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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ModderRhu

  1. ModderRhu

    The Infernal Lover

    i don't get sexiness out of this blend, but it still works for me! the honey is very sweet and smells kind of cleaned up, if that makes sense. i would have preferred the smutty, dirty kinda honey like the kind in womb furie for a sexy scent. there's also something in here that smells like strawberries. maybe that's the red musk? i'm sorta smelling something salty, too, which makes this smell a bit like pastries, but not quite. overall, i like this. it's smooth and sweet. though this actually smells quite girlie to me, i can see myself wearing it a lot.
  2. i find Alice to be quite similar, though not identical.
  3. ModderRhu

    Lilith and the Jarocho

    Oooh, I like this one! I get the juicy, fruity aspects of the scent first. Very lime-y and tart, with a little booze. Then after a while, the jasmine comes out. It's the kind of jasmine I love. The super SKANKY stinky kind just like in Flying Fox from Lush. There's also something in there that reminds me of the way rice smells. A couple hours after application, I'm left with the non-sweet, dry components of cedar and moss. This is the most morphtastic BPAL I've smelled. My only complaint is that I can't smell Dorian or Snake Oil! I guess "a little" means very very little. Oh yeah, and the label is friggin adorable.
  4. ModderRhu

    Banshee Beat

    This is just plain awesome. I love the vanilla (I think I recognize it from the Antikythera Mechanism) mixed with the hemp and the patchouli. I LOVE this kind of patchouli. It smells dry and dirty and I adore it. It is very sweet, which is why I don't get the comparison to Snake Oil. I don't find S.O. sweet at all compared to this. It's a dark sweetness, though. Definitely lives up to the hype. Go on and get it if you're on the fence and if the opportunity comes along...
  5. ModderRhu

    Blue Pumpkin Floss

    God. This smells like pure cinnamon on me. At first anyway. After a WHILE the pumpkin starts to come out, with kind of a planty blackberry smell. Like if you took a bunch of blackberries and squished them. If I sniff reeeeeally hard, I can kinda get the cotton candy. I'm gonna hold onto it, but if the cinnamon doesn't calm down with age, I will try to find my bottle a happy new home.
  6. ModderRhu

    The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil

    At first, this smells like dirt and caramel on my skin but then after a while, the iris kicks in and it starts smelling like eating caramels while wearing lipstick. The first stage is so nice that I want to like this but I'm not yet sure if I do.
  7. ModderRhu

    Bruised Violet Compound

    i like patchouli, but this version is a little thin. it's like watered-down patchouli. it's alright, but not for me.
  8. ModderRhu

    Kumari Kandam

    Origin: frimp! In vial: Oooh! Happy citrus!! This reminds me a lot of the BPTP spray Down the Rabbit Hole!! With the dirt and the marmalade...*looks at listed notes* Wait, huh?! Fresh on skin: Smoky, spicy tangerine and incense! I feel a little crazy just about now. I'm liking this A LOT so far, and if I'm wrong I don't wanna be right! This doesn't smell frozen or hollow or dolorous to me at all. It smells pretty damn cheerful! At this point I've taken out my goblin squirt of Down the Rabbit Hole for a side-by-side comparison. Yep, smells very similar to me. Almost the same, with K.K. being a little less candied-smelling and a smidge darker. Drydown: Same as when it was wet. Spicy citrus. I like!
  9. ModderRhu

    Inganok Jewelers

    This smells like a bag I had made out of goat leather () long ago that my dad got me. Like a stanky farmyard! It also reminds me of Black Opal A LITTLE bit. It doesn't smell like it, but I get the same kind of "vibe." It's like a totally unsweetened Black Opal with animal funk and maybe a tiny bit of metallic stuff and incense. As funky as it is, I still kinda like it!
  10. ModderRhu

