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Posts posted by countessmouse

  1. There is such a thing as too much musk. It just overwhelms the apricot and the floral, which is a shame because the apricot was very, very present just sniffing the imp.


    Off to the swap/sell pile she goes...

  2. I was feeling sort of down because I lost out on a bottle the Lab had recently put on ebay, but after trying the imp I had on hand, I'm not so unhappy about it. Violet Ray is a very pretty scent, and every once in a while I get a whiff of floral, but I'm not keen on smelling like violet candy all day long and that's the predominant note for me.


    Nice, but I'm not going to drive myself crazy trying to track down more.

  3. I have to agree with saralaughs on this one - it is truly the life of an orange in reverse. I tested the tiniest bit on the back of my hand and I've been huffing it all evening. It's absolutely beautiful!


    And now I'm crying because I've been bitten by the Orange bug and I'm pretty sure I'm doomed to hoarding the precious quarter imp I've been able to get my hands on. :cry2:

  4. Holy Grail, where have you been?


    I get a faint citrus in the bottle, but when I put it on, it's full out floral, vanilla and musk. That floral? Orange blossom, most definitely. And I can tell the throw on this one is going to last a long time, too.


    I smell gooooood! :wub2:

  5. The jury is still out on this one. Nothing but dry, musky sandalwood at first which was a bit offputting. Resisted the urge to wash it off, but it's taken nearly 3 hours for a tiny bit of vanilla and a sort of perfumy floral to show up. I just don't know about this one...

  6. Really green with a hint of rose in the bottle and wet on my skin. It takes a while, but the other florals really start to pop - less like a generic floral and more toward easily distinguishable individual scents. The tiny hint of beeswax is quite pleasant and ties it all together.


    This is a wonderful spring/summer scent and I'm so glad I tracked down a bottle! :wub2:

  7. Had to see what the fuss over Eat Me is all about. I'm not overly fond of foody scents so this wasn't on the top of my list to try, but I recently received an imp.


    At first: cupcake. Major cupcake with sweet vanilla frosting. Then the musk started, which I found a little odd coupled with the vanilla cupcake. After two hours, however, it settled down to a creamy vanilla, slighly perfumy, absolutely gorgeous scent. I'm not much for sweet scents, but Eat Me is gorgeous.


    :wub2: I may need a bottle of this...

  8. Gnome

    I was a little worried at first because the bottle smelled so ozoney, but my worries were unfounded. Fizzy ginger ale with a hint of pepper and ozone. This is really a nice summer scent!

  9. Kind of an odd one, Kathmandu. Very smoky at first, then briefly transitioning to mint(???)before settling on smoky cedar with just a hint of incense. I had pictures of the Tibetan city in my mind - cold air, people wrapped in quilted jackets as the monks chanted prayers in a nearby temple. Very nice. Now I want to go there...

  10. Sharply green and limey in the imp and wet on my skin, but almost immediately goes to mint before making a swift shift to the lavender. Wish it would stick around longer because the lavender is quite nice, but it's almost gone 3 hours after application.

  11. Once you get past the initial blast of hay and tree sap, this is quite a lovely scent. The almond blossom and rice milk are the strongest notes for me, followed with the sweet amber.


    Once I determine this is not the cause of my sneezing fit this morning, I think I might be ordering a bottle. :wub2:

  12. Hot buttered popcorn in the imp and wet on my skin. In fact, it took nearly 2 hours for any other scent to show up. At the moment, it's mostly wisteria and musk - which is fine with me because I really didn't want to smell like popcorn all day. The lack of citrus is disappointing. Ah well, maybe it will show up later since this scent seems to be a morpher.

  13. Plasticky gingerbread in your face! Five hours post application and I'm just now able to smell something else other than myself. Interesting, but waaaaay too strong for me! This gets to go to someone else.

  14. Vaguely reminiscent of a lemon drop at first but, like stellamaris, it has settled down to a musky, lightly lemon fragrance. I'm not unhappy about anise's failure to show since I don't often do well with that note.


    Alas, I wish it had more staying power. It's so light that I'm worried I won't be able to smell it in about an hour.

  15. It smelled like plasticky candy at first in a weird, not unpleasant, sort of way. No bitter herbs, the Dragon's Blood isn't overpowering, and the scent has settled into a sweet, powdery floral. In fact, it's a little too sweet.


    Off to the swap/sell pile.
