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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by MiasmaResonance

  1. MiasmaResonance


    Initially, it's very heavy balsam and black tea. It's very unisex, and sweetens up after a bit, but not something I would wear. Would smell verrrry nice on my bf though.
  2. MiasmaResonance

    Lovers in the Tea House

    A weird matcha-boozy-lemon scent on my skin. A slight candied aspect is present as well. Not quite as foody as I wanted, sadly. I wouldn't really wear it. Pass for me.
  3. MiasmaResonance

    Lush to BPAL scent comparisons (BNever included too)

    I came here looking for the exact same thing! I think A Game Called Yes & No is really similar, if you can track it down. It reminds me of a cross between Rose Jam and Glogg. Another is Athens, and it's a GC scent. Haha I came here for the same reason. I am recently hooked on their Rose Jam bubble bars. To me, it smells like coconut and rose. White Rose (from BPTP Unity set) has a similar smell but not exact. I'll have to check out Athens and see if I can track down a decant of A Game Called Yes & No. Also, as I was going through my collection last night, I realized that Candy Phoenix smells nearly identical to Luch's Rockstar soap. Awesome! Just want to reaffirm that those two are no where near identical to Rose Jam, but I think they are as close as I have encountered during my BPAL years; don't want to get anyones hopes up to have them crushed, lol.
  4. MiasmaResonance

    Lush to BPAL scent comparisons (BNever included too)

    I came here looking for the exact same thing! I think A Game Called Yes & No is really similar, if you can track it down. It reminds me of a cross between Rose Jam and Glogg. Another is Athens, and it's a GC scent.
  5. MiasmaResonance

    Tilt A' Whirl

    Fairly strong floral pink sugar. I'll have to retest this again after it's settled a bit; just got it out of the mailbox.
  6. MiasmaResonance

    What's the best coconut blend?

    Tiki Princess.
  7. MiasmaResonance


    Side by side comparison of Khajurajo 2008 vs Khajuraho 2013. I purchased a bottle of the latter as a partial through a swap and fell in love. I bought the former a few weeks ago thinking it would be a backup. Much to my dismay, these smell like two completely different perfumes. The formula has to be different between the years, because I can't imagine time changed it SO MUCH, but if it did, holy crap! Khajurajo 2008 is straight old lady perfume on me as well as in the bottle. It's hard to distinguish any notes. It's just heady, floral perfume. It calms down a little after a while and has more vanilla, but it's nothing that special to me, specially compared to... Khajuraho 2013 is so, so unique and amazing. I smell champaca flower, dry sandalwood, and something that smells like rice milk or something similar. Maybe davana blossom, whatever that smells like! It's a gorgeous milky floral, but high and light, not cloying at all. So pretty! I'm very disappointed at the difference between the years. They are spelled differently, but it's supposed to be the same scent, so idk.
  8. MiasmaResonance

    Witch Dance

    This is just drop dead gorgeous upon first sniff of the bottle. For some weird reason it reminds me of Jean Paul Gaultier "Classique", which I recently purchased and love so, so much and get so many compliments on. It smells almost foodie in the bottle, but sexy foodie. On the skin, the foodie aspect is toned down, and a hint of smoke comes out to play. It reminds me of Rose Jam from LUSH but with a woodsmoke note and far more ethereal. I does get a little powdery, but it works for me in this one. Red musk has never appealed to me or worked on me until now, as well. This is now in my top 10 5. So sexy and atmospheric.
  9. MiasmaResonance

    Feed Me and Fill Me With Pleasure

    Well hello there! Aren't you the sexy blend? It does remind me of BB, but it's still different in a few ways. Wish it had the hemp note, which made BB so unique and sweeter. Just lovely, though, regardless.
  10. MiasmaResonance


    Lot of appley teak in this one. For some reason the blend of noes reminds me of Honey Pumpkin Stout bath oil which makes me gag. In the end, it's interesting, but not for me.
  11. MiasmaResonance

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    I think Tiki Princess could fit! It's LE though.
  12. MiasmaResonance


    Compelling, complex, and utterly enigmatic: a luxuriant, exotic blend of cherry, red musk, and star anise. Red musk is a hit or miss with a lot of scents, but definitely works for me in this one. In fact, I forgot there was even red musk in it, it's such a good blend on me! Lovely, sexy feminine scent.
  13. MiasmaResonance

    Tiki Princess

    Watery, sugared coconut with a small breath of tropical floral in the background. I love coconut, so I really enjoy this. Very pretty and girly, not overly gourmand. ETA: I have fallen in love with this. It is beautiful!
  14. MiasmaResonance


    Divine in the imp. Reminds me ever so slightly of Rose Jam from Lush, without the sweetness. It's a very sexy scent. It ends up being a spicier, more winey Rose Jam on me, into the territory of turkish delight (lemon and rose), and it's gorgeous.
  15. MiasmaResonance


    This is a scent that I would never have tried based off of the notes but upon sniffing it was just lovely! It's very sinus clearing and spa-like. Sadly, I don't know if it's because of where I applied it (top of hand instead of inner wrist as usual) but it smells a little off. I get the metallic hint too as another reviewer mentioned, probably the pennyroyal. Divine in the imp though.
  16. MiasmaResonance

    Phantom Queen

    Dark clover and heady apple blossom. There is an almost minty green note as well, as well as something that smells suspiciously like Skadi. I thought I wouldn't like this but lo and behold, it's rather lovely. I don't think I'd wear it though, so I'm safe.
  17. MiasmaResonance

    Blood Countess

    Slightly smoky, plummy gardenia and berry. Oh, why do I have to like this? It's yummy and sensual. And impossible to find. WAAAAAAH-
  18. MiasmaResonance


    Sweet and lavendery in the imp, it's very, very nice and has the barest hint of spice. On my skin, the spice comes out much more as well as some sort of greenish note. Sadly it developed into something sort of off on my skin and smelled better in the imp.
  19. MiasmaResonance


    I can smell the muscadine and nag champa on my skin, with the patch underlying. It's nice, very interesting, but a little too heavy for me.
  20. MiasmaResonance


    I've probably never reviewed this one, but I've used it for years and it's the perfect sexy skin scent on me, so I think it deserves it. An added bonus is that it drives my boyfriend nuts (in a great way).
  21. MiasmaResonance

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Many people agree that Edgar Allen Poe was an INFP, so I think the The Raven would be a good scent for an INFP by default, but it also fits the description of what works for you... also, Lilith. It's a very deep, dark, yet feminine scent.
  22. MiasmaResonance

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    You sound like Zephyr!
  23. MiasmaResonance

    Looking for any Harry Potter scent recommendations

    Not a potion, but maybe you could get away with Grog as Butterbeer or something like that? I'm going to think about more things and post them later!
  24. MiasmaResonance

    Pumpkin Hard Candy

    Um, YUM! This perfectly encapsulates a pumpkin hard candy. A fizzy, zesty autumnal pumpkin, full of pure sugar. I want to eat it.
  25. MiasmaResonance


    I was worried when I first sniffed this, because I detected a hint of the weakcreampossiblestalesugarbread that makes me retch, and is most notably featured in Bread and Butterfly. I still kind of smell it, but the rest of the perfume is nice, so it almost disappears, So, so sadly, I'm on the fence with this one. It seemed so perfect, but I'm getting wafts of Bread and Butterfly fluttering in the background, and that's so not good. But if I can overlook it, the rest of it is so glorious.