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Posts posted by countessmouse

  1. I HAVE got to find a bottle of this! Spicy, musky floral that smells divine! I got an odd sort of faint smell, kind of like old perfume, in the imp and wet on my skin, but this dried down to something wonderful. The rose is not prevalent -- I get more of a general floral out of it, which is fine because rose doesn't always work on me.



  2. A delicate, sweet floral with just the tiniest bit of ginger. The florals develop a bit more on drydown, but it is so very, very light that I'm wondering if this is going to last more than a few hours. Wish it had more of a throw, because it's very pretty.

  3. The essence of magickal enigmas and long-forgotten esoteric mysteries. Frankincense, rosemary, lavender, neroli, and lemon verbena.

    In the imp: spicy citrus. Wet on my skin, I got an odd whiff of...chocolate?...briefly and then it was all spicy citrus and verbena with just a hint of the lavender. Not getting much of the rosemary, other than it adding a touch of sweetness.

    Overall, a light, pleasant scent.

  4. In the bottle and wet on my skin: creamy, musky vanilla. On drydown -- WHAM! -- I get hit with a floral bouquet that has just a hint of the creamy vanilla left. Definitely smelling the lily, violet and honeysuckle, but not so much the tuberose and jasmine. Glad I found a bottle of this because it's a keeper.

  5. Herbs, wood and ash. Mostly ashy for a few - kind of scared me since I can amp wood in a truly awful way -- but that toned down after a bit. There is a bit of cinnamon in there to me, and this is one of the oddest smelling scents I've tried so far. I smell like a combination of an old antiques store and a candle display. Not bad, just weird.

  6. Sweet and perfumey in the imp and on my skin. Not getting much fruit, unfortunately, but boy are the amber, sandalwood and frankincense having a shoving match to see which one can pair with the lotus! This scent comes across as very rich to me, not at all light like the previous posters experienced. I think I like this one enough to get a bottle. :wub2:

  7. Wore this one yesterday and I love, love, love it! Beautiful florals, nothing overpowering anything else, with just a hint of mint and tea. I could smell it all day!


    This one goes on the must get a bottle list!

  8. In the imp: very green, light floral, almost "plasticky" but not unpleasantly so. It sort of reminded me of a "Liddlekiddle", those tiny dolls from the 60's and 70's that sometimes came perfumed.


    On drydown, it lost a lot of the green and the plastic scent, and became a very light, lovely floral. Unfortunately, it's so light that I think I'm losing it. Meh.


    If it sticks around, I might consider a bottle of this one.

  9. In the imp: soapy, sour jasmine, but I put it on anyway in hopes that the lavender and honeysuckle would overpower it. Suffered through the first hour of smelling nothing but that awful jasmine until the lavender finally showed up. Now I'm starting to smell a little honeysuckle.


    It's a nice scent, but I don't think it's going to last and I'm not sure it's worth the two hours of suffering through the jasmine.

  10. Very spicy floral in the imp and wet on my skin. Not getting any of the rose, but the scent reminds me of a line from Bath & Body Works that had cottonwood blossom in it. Definitely getting the powdery note, though. Strong throw -- I think this one is going to last all day.
