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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ModderRhu

  1. ModderRhu

    Ruddy Daggerwing

    This is…weird. Like room temp coffee with soured milk. And a little cologne. Not for me!
  2. ModderRhu

    Ae. Aegypti

    This is pretty much spicy Dragon's Milk. Nice but I prefer DM.
  3. ModderRhu

    Passion Butterfly

    Too sweet. Saccharine sweet sort of plastic. I think I'm pretty much only getting mimosa. No resins. Strange because those usually stand out the most in blends for me.
  4. ModderRhu

    Juniper Hairstreak

    I get no smoke whatsoever which is a relief. I really like this! It's like a nice mint cucumber tea.
  5. ModderRhu

    Zebra Heliconian

    At first it's very bitter and almost poisonous smelling. After an hour of drying down its an outdoorsy planty citronella. No coconut. No ambergris. Disappointing
  6. ModderRhu

    Two-Barred Flasher

    Nice! A little boozy and not quite tart enough to balance the sweetness of the blueberry. It's nice though.
  7. ModderRhu

    White Peacock

    Smells like Banshee Beat with a planty herbal twang. I prefer Banshee Beat.
  8. ModderRhu


    Something with a lot of clove. Dogs hate clove. If you must use bpal.
  9. ModderRhu


    I thought this was gonna be kind of like a spicier Snake Oil. Maybe like a muskier, warmer Celeste. In the bottle, it smells like envelope glue. On my skin, it goes between smelling like the glue, underripe bananas, and chlorine. However, I'm still sniffing my wrist going "mmmmm." What is wrong with me? I guess there is kind of a sweetness under all that bitter stuff. It's very weird and not what I expected, but it is slowly growing on me! My nose just has to learn to understand Gypsy. It wants to like it. I know it does. It just needs time!
  10. ModderRhu

    Where is this scent?

    i've been wondering that too. since the day i got it!
  11. ModderRhu

    BPALs like Serge Lutens perfumes

    first thing that came to mind was variety of pleasing amusements in the current shungas. Honey, leather, tobacco, and myrrh. i personally love it on me. it sounds a lot like what you described.
  12. ModderRhu

    Following Instructions

    This is beautiful sandalwood that was slathered in butter, sprinkled with sugar, and toasted in the oven
  13. ModderRhu

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    i ordered 1 bottle of l'essence de l'engouement and 1 bottle of l'essence de la passion from BPTP on march 19. via the link in the CCnow email, it says it shipped on April 4. i never got a CNS notification. if the link in the CCnow email indicates it shipped, does that mean it really shipped? i'm very concerned because these scents are no longer available. i was really looking forward to having them. ETA: i noticed earlier in the thread that if ccnow says it shipped it means the lab just got the order. does that mean i won't get my perfume? i don't think they were available anymore on april 4th. i had no indication that there was a problem with my order. i just thought it was taking a long time. if i knew that earlier, i would have ordered them again while they were still available. ETA again: it looks like my card wasn't charged until the 5th, but i'm not sure because the layout of that site is confusing. i should probably just email the lab
  14. ModderRhu

    Egg Nog

    this reminds me so much of snow white. it's kind of how i pictured yellow snowballs would smell. very creamy and slightly tangy. definitely have to re-test, but i like what i smell so far.
  15. ModderRhu


    omigosh CONFETTI CAKE my favorite cake ever! it smells just like confetti cupcakes with wonderful extra-creamy frosting. there's a little fruitiness floating around there too, but only a little! like candied orange peel or candied papaya. i get no cocoa whatsoever. it's wonderful during every stage on me. i get wafts of fresh whipped cream when i'm not smelling it directly from my wrist.
  16. aureus, depraved, banshee beat. i love dry, patchouli/woody smelling things in the summer. i dunno why. they aren't really "refreshing," but for some reason it works for me. i think patchouli smells better and better as you wear it in the heat. smells dirty
  17. ModderRhu

    Pink Snowballs

    this is like snow white + hope in the same bottle. it's that scotch tape-y goodness that i LOVE about snow white with sugared rose. i'm also getting something melony in the bottle and on my skin. the first time i wore this, i watched let the right one in and i think i will forever think of a little girl vampire barefoot in the snow whenever i smell this
  18. ModderRhu

    Bad Luck Woman Blues

    oh wow this is soooo sweet x.x it sounded perfect from the description, and i don't dislike it, it's just SO. SWEET. i think applying less (i really slathered the hell out of myself with this) will help. it's one of those scents where you don't need more than a drop.
  19. ModderRhu

    Minamoto No Yorimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider

    Toasted sandalwood, tobacco flower, teakwood, castoreum accord, bourbon vanilla, and patchouli. this does remind me of black lace! and galvanic goggles. it's that tobacco flower. i love it! i love all the other notes. i just found out that castoreum is (basically) beaver musk. i feel like a posh, cuddly beaver pup :3
  20. ModderRhu


    this is the only bpal that smells like a yankee candle to my nose. i guess i will have to use this quite sparingly and layer it with other things!
  21. ModderRhu


    this is beautiful. it's what i imagined and hoped dirty would smell like. it's a true, sophisticated clean scent. i recognize this note from beanman and beanwoman prepare to attack the vagina.
  22. ModderRhu


    authentic, comfy, non-chemical smelling leather. lasts forever.
  23. ModderRhu

    Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

    this is so juicy i wanna drink it. it quenches my thirst just to sniff it
  24. hello! these are my quick drive-by recs: the malignant dreams of cthulhu in love gelt how doth the little crocodile good luck!!
  25. ModderRhu

    How much is in that imp anyway?

    i just hold them up to a lamp. my favorite way though is to take an xacto knife and cut a thin thin strip out of the label. i think it looks cool you get to see the color of the oil more that way