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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lavender84

  1. lavender84


    Very realistic chocolate out of the bottle (reminds me of a chocolate wafer which has almost the same smell). Yummy. I like the beginning stage. Later it became a bit plastic (but not quite there) sweet chocolate. Still nice but would've prefered it to stay the same as from the bottle. Nice but I'll still be searching for "the choco scent".
  2. lavender84


    Leather was taking lead, with rose peeking. Not bad, but slightly too leathery at the start, would prefer it a little tamer. ETA: Okay, I think I'm starting to like this.
  3. lavender84


    Strong sugar (very sweet) + mild tea... an hour later becoming sweet buttered bread... not much throw. Fades quickly, though I can still smell it if I put my wrist close to my nose. Not quite bottle love but will hold on to the imp to try again.
  4. Initially I was a little intimidated from what I can smell in the bottle, very strong vetiver... heavy dark scent... But. I'm a little in love now. A little Fuwa on my skin equals a little love; to me it smells like a well-blended scent and morphs very little, only turning slightly sweeter as the hours passed. The "darkness" I got from the bottle did not appear and instead it is a warm and almost comfy scent. The tonka plays very well with the rest, tingeing it. With the name of the blend in mind, the picture of an abandoned wooden temple with burnt temple incence diffusing through the air comes to mind and the comfy aspect is making me think of an adorable looking black monster with umbrella (I don't know, maybe those with big teary eyes) and this tickles my tummy. I'd think this is a scent where a little goes a long way, slather and it may become overwhelming. Lasted at least 4-5 hours with what little I had on today. Thank you kind fairy who made this keeper fly my way.
  5. Smoky pepper alert! Okay so that's the first impression from the bottle. About an hour later, mildly sweet honey peeks out, taking center stage. By now there's hardly any throw and becoming more of a skin scent. I wish it has more throw, it's almost disappearing as time passes (about 2 hours).
  6. lavender84

    Shirafuji Genta With a Kappa

    The rice wine and/or white mint (I'm guessing so I could be wrong) in this blend seems to like me but I'm unable to feel the same as its giving me a bit of a headache. With what little else I can smell, seems gentle and pretty but alas, that lingers for a short while in the background and then disappears. So I won't be able to describe it with more justice. Still, I'm glad I got to try it.
  7. lavender84

    Kuang Shi

    Kind of on the same note with Catseyes's review on this one. Almost forgot about this scent... Not really for me.
  8. lavender84


    Mmm... this is carnation and musk on me mostly with whiffs of plum... Calming scent which clears the mind, quite a lovely blend, I'd be using my imp for sure.
  9. lavender84

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    Love the theories mentioned And I'm one of the wrist smashers
  10. lavender84

    The Phantom Wooer

    My nose ain't refined enough to pick out all the notes here but wet, it smells like soap but the soapy smell vanishes when dry and it starts becoming sharp lemon for a few minutes and the lemon goes into the background with a dusty (a little like talc?) sweet scent taking front stage. This is is the 1st 15 minutes of applying. Not a strong throw for me but when you sniff at the wrists its quite distinct. The sweetness becomes more subtle as time passes but the powder aspect comes forward pretty strong, not bad but a little too much like floral talc for my liking to garner more than an imp. Edit: Ok the smell becomes stronger and stronger till I'm very keen to wash it off, so maybe an imp is an imp too many for the wooer here.
  11. lavender84

    Black Dahlia

    Not too good at describing this except its gone all smoky on me... like I can't smell anything else from it smoky. Wonder if sitting around will make it better... Guess will have to test again another time.
  12. lavender84

    Eat Me

    I like this much more fresh than aged, fresh it smells like delicious cake but after 1.5 years, all I get is... I don't know but smells not as nice to me? Imp is more than enough, no bottle for me.
  13. lavender84


    Wet its sharp and peachy... Don't really care for the sharpness... Then the sharpness wears off within the hour and the musk comes into play with something more... probably oakmoss or maybe just a mixture of everything and I like this stage. The throw for me seems to grow stronger as it ages, if I remember correctly, it used to be very light throw -> skin-scent but having tried it again today, I can catch the musk while typing, not overpowering and you don't have to sniff your wrists to catch it. Quite lovely.
  14. lavender84

    Snow White

    Snow White 2008 gives me this sweet, tingly 'cold' feeling when I sniff my wrists... Not good at describing this aptly, but everytime I think I don't like it that much afterall, the next time I smell it, I like it better and the cycle continues so you can imagine how my liking for it increases everytime. Now I'm slapping my forehead on why did I convince myself I didn't need another bottle last release? Hope to see this release again... Then I can get back-up
  15. lavender84


    This is one of the few scents I like. To me Inez is a sensual lady, her sweetness not one that's young and sparkly but intense and seductive. The only thing about her that's not making her my most loved is how she seems to play hide-&-seek with my skin. When wet and during the first 1/2 hour she's quite prominent but then she hides away close to the skin and comes out to play every once in a while so that you get a whiff of her every now and then. I'm hoping she sticks around more as she ages. That'd be one charming lady for me.
  16. lavender84


    O on me is very much sweet sweet honey with vanilla. Have to go light on it as slathering seems a little too sweet but I do like it whenever I'm craving for this type of scent. My mum approves too.
  17. lavender84

    Snake Oil

    I wanted so much to love this but I guess the snake here doesn't love me. Tested fresh and now about 1.5yrs later, I still can't get much vanilla out of it which I'd have liked. Oh sigh. Edit: My imp's gone weird... beautifully so! Okay its probably hit the right age or my skin's chemistry just changed but one thing's for sure, more of the vanilla's coming out and together with the spice this scent is lovely. I thought we were not meant to be but Snake Oil is charming with age. So glad I decided to give it another try. :love!:
  18. lavender84


    Wet this smells pretty green, minutes later, the rose comes out to play but she's a gentle lady with some smoky sexiness. Warm hazel or rosewood maybe? But this fades pretty quickly on me, an hour or so and it's almost gone.
  19. lavender84


    -sorry post in error (>.<)-