminds me of dragon's blood. I don't think I will reach for this one. It smells like bathroom spray.
  15. ModderRhu

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    I've always loved the combination of orange with lavender. That's what I smell in this, plus some herbs. I think I smell tarragon, which smells like licorice. The herbs are very subtle. I'm surprised I don't get any jasmine out of this. Perfect for summer. ETA: After a while, this turns to toothpaste on me.
  16. ModderRhu

    Belle Vinu

    Belle Vinu This smells different from what I expected. It's a good thing I love wood, because they dominate this blend. I get the slightest whiff of peach and maybe osmanthus in the background. I don't really smell vanilla. I can tell the peach is white, and it's not sweet. It almost has a bitterness and an herbal quality to it. Freshly picked. It doesn't sound nice, but it is. It's different from the peach I'm used to, like in Imp and Les Bijoux. That peach is WHOA SWEET and almost syrupy. I'm not used to peach being such a background player. It intrigues me.
  17. ModderRhu


    Lightning slashing the midnight skies over the endless reaches of the ocean. The electric tang of ozone, marine notes, and a drop of sharp rain. Lightning I'm surprised I like this blend. I thought I hated ozone, but I guess not! Maybe it's because I went a little nuts with the sweet and foody stuff lately and I needed a break, but I really do appreciate Lightning. It does remind me of rain and water. I feel refreshed when I sniff this on my wrist. I think I smell a little less ozone on my skin than I do in the imp. Yay for surprises!
  18. ModderRhu

    Summer floral - gardens and sunshine!

    I wore Hermia on a really hot day to a trip to a garden. It was awesome!
  19. ModderRhu

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    Any VTMers in here? ravnos FTW
  20. ModderRhu

    Black Forest

    Black Forest Ah yes. Definitely pine, cypress, and juniper. Not sure if I smell the ambergris or musk, but there is a slight creamy undertone. Very Christmasy. Unfortunately I cannot break the association between pine and Christmas, so I can't wear or really appreciate any pine scents when it isn't Christmastime. I think I will love Black Forest during the holidays.
  21. ModderRhu


    Thalia This is pretty much a plumeria single note on me. Nice for plumeria, but it isn't one of my favorites.
  22. ModderRhu

    Down the Rabbit Hole Atmosphere Spray

    Wow! I was generously gifted a goblin squirt of this with my order of Desiccated Frostberry Pie Filling! I am so thankful! It smells INCREDIBLE. It's got elements of a few of my favorite perfume oils. Dirt from Nosferatu, daisies from High-Strung Daisies. I picture a Nosferatu-like vampire with a sunhat, apron, and gardening gloves on! I will definitely get a full sized bottle of this once I get the funds.
  23. ModderRhu

    Desiccated Frostberry Pie Filling

    Desiccated Frostberry Pie Filling I only get mint out of this when I sniff directly from the bottle, and even then it's subtle, which I'm grateful for! On application to my wrist, it has a sharp berry smell. When it dries, the sharpness calms down and becomes YUMMY. I think I smell a smidge of pie crust and maybe a little musk, similar to the musk in 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster (a LOVE of mine!). I wish I got more pie crust! Other than that, it's wonderful and exceeds my expectations!
  24. ModderRhu

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    this might make me totally hedonistic, but i'm one of those people who upturns the whole bottle of precious on the flat part of my inner wrist then i turn the bottle rightside up again with my arm to let the excess go back in the bottle. it might taint the blend, but hey, it's mine! it's ok if it smells like me! I never do this if i put lotion on first, though. i use a coffee stirrer in that case!