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Everything posted by countessmouse

  1. countessmouse

    The Velvets

    This one is a morpher that finally redeemed itself. It began as a strict floral, then the musk tried to pop without much success. Shortly thereafter, it went all bathroom air freshener on me, and I was seriously thinking I'd have to wash this off when I got to the office. Now the musk and sandalwood have finally made an appearance, perhaps with a hint of the incense. Good thing I find this scent pleasant now, because the throw on this one is really strong.
  2. countessmouse

    The Floating Market

    Whoa on the wet herbs at first, but then I amped the dreaded coconut so that now all I can smell is coconut sprinkled with herbs. Disappointing, really, because I had such hopes for this one. Meh.
  3. countessmouse


    A bit ozony at first (the vetiver perhaps?), but then it quickly morphs into a showcase for the vanilla amber and coconut. Unfortunately, I tend to amp coconut, so none of the floral notes or the peach are making an appearance. It has a good throw and it's very nice, but not what I had hoped for. ETA: 2 hours after application, the florals appeared. It is very perfumey at this point.
  4. countessmouse


    OMG, I am in love! The lavender, mint and bergamot notes in this scent are so beautiful and combine into an almost incensy scent. A strong throw, too. So, so, so glad I have a bottle of this one!
  5. countessmouse

    Ice Queen

    Sprucy fruit and white blossoms. Very sharp at first, so much so that I actually coughed a bit until the scent decided to settle down. Must use sparingly, since the throw on this one is enormous. Wasn't sure I liked it at first, mostly because it made me cough, but I'm starting to warm up to it as the scent mellows.
  6. countessmouse

    Blue Moon 2009: Elizabeth's Creation

    What a beautiful scent! All spices and florals with just a hint of aquatics, and OMG the throw. It is quite the morpher too -- about every 15 minutes another note comes to the forefront. Soooo glad I found a bottle of this one!
  7. countessmouse


    A sweet floral with spicy undertones (thank you carnation) and a hint of musk. Very light and doesn't have a strong throw on me.
  8. countessmouse

    La Vita Nuova

    What a lovely, sparkly, delicate scent! Lots of appleblossom that isn't overpowered by the rose and nicely accented by the champagne grape. Not getting much of the lemon balm, but who cares? It is unfortunate, however, that the scent is just so light that I'm pretty certain it will be gone in a few hours.
  9. countessmouse


    Lemon Pledge at first, which quickly morphs into murky herbs. No florals at all, in fact, it smells quite mediciney. Meh, meh, meh.
  10. countessmouse

    On Darkness

    I am sooooo terribly disappointed in this one because all of the notes sounded wonderful. On me, nothing but ashy rose geranium that is so overpowering I had to go wash it off because I was getting a headache. Thank god I discovered this before I put a bid on a bottle on ebay.
  11. countessmouse

    Swan Maiden

    A lovely, lovely white floral scent! The gardenia, iris and lily play well together, so much so that I'm not getting any sandalwood out of this, but I don't care. The downside? It's fading fast and I probably won't be able to smell it on me in about an hour.
  12. countessmouse


    In the imp and wet on my skin: floral, herby soap in a not so good sort of way. Decided to leave it on just to see if it would morph. The jasmine made a rush for the front in vain and now the gardenia is making an attempt, but I'm not holding my breath to see if it will make it. Or maybe I am, because I just don't like this scent at all. Bleh.
  13. countessmouse

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    In the imp and wet on my skin: vanilla cake. On drydown, here comes the sweetpea and the sandalwood is just starting to appear. All in all, this is a very sweet scent, and I usually don't like those, but I'm enjoying this one.
  14. countessmouse


    Very herbal at first, almost annoyingly so, but the lavender finally showed up after about 5-10 minutes and mellowed out the herbs until it became a very nice, gardeny scent.
  15. countessmouse


    Lemon pledge with just a tiny hint of lemon for about two hours then, poof, it was gone. Off to the swap pile.
  16. countessmouse


    This scent is an odd one for me. In the imp, wet on my skin and dry for the first couple of hours, all I get is tart fruit. Now there is a slight floral element, but I think it's more the Olive blossom rather than the gardenia, since I appear to not amp gardenia very well of late. This is interesting, but not a favorite.
  17. countessmouse


    Hawaiian Tropic suntan oil. Reminds me of cooking myself poolside in high school.
  18. countessmouse


    It must be the chestnut, but all I could smell in the imp and for the first two hours on my skin was buttery caramel corn. The florals are just starting to appear, but I'm not getting any of the juniper or the musk at this point. Oooh, wait, the musk just popped. It's different, I'll give it that. Definitely not a favorite, though. Off to the swap pile.
  19. countessmouse

    Evening Star

    Sweet florals in the imp, but why am I smelling incense now? Very pretty, but I don't find this a "cool" scent -- with the incense, it's very warm to me. Very good throw.
  20. countessmouse

    Lune Noire

    Grape Koolaid. Really. Nearly four hours after application, it is just starting to turn floral on me, but the sugary note is still overpowering everything else. Not a big fan of this one.
  21. countessmouse


    I was able to snag a vintage bottle from Puddin off of ebay. Very green in the imp and wet on my skin, but it didn't take long for the florals to pop, and they were quickly followed by the white musk and sandalwood. There is a bit of a bubbly, frosty quality that I am assuming must be the champagne. Overall, a lovely scent, if a bit light.
  22. countessmouse


    Very, very herbal in the imp and wet on my skin, so much so that it almost smelled like some old medicine in my grandma's cabinet. Two hours after I applied it, the florals are just starting to come out, albeit very faintly. I had high hopes for this one and went to a lot of trouble to locate a bottle, so I'm hopeful the florals will continue to develop and make this one worth keeping.
  23. countessmouse


    I have to agree with some other posters that, in the imp and wet, this scent smells of flowers left too long in a vase, just as they get that wet, grassy smell. Odd, but not so unpleasant I wasn't willing to try it. The second phase reminded me of drawers in an old dresser where grandma stored lavender sachets. It has taken a while for the scent to "warm" on me, but the vetiver, violet and lavender play quite well together and it is quite lovely in a very antique sort of way. ETA: Off to the swap pile it goes. After a few hours, it morphed into old lady perfume. I sort of smell like my grandma now.
  24. countessmouse

    Mag Mell

    Green in the imp and wet on my skin. It took a little while, but the verbena finally showed up. No ginger, I'm afraid, and this scent is so light that it will probably be gone in an hour or so. Too bad, because it's quite lovely.
  25. countessmouse

    Candy Phoenix

    Blech! The sweet candy smell is so nauseating that I can't even bring myself to put it on my skin. Having a teeny bit on my finger was bad enough. Definitely off to the swap pile!