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Everything posted by MiasmaResonance

  1. MiasmaResonance

    Shiny Furball Hair Gloss

    Cedar, honeyed coconut, and a hint of vanilla musk in the background. It's sexy just like Sylvia is, in that rough and tousled, I've been on the prowl sort of way.
  2. MiasmaResonance

    Silkybat Hair Gloss

    How have I not reviewed this yet?! It's my new favourite Trading Post thing. The first hair gloss I've tried, and I'm hooked. I've used it every day since I got it, seriously. It's sugary, sexy patch and it's perfect, 'nough said. I've been layering it with my Hypnotic Poison and my boyfriend's eyes literally bugged out when he first smelled me and said I "smell SO GOOD ". Hehe!
  3. MiasmaResonance


    I am currently wearing this with Shiny Furball and, I must say, I really wished I lived somewhere in the mountains right now because it would be absolutely perfect. Normally I'm a total foodie, but I have a love for these sorts of scents as well. It's deep, dark, sexy-winter, and I truly do feel as if I have just run through a pine forest late at night, snow whipping around me after a hunt. It's dark and has depth, but the vanilla gives it a sweetness that makes it perfect to me. Overall, a sweet, snuggly, sexy scent, worthy of a she-wolf for sure.
  4. MiasmaResonance

    A Game Called Yes & No

    In the bottle, this is so yommynommy... Oh gosh, this is delicious. It's not too overpowering, which I actually like. It is a tad sexy, too, which I also like. To me, it's spicy sweet cherry and almond, which is basically the perfect combo for me. Perfect for the holidays, but could also be easily worn all during the year, and would probably layer well with some of my other perfumes. The the lawd for this. Hoard worthy.
  5. MiasmaResonance


    Soft, creamy floral plums, but with depth underneath. I actually like this, but I'm hoping it doesn't go powdery. No powder so far. I am surprised that I like this one, given the floral aspect, but I do. I think this would be lovely to layer with a coconut note, or a black coconut single note (please, Lab?). *edit* Honestly, I'm liking this more and more. The longer it's one, the richer it becomes. Mmm.
  6. MiasmaResonance

    Beaver Moon 2012

    In the bottle this is nommy, slightly appley, sugar and spice baked goodness. On my wrist, wet, the apple comes out much more and is just as delicious as in the bottle. Drying, a sugary cinnamon apple flavour, rich creaminess of cheesecake and all, is present. Retest: This literally disappears within seconds on my skin. WTF
  7. MiasmaResonance

    Goblin Market

    In the imp, it's OMGFRUITY. But it has a hint of honey of something that smooths it out and gives it an extra dimension. It's not nauseatingly fruity. Wet on my skin, I'm surprised that it's not overbearingly !fruit. There's something giving it depth, and I don't know if it's honey as mentioned in the description, or some other note that would be found in a Gobliny market. But as it dries, it's starting to take on this sour tinge... I imagine Goblins might have such an ill effect on fruit! & that'd they'd enjoy such off kilter fruits. It gets even deeper with more drying. This is really interesting, and not like the bright, overbearing fruits I am accustomed to (and dislike), but I'm still on the fence about this one... With the sour note, I'm afraid someone might think I am wearing fruity deodorant but still smell like BO. It isn't quite that unpleasant, just weird, unsettling goblin fruit!
  8. MiasmaResonance

    Theme in Yellow

    In the imp, this is yummy, yummy pumpkin, with smoky and spicy hints. Mmm. Wet on my skin, this is happy, lightly foody pumpkin. Definitely a joyus pumpkin scent, but more subtle than with Ooky, and more glowing than woo, in your face. As it dries, I detect a honeyed beeswax sort of smell that is absolutely lovely. There is a hint of spice there, too, but it is mellowed by the beeswax, and becomes almost buttery, but not that type of buttery that freaks out on my skin and goes "off". In the end, it's a close to the skin mellowed, sweet pumpkin, and it's very pretty.
  9. MiasmaResonance

    A World Where There Are Octobers

    Very green and masculine in the imp, reminds me of the actual October weenie, as I think others have mentioned. Wet on my skin, this is sweet and a touch more feminine than October, but still reminds me a lot of just a mens cologne. It's a sweet ozone thing... Drying, I'm not really going for this one. October was much more impressive to me. Oh well!
  10. MiasmaResonance