    Banned in Boston

    When I smelled this in the bottle, I was thrilled! It smelled like fresh dirt I LOVE dirt smells! It reminded me a lot of a greenhouse or nursery or something. Sadly, when I put it on my skin, it started to smell like something from a chemistry lab. Something you aren't supposed to breathe in. As it dries down, it alternates between that and expensive-smelling tobacco. I just got this in the mail today, so maybe I'm not giving it a fair chance. I really hope it settles down to something I like more. Also, it's sooo unlike any other BPAL I've smelled, and maybe I just have to get used to this type of smell. Will definitely hold on to this one. It intrigues me ETA: This is hands down the strongest BPAL oil I've ever tried. I used a tiny drop on ONE of my wrists and, well, it's all up in my grill. Never experienced that before! I will probably add more thoughts as they come to me, as this is just such a WEIRD one and I'm trying to understand it. ETA 15 minutes later: WOW. This is the most moving oil I've tried yet. It's amazing. It rocked my world and turned it upside down. Who knew I would ever love something like this?
  11. ModderRhu

    The Gladdener of All Hearts

    Honeyed milk, baby powder, lavender, orris root, sage, carnation, angelica, frankincense, and rose otto. This reminds me a lot of Alice, but even more innocent-smelling. I can definitely smell all of the notes, especially the honey and orris. I like this a lot! Very comforting!
  12. ModderRhu

    Skytyping with Chemtrails

    At first this was very yummy, juicy lemon in the vial and wet on my skin. However, it dried down to a strange, chemical grassy smell. I wish I got more of the spun sugar! I'm gonna hold onto my decant and see if I like it better with a bit more aging.
  13. ModderRhu

    Thirteen (13): August 2010

    in the bottle, it smells like chocolate cherries. Then I sniff it again, and it smells like pepper Sniffing again, smells like pure dark chocolate. Weird! On my skin, though, I think I mostly smell the champaca. It smells kinda like tuberose, very fleshy and voluptuous. A badass flower. I like this very much.
  14. ModderRhu

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    avoid putting BPAL on your inner elbows ESPECIALLY right after showering. i don't even have sensitive skin (not in the least, it's very resilient and puts up with a lot of abuse ) and it bothers me. the area breaks out in a hurty, angry red rash. it DOES go away after an hour or so but it's not at all pleasant. blech
  15. ModderRhu


    In the bottle it's a little...off-putting. Smells like...fertilizer? Just a little, though. On me is a different story. It's very creamy clove and carnation. Reminds me a lot of Alice. I will happily finish my bottle but I don't think I'll have to hunt another one down.
  16. ModderRhu

    Sticky Pillowcase

    I love the combination of the tart sugaryness and clean linen. I wish I got more marshmallow, though! This is a very happy scent and I'm glad to have it.
  17. ModderRhu

    Pet Magah Bird

    Wow! Very tart and a little spicy in the bottle and on my skin. Drydown is fruit + caramel + violet. I LOVE the combo of creamy caramel and violet. So glad to have this birdie. Thanks, NeonGreen.
  18. ModderRhu

    Giant Squid

    I haven't reviewed in a while! This is my first after a long hiatus I get how people smell apple in this. There is absolutely something apple-like in Giant Squid. It's not quite apple, though. It's fruity but not...grassy but not...marine but not...hempy/smoky but not...it's WEIRD. I love weird. Different from any other BPAL I've tried. I never really comment on color impressions, but I definitely get a compelling sense of translucent, juicy emerald/jungly green from this. Like green jello or something. Or Slurm. Wow. I'm gonna get a lot of use out of this one. Love it!
  19. ModderRhu


    Whip is nice, and The Blockhead from the Carnaval
  20. ModderRhu

    What's the best coconut blend?

    definitely get goblin. it's so sexy. shango was mostly apple and banana to my nose.
  21. ModderRhu

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    i've heard that sugar skull smells like brown sugar, but i haven't actually tried it. hopefully beth will bring it back as a halloweenie this year!
  22. ModderRhu

    The Blockhead

    weird! it's men's cologne + bubblegum! i love it!
  23. ModderRhu

    Nostrum Remedium

    This smelled like salad dressing on me. I won't be wearing it again.
  24. ModderRhu


    Alice This is really nice. I can't really pick out the individual notes, but it's not too floral and I think the lab's milk note works on me. I can sense a gentle creaminess to this blend.
  25. ModderRhu


    Luna Moth This is sweeter than Rosy Maple but has the same tartness, if that makes any sense. It's pretty tart in the bottle and on my skin for a while. After it fades, it reminds me very much of High-Strung Daisies + lime and pear. I like it.