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Everything posted by countessmouse

  1. countessmouse

    Grandmother of Ghosts

    Imp: lots of musk Wet: Spicy florals pop, still too much musk Dry: Out come the woods, mixing with the florals and toning down that musk An earlier reviewer had it down pat: this is like finding grandma's shawl and wrapping up in it for comfort. I sort of smell like my very first piano teacher when I was seven, but not in a bad way. Ancestral spirits I get...mania not so much (which is a good thing because grandma could be a little crazy).
  2. countessmouse

    Enchanted Wood Florist

    Very green and sharp in the imp, then switches to a soft, green floral both wet and dry on my skin. Light and pleasant, but not so light that it disappears on me.
  3. countessmouse

    Cheshire Moon

    A lunatic's blend of lunar herbs and blossoms, with lemongrass, guava, pink grapefruit, banyan fruit, hibiscus, and cherry blossom. Vanilla cake in the imp, vanilla cake wet on my skin, and vanilla cake for several hours after I put it on. The florals finally popped hours later, after it had started fading on me. I usually don't like "foodie" scents, but this one isn't bad. I just wish it were a bit more floral early on.
  4. countessmouse


    Very earthy in the imp, so much so that I was tempted not to put it on. Did anyway, and wet it still smelled almost overpoweringly of wet earth and moss. After it was dry? The rose really popped, and now I smell like I've been digging in my roses -- rose and damp dirt. Still deciding if I like this one enough to get more of it.
  5. countessmouse

    Bitter Moon

    Very sharp in the bottle and I wasn't sure I was going to like this one. Started to go powdery on me at first, but then the lavender and berries really jumped out, with just a touch of rose and sage. It's still mellowing on me, but I like this one!
  6. countessmouse


    Incredibly sweet in the imp with just a hint of...spice (carnation)? I wasn't impressed while wet on my skin, but whoa nelly did the lily start appearing when it dried. Very pink-white and girly with just a hint of the carnation. I think I need a bottle of this one!
  7. countessmouse

    Ace of Hearts

    I am in love! A very pretty light floral scent both in the imp and on my skin. I couldn't pay for the bottle on hold for me fast enough last night!
  8. countessmouse


    In the imp - very, very citrusy with a note of tea and I wasn't sure I was going to like this one. Wet on my skin: sharp citrus at first which quickly mellows out and turns into a lovely blend of rose, bergamot and patchouli. Very nice! I must get a bottle of this!
  9. countessmouse

    Annabel Lee

    Almost overpoweringly sweet floral in the bottle and wet on my skin. It has finally calmed down to a very nice peony/sweet pea mix with just a hint of the moss. I like floral scents, but this is almost too "young" for me.
  10. countessmouse


    Very green and floral in the bottle and stayed that way wet on my skin. However, the Stephanotis really starts coming out as it dries and the scent has evolved into something light, green and floral. Although I love gardenia, I'm not getting that note at all here. Very nice all the same, though!
  11. countessmouse

    In Winter in My Room

    Pink, lank, and warm: grapefruit, yuzu, tuberose, peony, violet leaf, pikaki, Indian frankincense, and tonka. Light and floral in the imp. On my skin, I didn't get any of the grapefruit, but it smelled oddly like Red Whips for a short while before going floral again. Several hours later, I can really smell the peony and tuberose, but it's slightly soapy. It's pleasant, but not a favorite.
  12. countessmouse


    Lovely, lovely lavender with just a hint of magnolia. I'm not getting the crystalline note because this scent is so lush. Another favorite!
  13. countessmouse

    Black Hellebore

    "Oh wow!" green and sweet in the bottle but immediately floral on me, both wet and dry. Lots and lots of peony with a little bit of rose and some green. This one is a keeper.
  14. countessmouse


    Slightly spicy and floral in the bottle and very, very sweet on my skin wet - so sweet it was almost overpowering at first. However, it dried to a lovely rose and honeysuckle scent that had just a hint of spice to it. The bf likes this one and so do I.
  15. countessmouse

    Mata Hari

    Mata Hari needs to lay off the coffee and cigarettes. Honestly, it smelled like an ashtray to me and I couldn't get it off of me fast enough! Ugh! This one is definitely going into the for sale pile.
  16. countessmouse

    Rose Moon

    Very rosy floral at first but it has dried down to a musky/spicy rose with hints of balsam. I'm really not into heavily rose scents, but this one is subtle and the bf thinks it's nice. I really like this one.
  17. countessmouse


    Tea and musk in the bottle. Musky floral wet on the skin, and then it dries to lovely, lovely wysteria and lavender goodness with just a hint of spice. I think I have found another favorite!
  18. countessmouse

    Peony Moon

    So, so, so disappointed in this one. Smells great in the bottle but has a very decidedly bitter undertone on my skin. Meh.
  19. countessmouse


    In the imp: green tea with lemon Wet on my skin: still a little green, but definitely going floral Dry on my skin: clean floral that is quite lovely I just wish it hadn't faded so quickly because I love this scent.
  20. countessmouse

    La Belle au Bois Dormant

    Fuity in the imp, but turned floral/fruity on my skin. Very clean and white. Love, love, love this one! Now I have to order a bottle!
  21. countessmouse

    The Hanging Gardens

    Wow, I had no green notes in this at all -- it was very sweet florals all the way. Nice, but not going to be one of my favorites.
  22. countessmouse

    The Dormouse

    Inside the bottle: citrus/faint tea On me, wet: oh my more citrus with a little more tea On me, drying: lots of peony with a faint tea undertone Verdict: The floral is very pretty and I really like this one. Adding to the list of bottles to order.