    Dark Pumpkin Mead

    Oh DPM, you sounded so good in theory, but sniffing the imp, the boozy note smells IDENTICAL to 2010's BPTP Honey Pumpkin Stout, which was too much for me to handle and just smelt rancid and yeasty to my nose. But I'll give you a try... Wet on my skin, the yeasty weirdness isn't as intense, but still noticeable. Drying, the yeasty weirdness is fading, and this really is heady, slightly spicy pumpkin maple honey goodness. I really do like this, but I will remain on the fence about bottleworthyness due to yeasty evil pumpkin flashbacks.
  11. MiasmaResonance


    In the imp this reminds me a LOT of Hellcat, which I love/covet, but not necessarily what I want from this Weenie. It's got to be that buttercream and spice! Wet on my wrist, the difference is more noticeable. This one is more vibrant, which has to be the lemon zest, and sweeter, which would be the marzipan. The spices, while similar to Hellcat, have a slightly more autumnal, pumpkiny edge... And as it dries, the pumpkin really shows its lovely self. This is autumnal, happy Hellcat. It's very evocative as well. It's wonderfilled, cheerful autumn, your childhood amber-light bathed visions of Halloween. I knew I'd need a bottle of this.
  12. MiasmaResonance

    Body, Remember

    This is sexy, sexy coconut... slightly musky, but creamy. It reminds me of a sexy coconut tanning oil, or sunscreen. Yummy. I'm a coconut fanatic, so obvious winner for me.
  13. MiasmaResonance

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Dying to see Ooky, Goblin Market, etc...
  14. MiasmaResonance

    All Souls

    When first put on my skin, it's a sharp, floral like incense...it keeps drying down to that as well. It reminds me of Wings of Azrael for some reason, which did not work for me. Not my fav.
  15. MiasmaResonance

    Feeding The Dead

    I have four words for you: light boozy incense cake. Lingers very close to the skin. I think it'd be nice to layer with another perfume. It would go well with my Dior Hypnotic Poison, I think.
  16. MiasmaResonance

    Trick or Treat

    2009 bottle. Holy moly, I LOVE you, you delicious, delicious thing. This has aged beautifully. It's pure autumnal/Halloween. A rich, caramelly, slightly spicy, candy corn. Yummmmmm.
  17. MiasmaResonance


    For the 2008 version. I definitely smell the copal and woodiness in the bottle, with a hint of florals. On my skin, I still smell much of the woody notes but the florals and spices come out much more here. It's okay, but not a standout to me.
  18. MiasmaResonance

    Sweet dried grasses scents

    I think Nothing Gold Can Stay (2010 Weenie) definitely qualifies. It's gorgeous.
  19. MiasmaResonance

    BPAL for Costume Parties, Halloween Costumes

    Two years ago, I dressed up as a zombie apocalypse survivor, and I found that #occupywallstreet was perfect for it...
  20. MiasmaResonance

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    So I searched this thread and saw a few rec's for scents that smell like Dior's Hypnotic Poison, but does anyone know of any others that may have popped up since then?
  21. MiasmaResonance

    Katrina van Tassel

    In the imp, it's a sweet & pretty, creamy rose. I suppose that would be the honey doing all that jazz. Wet on my skin: Cream! Roses! Cream! Roses! Honey! Dry: Luscious, creamy rose-honey. It fades a bit into subtle sweet-rose goodness. Mmm. I like this quite a bit as far as rose scents go.
  22. MiasmaResonance

    Queen of Sheba

    Almond, honey, and vanilla, with a hint of spice. That is Queen of Sheba. It stays beautiful and sweetly fragrant for a little while, but soon becomes a sweet, barely-there powdery almond note, and lingers close to the skin. I do like this, but it's not the best.
  23. MiasmaResonance


    This is for the 2010 version. I definitely smell an Enraged Groundhog Musk musk, lol, that subtle nutty scent. But it's very light, and the rest of this incredible blend is sweet, a bit boozy (but not too much!), and has a definite patchouli vibe...and is completely sexy. Winner for sure.
  24. MiasmaResonance

    What BPAL would this fictional character wear?

    I love perfume coordination, excellent idea! I could see her with any scent that was smoky, but in a floo powder sort of way lol, and some dessert as well, like a pie. A combo of those two, I think.
  25. MiasmaResonance


    Perhaps it's because my bottle in particular didn't age well, but in the bottle it smells sharply powdery, and dry on my skin it's much of the same, overbearingly so. When it morphs a little it becomes softly spicy and a sort of fruity that is close to the skin. Interesting, but I'm not sure how I feel about this one.