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Posts posted by countessmouse

  1. Okay, I absolutely hated this when I first put it on. There was an odd "old wood" smell mixed with something I just couldn't identify, and for the first 15 minutes it was horrid! I have learned, however, to attempt to tolerate the bad in hopes that the good might show up.


    This time, I was rewarded. What's left is a haunting white floral tinged with grapefruit. Absolutely lovely! :joy:

  2. This one is taking some getting used to. Lavender in the imp, but it went all pasty on me (the chamomile? the bamboo?) for the first hour and I really had to resist the urge to go wash it off. The poppy and ylang ylang finally showed up and started to make things better, and I'm still hoping the white sandalwood will make an appearance.


    I'm still waffling on this one. Once all of the elements start working together, it's quite a lovely scent. It's just getting through that initial blast of nasty that's the trick.


    And, by the way, this is not the scent to wear to work when you are already sleepy...

  3. I've gotten a little leery of rose scents because they tend to go soapy on me; however, I am happy to say that I'm glad I braved this one. The rose is a beautiful, white soft rose with just a hint of frankincense. Not overpowering at all. Quite lovely! :wub2:

  4. Pine and ice in the imp and wet on my skin. It goes slightly perfumy for a bit and then heads back toward an evergreen tone. An ashy element is setting in, so this one may not be as nice on me as I had first hoped. Kind of odd.


    ETA: It's not ash, it's ozone. And now it's nothing but ozone. Meh.


    ETA 2: The floral and evergreen have returned. This thing morphs like crazy.

  5. It reminds me a bit of The Snow Storm, which is one of my absolute favorite scents. It is strongly pine/evergreen at first, but the florals are really starting to pop - making it smell like a winter garden on the edge of a forest. Really a very lovely scent! :wub2:

  6. Whenever a scent has jasmine, it's always a toss up to see whether I get the "sour" or the "flower". This one is sour and musky. The calla lily is trying valiantly to move to the forefront, but it ain't happenin'. It has the potential to be a wonderful scent, just not on me. Meh.

  7. I have to admit that I did not like WILF at first -- mostly menthol with an undertone of paste. Blech! As it dried over the last few hours, however, I'm getting more of the vanilla and musk and a tiny hint of sweet floral. Not a favorite, but at least I can tolerate the way I smell now.

  8. Lordy, I'd forgotten how strong this one can be on me. It's a lovely scent, but a little can go a looooong way.


    And is it just me, or is there a lot more coconut in the 2010 version than the 2008?

  9. Yule

    At first, it's lemony fir needles with...cornbread dressing? Nah, must be the thyme. As it dries, it just blends out into this wonderful wintery goodness of fir, spices and berries. I feel all Christmasy when I wear it!


    Looks like I'll be adding another bottle to the list... :wub2:

  10. Almost all lily at the start with just the tinest hint of the ylang-ylang. Then, like moonberryjam stated, it goes all powdery. Unfortunately, the white musk and, maybe, the clove do odd things with this powdery scent that doesn't thrill me. No vanilla at all Meh.

  11. I had a really hard time with this one at first -- all I got was the smell of pickling spice. As other posters have mentioned, the lavender is really strong here and overpowers just about everything else. Two hours after application, I am just beginning to get hints of patchouli and the sweetness of the opopponax. It's drying down to something I can live with, but this is definitely one I may pass on to the swap pile.
