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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by MiasmaResonance

  1. This is probably my favourite of the BPTP Lil's I've tried (I bought all the foody ones :lol: ). It's sweet and simple, but unique compared to other ice cream blends from the Lab. Has a different feel to it, and the combo of the other notes only adds to the uniqueness! On the dry down, it comes off a little marzipan-y, but in the way Snowcake from Lush does. Yummy and lovely.

  2. This reminds me SO MUCH of another BPAL scent... but what is it??? *scratching head* I was unsure about the scent itself at first, but it's growing on me.




    AHA! I figured it out. It's Khajuraho 2013. It has the same basenotes going on, except this one has the orange undercurrent and doesn't work as well on me as Khaj does. This has an herby...ness at first, whereas Khaj always smells like this one does on the drydown. I like it more with a small retest; it almost gives me a froot loops vibe! But there is a slight powdery undertone with sharp herbal qualities, which I noticed the first go 'round, that makes this veer into grandma territory. Hmmm. Will have to think about this one!

  3. I think this is one of the best bath oils the Post has ever done. It is really unique and straight up delicious, but the non foody notes it features temper the sweetness so it's perfectly blended. It's creamy, woodsy, autumnal cocoa, certainly fit for a she-wolf!


    My numerous back up bottles speak for themselves! :wub:

  4. Ohhhh, this is a BEAUTY!


    This smells like an expensive designer fragrance, minus any alcohol. If anyone is familiar with Ange ou Demon le Secret by Givenchy, this is in the same family, although the scents are different.


    Beautiful, sweet, and hard to pin down every note because it's so well put together. My boyfriend loves it as well and says it reminds him of something from his youth he can't place, and the smell feels nostalgic to me as well.


    To me, it's vanilla tuberose tea, the almond in the background, not high pitched, just adding to the overall loveliness of the scent.



  5. Two off the top of my head are Witch Dance (Bonfire smoke rising through a cloud of ceremonial incense, encircled by swirling autumn leaves and a dribble of blood red musk) and Hexennacht (German fir and forest herbs, incense and bonfire smoke, infernal flora, glowing amber, and the wet, glimmering scent of skin warmed by dance). :) I am fairly sure you can find these for sale on either the forum or Facebook group.

  6. Grassy pancakes! Wtf?! :lol:


    Drying, it's really nice. It smells of a subtle blend of the grassyness, pancakes, and coffee. This is one of those blends that is just downright hard to describe.


    Part of me wants this to just smell like pancakes and coffee, but the other part likes the weird green grassy note... it's making the scent very unique.


    So, I like it, but my nose is still like, w t heck?! Will be retesting as I can see myself loving this easily, as soon as I wear it a bit more.

  7. Oh no, that weirdly gamey/off milk note of doom... nooooo.


    This would be perfect save for that (I love the smell of and eating everything listed in the notes fyi). It's not as heavy as Nonae Caprotina on that milk note, thankfully, so this blend is actually nice compared. However, I'm not completely sold!

  8. Wet on skin: boozy sugary fruits + florals! It may be the caramel giving it that 'boozy' note.


    Drying: same as above, but a little calmer and a hint of baked ricey goods.


    This is definitely unique, but there is just so much going on. This doesn't have sentimental value to me so I can't pick out any nostalgia-smells either, which makes the scent all the more confusing. :lol: It is pretty, and I can definitely imagine a scene where this scent would make all the sense in the world, but I'm not sure I can wear it. Bet it would smell lovely as a room scent, though.

  9. In the bottle: Sweet slightly tropical incense.


    Wet: Heavy floral incense


    Drying: Still incense but very slightly sugared and a hint of banana leaf and candle wax. A little coconut is also coming out, but it's verrrrry reserved and dark/toned down (assuming this is b/c it's coconut ~bark~). I do wish the notes were more prominent than they are, actually. It ends up being an incense blend that just doesn't stand out as much as I assumed from the notes. I think it would have been better a little heavier on the banana leaves. Despite all of that, I still very much like it. I will definitely retest in a few days.

  10. Amber, heliotrope, golden sandalwood, peach blossom and vanilla bean.


    Reminds me a lot of Imp minus the patch note. This is really pretty and sweet floral peach. It smells better the longer I have it on.

  11. Fresh from the box! Gotta love a good swap. :)


    In bottle: Light anise and amber coconut. Um, YUM.


    Wet: Light sweet nutty coconut and the anise is just bareeeeely there.


    Drying: Yummy slightly buttery nutty coconut. Good lord is this yummy. It reminds me of like, mildly sweeted condensed coconut milk, with hints of hazelnut and anise.


    Just amazing for this coconut lover!

  12. In the imp, definitely fruity-rosey pastry.


    Wet on my skin, mmmm, spiced fruit tarts with a yummy buttery pastry lingering around. Currant usually smells weird on me but it's not too bad in this one.


    Drying, it's all white cake and rose with black currant syrup... but... it's getting a wee green and powdery, oh no!


    Okay, so, I like this. But it is starting to turn into Bread and Butterfly (B&B makes me retch, yikes) a little. That sort of high green note is present in both. I really don't know what's doing it. Must be the the Lab's sugar-bread note? Thankfully it's not quite there, but I'm not sure if I'd purchae a bottle of this. Oh well!


    ETA: I think I know what it is. It's the stale bakery pastry/cake note, the same from B&B and Eat Me (which I didn't like either). Phooey.

  13. So, I get the slight plasticy undertone other have mentioned... but I kinda sorta like it? It's definitely vanilla, really, really sweet, but sexy as well... I also agree with the raw cookie dough interpretation, but in addition, I think it smells a lot like super sweet condensed milk drizzled on top of vanilla ice cream... For people from Lousiana, this reminds me of the way condensed milk on top of a snowball tastes. :yum:

  14. In the bottle, upon cold sniff, it is smoky chamomile DOOM! Sharp but smoky...


    On the skin, it's a 'WTF AM I?' battle of chamomile vs vanilla. But thankfully it calms down after a few minutes into sweet, dusky vanilla with a hint of more marshmallowy but still a tinge green chamomile. Now THIS I like, not it's very sharp initial stage though. I do think this will age very well though, and thus calm down.

  15. I swear I've reviewed or at least tried my bottle of this before, but what I'm smelling is definitely NOT what I thought I was going to smell. :think:


    It may be that aging has deepened the scent, but wow, very strong patch and woody fir, definitely masculine. The other, sweet notes are in the background, not really noticeable in their own right, but serving to deepen the scent, making it more complex.


    In the end, I feel it's too masculine for me. :wacko2: It would probably smell good on my boyfriend though. It is veering into the high pitched, maybe-that's-cat-pee territory on me, as others have mentioned, though, so it may be the same case for him. At least it's not soapy though.
