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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Erato

  1. Equipment being moved into site to fight forest fire. http://instagr.am/p/EftrM/

  2. b/c we evacuated for the forest fire, I didn't get to the gym for my workout and dinner was really late. Today is a write-off.

  3. Photo: This is what I’m having for lunch. Pancakes and coffee. http://tumblr.com/xfx2m9iawv

  4. Rule #1 Cardio | Rule #2 The double tap | Rule #3 Beware of bathrooms | Rule #4 Wear seatbelts

  5. We had a debate in office re: Kamloops vs. Kelowna and the results were absolutely equal.

  6. I'm at Long Lake Gym (Hwy 881, Anzac) http://4sq.com/kP1cUb

  7. Since the #rapture didn't happen today, that is another notch that reaffirms my atheism so I'm going to have a shower & get some sleep.

  8. I think when it's time to get my truck it will be a Nissan Frontier Crew Cab PRO-4X 4X4

  9. I hope the #Canucks win this game just to spite the refs. This game is complete BS with the amount of penalty calls.

  10. Video: Time Lapse: Puppy to Adult in 40 seconds. Dunder (by TheDunderBoy He’s soOoOoOoOooo cute! http://tumblr.com/xfx2n5p1zv

  11. Rule #18 Limber Up.

  12. New Zombie Hunter Workout to go with my Zombie Workout playlist. Focus is on core training and rule #1 cardio ;) http://4sq.com/l0FipL

  13. I just finished a 3.75 km run with a time of 40:49 with Nike+ GPS. #nikeplus

  14. Hollywood shuns intelligent entertainment. The games industry doesn't. Guess who's winning? - wilwheaton: I... http://tumblr.com/xfx2nxnrot

  15. I don't know if I can wait much longer. Maybe I'll move to Nova Scotia in 2 years instead of 5.

  16. On Pumpkins and Horror Movies - A post on my blog about finding the right pumpkin scented perfume and making... http://tumblr.com/xfx3jzk584

  17. From Prisoner of Azkaban to Deathly Hallows, the Harry Potter movies just kept getting better. Half-way thru HPDH Pt 1 and so far awesome.

  18. Photo: How I spent the first hour of my morning. http://tumblr.com/xfx3kd1v0t

  19. Only 1 movie this weekend b/c since #Eureka in CDN not avail on iTunes, I dl'd the first season of #Haven instead so will watch that.

  20. "Science will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into skyscrapers." I agree.

  21. On Haven, Pumpkin and Maple ales, Chocolate and Espresso Stouts and a recipe for Choco Espresso Stout cupcakes http://t.co/NSasQxF

  22. People wonder how the Helicopter Mom phenomenon got started. My theory is Oprah. Her show made NA women neurotic.
