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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by countessmouse

  1. Cherry syrup at first with an undertone I only get from narcissus when I first put it on. The cherry fades pretty quickly, leaving aquatic florals which are nice but not a favorite blend of them. As zankoku_zen stated above - "interesting, but not for me".

  2. I love the smell of violets, but I rarely get the scent in any BPAL oil that contains it. However, this time, it was "whoa violets!" on application. Kind of overpowering at first but it seemed to settle down into a very violety niceness. Unfortunately, it kept settling and went soapy, then to dusty green stems, and finally ended with a floral perfumy tone. Not unpleasant, but not what I had hoped for.


    It's been an interesting scent ride, but I can't place it among my favorites. :(

  3. This one started out very strange at first because all I got was "Off" bug spray and it was very acrid. Then it went a ittle crazy - morphing every five minutes as the notes started to come out -- before finally settling on a musky floral plum that is really quite nice.

  4. Very astringent in the imp.


    When I lived in Northern California, anise grew wild in spots amid the tall grass. That's what this smells like. While I didn't mind the scent outdoors, I don't really like it on me.


    Oh, and now the lemon has popped. I smell like weird candy. Bleh.

  5. Lots of herbs in the imp. On my skin, I have to agree with AmandaKay that it smells a lot like Old Spice cologne - which isn't a bad thing.


    Too masculine for me, though. Going to try it on the guy...

  6. This starts out smelling like plasticky, menthol-infused glue on me, and I know it's that darned narcissus. Don't know why I even bother with scents containing it anymore. Was hoping for some of the other notes, but the narcissus takes over everything, unfortunately. Bleh.

  7. In the imp - green something? Oh, wait, there's the ozone. On my skin: a sweet, beautiful blend of the moonflower, iris and musk with just a hint of the ozone. None of the icky jasmine coming through at all.


    Of course I really like this scent - it's discontinued.

  8. I love scents with honeysuckle, but I have to live through about 10 minutes of smelling like a wad of chewing tobacco before the other notes beat it into submission. After the initial blast of complete meh, it morphed into a mostly floral scent with a touch of powder (orris root?) before finally settling on a mix of sandalwood, myrrh and a touch of citrus. Pretty, but with a very, very light throw. This may not be around in the next few hours.

  9. NINON
    Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it.

    Philosopher, poet, author, patron of the arts, and protofeminist, Ninon de l'Enclos is venerated in France as Queen of the Courtesans. At a very young age, Ninon chose to be emancipated from the constraints society had imposed on her gender. She was orphaned at the age of sixteen, and opened her own salon in Paris rather than seeking succor in marriage. Her salon quickly became the talk of the town, attracting aristocrats, socialites, and artists. At thirty, she opened a school to share her knowledge of the ways of seduction, charm, and the courtesies of love. Both men and women flocked to her school, which endured as an institution in Paris for three decades. During her career as a courtesan, Ninon took many powerful men as her lovers, though she was faithful to each one while their liaison lasted. She never took payment for her affections, as she was fiercely independent and wished to rely on no man for support. An advocate of measured Epicureanism, she defended both her lifestyle choices and her philosophical views in her book, La Coquette Vengée. After retiring from life as a courtesan, she continued to write and promote the arts through her salon.

    Smoky honey musk, tobacco leaf, lavender, golden amber, Damask rose, hay, orris root, white sandalwood, and bourbon vanilla.

    Holy moley, what a lush and powerful scent! Redolent of honey musk, amber, florals, and vanilla, Ninon lasted ALL day! She is no fainting flower, that's for sure.

    I am certainly going to be hoarding this precious...

  10. This one has been a little odd from the start and is going to take some warming to. In the bottle: buttery caramel (not one of my favorite scents). After about an hour, the caramel scent loosens its hold and a few of the other scents are starting to come forward. Vanilla is very much in the forefront with the bergamot, and I'm getting just a hint of the orchid and sandalwood.


    Kitty is starting to redeem herself. I may keep this bottle after all.

  11. Heavily herbal at first, sharply green. On drydown it softens and turns to a sweet lime (much like the Meyer limes in my backyard!) with a floral and fruit undertone. And now the cool green musk others have talked about is starting to appear.


    This is quite a lovely scent, but it is so light I'm afraid it won't last.

  12. I'm not sure what to make of this one. Very aquatic at first, almost unpleasantly so, with some sort of odd undertone (melon, tea?). Nearly three hours after application, I'm just getting to the point where I can live with the scent.


    Not a favorite or something I even like very much, I'm afraid.

  13. Totally masculine and OMG what a throw! Most scents just give me a whiff here and there throughout the day of how nice I smell, but this one sort of slaps you in the face with it. Not that I'm complaining. :D


    Musk, clean sheets, and just a hint of citrus. Going to try this one on the BF tomorrow!

  14. Florals with a really sharp herbal scent (whoa galbanum!) at first. But after an hour? OMG I love this!


    Beautiful calla lily, honeysuckle and iris with just a tiny, tiny hint of vanilla and musk. None of the sour jasmine I was dreading. So, so pretty!


    Must get a bottle! :wub2:

  15. Very pretty, but so very, very light that I'm sure it will be gone in the next hour. Lots of geranium and wood at first, but the lily and orchid finally peeked in and decided to take over, leaving just a hint of spice with the geranium. Like I said, very pretty but it won't last long.
