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Everything posted by ModderRhu

  1. ModderRhu

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    The Lights of Men's Lives I knew I would love this. I wore it on my birthday. For me, it evokes a childhood hobby of mine. You know those little beads of bath oil that would come in various shapes, scents, and colors? I used to collect those. To me, The Lights of Men's Lives smells a lot like this particular bead that was golden and shaped like the sun. Warm, comforting, sweet, and a little smoky. I love it! ETA: These are the bath beads I was talking about!
  2. ModderRhu

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    Le Serpent Qui Danse It's violet, vanilla, and gardenia. What's not to like? Cheerful.
  3. ModderRhu


    Nocturne I love violets. I really, really do. And I love tuberose. And lilac. I love flowers! I love these flowers very much. This oil is a sexy woman. Not only that, it's a naked sexy woman. A curvy, naked, sexy as hell woman. At night. Yeah...
  4. ModderRhu

    Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand

    Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand It smells like...a Lush store! What?! It does, though! And I like it... ETA: This has dried down to the drydown of Power by Kenzo. A snuggly labdanum. What the hell?! *stares accusingly at wrist*
  5. ModderRhu

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    Nosferatu is a weirdo for sure. I don't get crypt, I don't get wine, I get coziness. What's wrong with me? This scent seems to be something different for everyone, though. I've heard bananas, I've heard jasmine, dirt, mint, etc...whatever it is, it's faaaaabulous! No. 93 Engine is indescribable and amazing and weird. EVERYONE should try this. I can also say everyone must buy a bottle of this. It is incredible. I'm sure there's more, but I'm sleepy and can't think. Will update when I can...
  6. ModderRhu

    Orange Blossom and Neroli Recs

    Beanman and Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina is VERY VERY orange blossomy. And suntan lotiony. But in a nice way!
  7. ModderRhu

    Snake Oil

    Snake Oil Reminds me of Haunted, which is a LOVE of mine. I don't get any vanilla out of this, for some reason. Maybe it's because my imp is fresh. I like it, though. It's just not as amazing as its reputation would suggest. 3.8 out of 5
  8. ModderRhu


    Harimise This was much sweeter than I hoped it would be. I think the sweetness that I'm smelling is a mix between the chestnut and the osmanthus. It's not bad, I just wish the rice powder was dominant instead. I don't smell much of that. I like the contrast that the khus (vetiver) provides. It reminds me of being outside. This was the first BPAL that I got complimented on! I never thought it was gonna happen! 3.8 out of 5
  9. ModderRhu


    Wicked "Wicked" is right. The rose is so overwhelming in this. It slithers down my throat and chokes me. Smells like a bathroom spray. Evil. I will try to age this and see if that helps. 1 out of 5 *This was frimped to me from the Lab!
  10. ModderRhu

    Creating BPAL Gift Packs with a Theme

    A Queenly gift pack! Red Queen Queen of Hearts Queen of SHeba Phantom Queen Queen Alice Queen Fuzzy critters: Loup Garou Hellcat Brown Jenkin Fenris Wolf The Dormouse The Lion
  11. Wicked has crazy throw!! I'm wearing it today.
  12. ModderRhu

    Can I use BPAL to train my nose?

    I second trying Imp: Devilishly playful: white peach, amber, golden musk and patchouli. Another one of my favorites is Urd: Muscadine, black and red patchouli, cereus and nag champa. Haunted(just two notes!): A mournful, poignant scent, thick with foreboding. Soft golden amber darkened with a touch of murky black musk. happy sniffing!
  13. ModderRhu


    Ogun This is a morpher. Starts out with refreshing green melon and turns into spicy honey with a hint of the coolness from the melon remaining. Gorgeous 4.6 out of 5
  14. ModderRhu

    Dian's Bud

    Dian's Bud It smells a lot like juniper berries at first...which can sometimes smell like B.O. Then it smells a little like blueberries?! Now it smells like household cleaning products and greenery. It's harsh. 1 out of 5 *This was frimped to me from the Lab!
  15. ModderRhu


    Titania I feel like all I'm smelling is the white grape. It's probably because my nose is uneducated. This reminds me very much of 51. 2.8 out of 5
  16. ModderRhu


    Haunted Was not expecting to like this! I can tell it's only a two-note blend, but they are very well blended together. Musk can sometimes smell like soap on me, and amber can overpower. Together they're awesome. This is an elegant and simple blend, and I can see it becoming a staple in my BPAL wardrobe. 4.5 out of 5 *This was frimped to me from the Lab!
  17. ModderRhu

    The Deep Ones

    The Deep Ones Woo! Juniper! This smells like very expensive bubble bath. I like it. I think a woman could pull this off just as well as a man. 4 out of 5 *This was frimped to me from the Lab!
  18. ModderRhu

    Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina

    Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina Fruity and beachy. Nice! I wish I got more musk, though. Very nice staying power. I love how this dries down to a cozy, subtle coconut. 3.8 out of 5
  19. ModderRhu


    Tintagel I don't get any leather from this, but I do get lots and lots of dragon's blood, which is nice. I also get...Christmas? I think I'll like this way more during the colder months. 2.5 out of 5 *This was frimped to me from the Lab!
  20. ModderRhu

    The Unicorn

    The Unicorn I picked this imp because a long time ago, I smelled a very expensive linden soap and I fell in love. Couldn't afford it, though. It was a sad day. Then I came across The Unicorn and saw that it had linden listed as a note! YAY!!! Hadda buy it. Unfortunately, this is a very nondescript perfume to me. It does smell familiar, maybe like that soap? Maybe not? It's barely detectable on my skin. What tiny whiffs I do get are very boring and blah. I will say that it makes a better clean laundry scent than Dirty, if that one let you down in that area. I'm so upset! I'm definitely gonna retest this one. It WILL work on me, dammit! I WILL love this! Grr... 2 out of 5
  21. ModderRhu


    Bread-and-Butter-Fly At first, this smells a lot like buttery pound cake. Not quite bread, but that's fine. It's still really nice. After a while on my skin, it reminds me of the smell of...babies. You know that smell. Not babies with full diapers but that nice, comforting, sweet and innocent baby smell. Sort of like milky, buttery caramel. And a little baby powder. And some other stuff I can't put into words. I really like this. It's a very "cute" sort of smell. I can't pick out the tea at any point (I guess because it's "weak"), but I can sorta kinda tell it's there. This is so well blended and comforting. 4.5 out of 5 *This was frimped to me from the Lab!
  22. ModderRhu


    Whip Holycrapsoamazing. It's so simple and lovely. The rose is so fresh and the leather is so so so sexy. *swoon* 4.8 out of 5
  23. ModderRhu

    No. 93 Engine

    No. 93 Engine There are really no words for this. It's perfect. I'm astounded. GO BUY SOME. NOW. 5 out of 5
  24. ModderRhu

    Medicine, medicinal notes

    wow. penny dreadful smells like spicy, dusty dirt on my skin. i was going to recommend hemlock but silvertarna beat me to it. I wish! Nosferatu is fabulous on me! I don't know why Penny Dreadful isn't I'm gonna let it age and see if it gets better. My imp was fresh from the Lab.
  25. ModderRhu

    Medicine, medicinal notes

    Penny Dreadful smells like a vitamin or a health food shop. Also kinda like tahini. You know how a medicine cabinet has that musty, medicinal smell? It's kinda like that. I don't like it, but maybe somebody out there would find it comforting.