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Everything posted by MiasmaResonance

  1. MiasmaResonance


    In the bottle it smells slightly spicy and milky, but it is hard to place any particular notes. On, I smell milk, spice, and that soft hint of baby's skin. Maybe there is even some flower there...I think there might be. Not too much at all though. It's really nice. The drydown isn't powdery at all (yet). It's just less and less powerful with a spiciness that fades gradually. All in all, this smells very much like Christmas, or something Autumnal/Wintry, but in a Tim Burton way. Really great.
  2. MiasmaResonance


    Very much a holiday scent. It is very rich. I can definitely smell the meaty notes, though they are faint compared to the meat note in The Witch's Repast, and I get the alcohol as well. Overall, this reminds me very much of TWR, but it is lighter and slightly spicy, and has more of a fruity note..probably the plum. I like it very much.
  3. MiasmaResonance


    I don't know if I've reviewed this yet..LOL. Oh well, two reviews never hurt anyone. In the bottle: sugar and cream, and something almost..fruity? Mmmm. On: Pink sugar. A deep kind of sugar; perhaps that's the cream? And..WHAT IS THIS, COCONUT? Oh man, does this smell good. After a while I get a slight cotton note which I, surprisingly, like. I think this definitely is an eerie scent, despite its sweetness. The linen on the drydown makes sure of this. It reminds me of poorly masked evil, if that makes sense.
  4. MiasmaResonance


    When I first tried this about a year ago, I HATED it. Literally, it made me want to throw up. But I'm going to try again I suppose.. In the bottle: sweet, sugared bread with a bare hint of tea. On: I don't know what it is..maybe the bread..it just goes the wrong way on me. I get a sort of lemon-y, green smell that is hard to place and that my nose is just not liking. The more I smell it, the more I like it, though.. It's an interesting scent and it really smells like its description, but it's not something I would wear. This bread note is VERY different that the bread from The Witch's Repast (which smells amazing on me). I am still undecided on this one.. If only this weird green-bread scent I'm getting would become more lemon-y.. *Edit* Ok, ok, I like it more now. Still not something I will wear much, but I give it points for encapsulating its description well. *Second edit* Yergh. After a little while, this is all weird green bread on me. Do not like.
  5. MiasmaResonance

    Red Lace

    In the bottle this is sweet red musk. On, I smell the patchouli and frankincense, with maybe a hint of sandalwood and barely there tobacco. It is a very red scent. As it develops to becomes more musky but in a light way..in fact, the whole scent is surprisingly light.
  6. MiasmaResonance

    Story Time at Dark Delicacies

    Definitely smell the oak and leather, with a hint of sweetness. Reminds me of an atmo. spray, maybe Gertrude Dix's. After it settles a bit the smell is more sweet than before. Yum.
  7. MiasmaResonance

    Midnight Mass

    I have the 2006 version. In the bottle it is a deep, slightly smokey pine scent. On, the pine is more prevalent and gets slightly sweeter with time and seems more complex than before. It becomes very warm. A pretty winter scent.
  8. MiasmaResonance


    In the bottle I smell earthy rose. On I smell a lot of woods.. After a little bit, it's spicy woods with a bare hint of rose and maybe some tobacco. Very interesting.
  9. MiasmaResonance


    In the bottle I smell apple apple apple, and a hint of milky spice. When I first put it on, the apple is so overwhelming it almost can't stand it. Now that's it's drying down, I can tolerate the apple more and the spice notes are coming out. I really think that the milk and spice notes are what saved this blend from going appleshit on me, and smelling too much like a glade apple cinnamon candle. LOL. It still does smell a bit that way to me, but the spice and milkyness is much more complex than that of a Glade product. I like this now.
  10. MiasmaResonance


    Clever little satirical poems in the style of epitaphs written to tease the living and ease grief over a loved one's passing. Xocolatl, tequila, copal incense, smoke-dried jalapeƱos, vanilla pods, and cajeta. Very buttery in the bottle. I really don't get any chocolate here. However, you can't truly appreciate the complexity of this scent until you apply it.. Whereas it was buttery sugar with a hint of something in the bottle, applied it is a spicy (I can tell it's jalapeno!) and smoky almost chocolate-y scent with a sweet, buttery finish. Definitely autumnal. A winner for me.
  11. MiasmaResonance


