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Posts posted by countessmouse

  1. Dry, cold autumn wind. A rustle of red leaves, a touch of smoke and sap in the air.

    2010 Version

    Dry leaves in the imp. Once it was on my skin and drying, I picked up a hint of pepper and within 15 minutes, a masculine spice note popped up.

    It smells really nice and I think I'm going to try it on the BF.

  2. This scent has been morphing like crazy since I put it on. Initially, it had an earthy tone (the leaves?) that I found slightly off-putting and I was convinced I wasn't going to like the scent at all. However, it went floral, then musky, and has since settled down into a lovely mix of amber, carnation, and vanilla. I never got any of the rose, but sometimes I get a hint of the lavender.


    This one is a keeper.

  3. I'm always cautious with scents where rose is the leading tone because, most of the time, they tend to go soapy on me. That is not the case with this scent! Wow! The rose is lush, dark and velvety with almost a linen undertone. And the throw? I think I'll be smelling this one ALL DAY. :wub2:

  4. In the imp, milky plum. Wet on my skin, the cream went slightly sour and stayed that way for about 30 minutes. Now, everything is playing well together and I'm getting a sweet creamy plum with a slight floral/herbal tone. Once that sour note finally goes away, this ends up being quite pretty. Not sure if I want a bottle, but I'm glad I have the imp!

  5. In the imp - buttered sweet popcorn. On my skin, it was a scent explosion with everything jumbled together and quite yummy. Unfortunately, following the initial blast, this scent has faded rather quickly on me. Nearly four hours after application, I can barely smell it and all that is left is a bit of vanilla.


    Too bad, really, because I liked this one. :cry2:

  6. This is one roller-coaster of a scent for me. Very sweet and smoky/woody in the imp and fresh on my skin and then immediately I get this really odd note of unwashed hair. In fact, I really had to resist the urge to wash it off for the first 5-10 minutes and was glad I did because it morphed pretty quickly after that. I get a whiff of pumpkin now and then, sometimes something sour but not unpleasantly so, sometimes something earthy, and sometimes sweet fruit.


    Not a favorite, but it has been interesting to see what pops up next.

  7. Vanilla cotton candy for about the first hour, then the sandalwood and an indistinguishable floral peeked in. I didn't get any of the oak, which is probably good, since wood tones tend to go ashy on me. Very pretty scent with a strong throw -- looks like I'll be using this imp sparingly unless I can locate a bottle.

  8. It is all lavender and amber for me. And the throw on this oil is incredibly strong, so much so that it is all I can smell at the moment and it's been over two hours since application. I like, but in really, really small amounts!

  9. It is all green aquatics in the bottle and on my skin for the first hour. A very pleasant scent, but a little disappointing given some of the other notes floating around in there that seem to be overpowered by the aquatics. Then, about an hour or so in, the florals begin to appear and this very pleasant scent gets even nicer.

    I stopped my horse, and looked round me again.

    Yes: I saw it. With my own eyes I saw it. A pillar of white mist—between five and six feet high, as well as I could judge—was moving beside me at the edge of the road, on my left hand. When I stopped, the white mist stopped. When I went on, the white mist went on. I pushed my horse to a trot—the pillar of mist was with me. I urged him to a gallop—the pillar of mist was with me. I stopped him again—the pillar of mist stood still.

    The white colour of it was the white colour of the fog which I had seen over the river—on the night when I had gone to bid her farewell. And the chill which had then crept through me to the bones was the chill that was creeping through me now.

    I went on again slowly. The white mist went on again slowly—with the clear bright night all round it.

    I was awed rather than frightened. There was one moment, and one only, when the fear came to me that my reason might be shaken. I caught myself keeping time to the slow tramp of the horse's feet with the slow utterance of these words, repeated over and over again: 'Jéromette is dead. Jéromette is dead.' But my will was still my own: I was able to control myself, to impose silence on my own muttering lips. And I rode on quietly. And the pillar of mist went quietly with me.

    My groom was waiting for my return at the rectory gate. I pointed to the mist, passing through the gate with me.

    'Do you see anything there?' I said.

    The man looked at me in astonishment.

    I entered the rectory. The housekeeper met me in the hall. I pointed to the mist, entering with me.

    'Do you see anything at my side?' I asked.

    The housekeeper looked at me as the groom had looked at me.

    'I am afraid you are not well, sir,' she said. 'Your colour is all gone—you are shivering. Let me get you a glass of wine.'
    —Miss Jéromette and the Clergyman, Wilkie Collins

    A muculent, brumous, ill-omened scent: orris, yuzu, white ginger, linden flower, petitgrain, and lotus.

    The first to make a comment on a scent? This is definitely a "first" for me!

    In the bottle and wet on my skin, this is all lotus. After a bit, green (the petitgrain?) and the soft, white floral of the linden push their way in to take the edge off the lotus. Not getting much of a citrus note, however.

    Overall, this is quite a lovely, soft scent. Not a huge throw, but it seems to have some staying power.

  11. :wub2: I am SOOOO glad I snagged a bottle of this one. It morphs a lot in the beginning - greenish at first, then the clean linen, then an old-fashioned perfumy tone and then the florals with the musk. It looks like the lily and the musk are going to stick around a while, which makes me very happy. What a great scent!

  12. I detected dry, dusty florals in the imp, and it had me a little worried because jasmine can sometimes go sour on me. However, on application, the patchouli, sage and iris jumped right out and smelled fabulous! Now it's smelling all incensey and herbal with just a touch of floral. :wub2:


    I may have to break down and buy a bottle of this.

  13. Nothing but leather in the imp and wet on my skin. About 10 minutes later, the musk appeared and two hours after application the florals are starting to pop, perhaps with a touch of the patchouli. A nice scent once it start to settle down.

  14. In the imp, it had sort of a faint ashy, incense smell. On my skin, it was all lavender and blackcurrent until the amber and magnolia came out to play about 10-15 minutes later. Now, 2 hours after application, I'm getting a hint of the musk. Pretty, but not a favorite enough to require a bottle.
