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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by MiasmaResonance

  1. Hi, sent you a message about your sales but I think something went wrong with the forum? Let me know~

  2. Trying to plan my next BPTP order, but it's sooo difficult!

    1. Batness


      I rarely order from the TP, but I really want the bat-Halloween shirt...so maybe I should soon. :P


      HEY SO. Are you in the So Cal area? (going to any will calls soon?)

    2. MiasmaResonance


      I want that shirt too, and the Friday the 13th with the black cat! I wish I could go to will calls, but I live in the Florida panhandle, far away from any WCs. :( My boyfriend's sister lives in northern Cali though, so maybe whenever I finally visit there I'll be able to do something.

  3. I was over on the LUSH forum party, haaaay.

  4. Aw, thanks hun. :) I hope yours is going well! My wallet is crying because of the BPTP update.

  5. Hi. Are you the Katu on LiveJournal? If so, do you still have Golettes for sale? Thanks. :)

  6. Almost 5 am..and still not tired. Help!