    BANANANANANANANANANANANA! Pretty much sums this up. I do get slight boozy notes and maybe a twinge of the coconut though. Good summery scent, I think. I really like the dry down of this one..definitely smelling the grenadine now. And maybe a powdery coconut smell. But I like it. About an hour later, and I'm in the middle of the road on this one. It's not complex enough for me to love, but it's decent.
  12. MiasmaResonance


    I have the 2010 version of Smut. I can definitely smell the musk and booze notes. It is turning a little powdery (shit, I find everything powdery..), but it's not something that bothers me. A good scent, but not one I would wear much, I think. We'll see. *Edit* Nevermind..it's really REALLY powdery now. The booze smell has faded mostly and I am left with a soft musk that isn't exactly appealing to me. Oh well.
  13. MiasmaResonance

    Antique Lace

    I smelled a sniffie of this and I really do like the light vanilla floral of this scent. Not much lasting power, though. Like a previous poster said, if this scent came back, I would grab a bottle..or two. It really does remind me of something from my childhood.
  14. MiasmaResonance

    Nothing Gold Can Stay

    This actually very much reminds me of Strawberry Moon '09. This blend, however, is the green part of SM'09 amped up, and the strawberry very faint with grassy notes taking over.
  15. MiasmaResonance


    This best foody scent I have smelled. Ever. And I keep getting compliments on it too. ;_;
  16. MiasmaResonance

    Blue Pumpkin Floss

    Spicy pumpkin with not a hint of blackberry in sight, for me. Don't know if this is working for me yet.. *a little while later* Aha! There's that hint of blackberry. This is a very delicious scent.
  17. MiasmaResonance


    In the bottle: Mmm..a really pink frosting smell.. On my skin: It smells like strawberry (or some type of berry) frosting, and it's DIVINE. I smell the cake too. Yum.
  18. MiasmaResonance

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    In the bottle, I really smell the creamy strawberry with cake, and hints of the grapefruit. With a second sniff, the cake becomes very pronounced. On my skin I really smell the grapefruit and slightly strawberry cake. Divine! I somehow managed to knock over my bottle in the process of this review.. </3 My full bottle is now only a little more than half full and is sporting a stained label. Wah. My room does smell delicious now, though..haha..
  19. MiasmaResonance

    Where is my order? What is Click N Ship? How long does this take?

    Ooooh, I see. Thanks.~
  20. MiasmaResonance

    Where is my order? What is Click N Ship? How long does this take?

    I bought a ton of Weenies on the 13th of this month, and it says everything has shipped, but I have yet to get a CnS. I guess there are a lot of orders in for Weenies? I did make my order about 30 minutes after the update so I figured I would be one of the first in line.. Also, I haven't gotten my backordered goblin squirt of Saloon 10 and my Snake Oil soap. I have heard all the soaps are now in stock again, but I was just curious if the goblin was too. I made this order on July 24th.
  21. MiasmaResonance

    Thirteen (13): July 2007

    I don't really like this in the bottle, as it's hard to descern any individual notes, but on my skin it starts out as a floral scent that I actually like. The floral sticks around when a spicy undertone comes though, and then finally, I smell a hint of chocolate. This works!
  22. MiasmaResonance

    Strawberry Moon 2009

    Wild strawberries, strawberry flower, vanilla-infused sugar, early summer grasses, and milky dandelion sap. In the bottle it smells of juicy, juicy strawberry, and on my skin, it smells like the green strawberry stems. I've gotten many compliments with this and I LOVE it as a nice, fruity Summer scent. Long throw, too.
  23. MiasmaResonance

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    I don't get much black cherry out of this, but I DO get a very spicy, nutty smell. It smells like someone had sex on me? Either way, I like..
  24. MiasmaResonance

    Gertrude Dix's

    A very airy breezy scent which I'm really liking right now. I def. smell the champagne in this one, with hints of vanilla and a touch of floral.
  25. MiasmaResonance

    Alchemical Laboratory

    So good. Very rich and deep, with sweetness. Very nostalgic also.